About Us
LetsTalkVero.com is a hub for updates about City Council initiatives related to growth, development and planning as well as their impact on promoting, protecting and preserving the overall livability, beauty and character of Vero Beach.
From Downtown revitalization to Three Corners to City Council highlights, important dates, and candidate forums, we've got the community talking.
We are committed to shaping an involved community to promote citizen-powered change; a community where informed and engaged Vero Beach residents drive development and one where elected officials take their cues from educated and engaged citizens.
We want to hear from all Vero Beach residents – both County and City. So do sign up for regular updates. We do ask that you check whether you are County or City resident so we can segment city voters when helpful. If you don’t know whether you are a City or County resident, you may check here.
Thank you for your ongoing engagement in conversations that will ultimately improve the quality of life for all Vero Beach residents, now and for decades to come.