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March 9, 2025

Happy Sunday, everyone!


A confluence of important things for your attention and calendar:


First, Read Ray McNulty's sobering, if somewhat alarming piece in 32963 -- Vero voters face choice: amenities or low taxes -- about the stark realities facing the City and the potential need to raise taxes. Full article linked at the end of this e-mail.


Then RSVP here to weigh in at tomorrow night's Let's Talk Vero at Riverside Theatre where Baerbel O'Haire will moderate the discussion about key issues facing the City and how public-private partnerships and philanthropy fill gaps when governments falls short. At Riverside Theatre tomorrow (March 10) from 5-7 p.m.


And finally, attend Tuesday's Council meeting (March 11 at 9:30 a.m.) agenda here, where the public-private partnership model for the marina will be discussed, along with succession planning, the need for a strategic communications plan for the City, how to improve the efficiency of the City's financial systems, and more.



Prepare for this to be a recurring theme in the coming months. Paraphrasing Ray's timely and eye-opening piece, the City faces escalating service demands due to County growth, coupled with the urgent need to address deferred maintenance and infrastructure upgrades. Our current, comparatively low tax rate (fourth lowest in the state it is said) doesn't appear to be sustainable.


This topic will surely be a focal point for tomorrow night's Let's Talk Vero event at Riverside Theatre, where Mayor John Cotugno will give an update and Jeff Pickering of Indian River Community Foundation and Meredith Egan of United Way will talk about philanthropy, why it matters and how it acts as a critical catalyst when government initiatives fall short.


Essentially, we either aggressively pursue and expand public-private partnerships (PPPs) to leverage private sector investment and expertise, or Council may have no other option than to raise taxes. Without significant private sector involvement, the burden of maintaining Vero Beach's quality of life will fall squarely on residents' shoulders through increased taxation.


On Tuesday's Council agenda, the idea of considering a P3 model for the marina has been added to the agenda by Mayor Cotugno, the implementation of a strategic communications plan for the City was added by Councilmember John Carroll, and renaming Leisure Square was added by Councilmember Vos. Also, assessing the financial systems and succession planning are on the agenda. Sherriff Eric Flowers will discuss the Computer Aided Dispatch system.




“We also have to address the projects that we’ve already started, and whether we should more aggressively seek public-private partnerships in accomplishing them,” the mayor said, adding that the same strategy also should apply to future projects.


The city has engaged in such joint ventures in the past, and it’s currently working with Piper Aircraft to renovate Pocahontas Park. Also, the city plans to rebuild the storm-damaged Humiston Beach boardwalk using a combination of city and county funds, and donations from the private sector.


Certainly, public-private partnerships can be helpful, especially for local governments operating under tight budgets. But it’s embarrassing that a city of Vero Beach’s stature needed contributions from private citizens to rebuild an iconic boardwalk. 



Vero voters face choice: amenities or low taxes

At some point in the not-too-distant future, Vero Beach voters will need to decide what kind of city they want – and whether they’re willing to pay for it. Link here:









Monday, March 10

5-7 p.m.


5:00 -- Cash Bar and Complimentary Gourmet Sandwiches

5:30 -- Program Begins


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March 7, 2025

Monday, March 10



Let's Talk Philanthropy in Vero Beach

and Why it Matters




Riverside Theatre 


with special guests


Jeff Pickering

President and CEO of Indian River Community Foundation


Meredith Egan

CEO of United Way of

Indian River County

Moderated by


Baerbel O'Haire

Monday, March 10

5-7 p.m.


5:00 -- Cash Bar and Complimentary Gourmet Sandwiches

5:30 -- Program Begins


Hello all,


Reminder to join us this Monday, March 10 for Let's Talk Philanthropy in Vero Beach, featuring Mayor John Cotugno and special guests Jeff Pickering and Meredith Egan, moderated by Baerbel O'Haire.


After a brief update from Mayor Cotugno, Jeff Pickering and Meredith Egan will discuss the vital role philanthropy plays in our community -- from stimulating economic development to filling gaps where government initiatives fall short -- preserving the quality of life we all enjoy throughout Indian River County.


We look forward to seeing you on Monday!

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March 5, 2025

Hello everyone,


Sharing Nick Slater's article covering yesterday's Selection Committee Meeting to rank the two proposals for Three Corners here.


The committee voted 4-1 to rank Clearpath as the preferred developer, highlighting the strength of their design, vision, and comprehensive submission. Planning Director Jason Jeffries cast the dissenting vote. A recurring theme was disappointment in the lack of detail and thoroughness of the submission from Blue at Vero Beach.


A significant point of discussion was Clearpath's lack of a clear financial partner. Specifically, Westminster, initially listed as a financial partner, is not participating in the development phase. Clearpath has until the March 31st one-on-one meeting with developers (a closed, statutorily protected session) to resolve this concern.


The committee will then re-rank the proposals and submit its recommendation to the City Council.


You can watch the three-hour meeting in its entirety but understanding that financial feasibility is a top priority for you, as indicated by our surveys and concerns expressed at last week's event at Riverside Theatre, we've provided a link and highlights to the PFM presentation focusing specifically on the financial aspects.


Click here and navigate to the 25:41 mark to hear Mary Peloquin-Dodd, a director at PFM, go into great detail behind the methodology and their scoring. PFM assessed proposals on a 20-point scale: 5 points for the financial plan, 10 points for financial capacity, and 5 points for the operational team's capability.


Capability of Operations

Clearpath scored 3 out of 5

Blue at Vero Beach scored 5 out of 5


Financial Plan

Clearpath scored 2 out of 5

Blue at Vero Beach scored 4 out of 5


Financial Capacity

Clearpath scored 2 out of 10

Blue at Vero Beach scored 10 out of 10


The second installment of the meeting (after a break) begins here.



Monday, March 31:

Morning: Selection Committee interviews developers (closed to public per state statute); then at 2:45 p.m. (subject to change) there will be a public meeting where the committee will share publicly what they saw in the interviews and their final recommendations.


Week of April 22nd: City Council interviews developers (closed to public per state statute)


Week of April 22nd: The City Council makes the final decision. This meeting is open to the public and does allow for public comment right before the vote.



Clearpath RFP Response can be found here.

Blue at Vero Beach RFP Response can be found here.

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March 3, 2025

Hello everyone,


As promised, the replay of Wednesday's Let's Talk Three Corners gathering at Riverside Theatre is now available here. Tomorrow, the Selection Committee meets at 1 pm in Council Chambers to begin discussion and ranking of proposals.


Notably, the primary concerns expressed by the audience centered on the value of the property and financial feasibility, followed by traffic and parking considerations. There was minimal discussion regarding the specific design proposals presented. Christine Hughes shared her observations on how Three Corners will affect real estate, and Morgen Reynolds spoke about how the development will complement downtown Main Street.


As previously explained, the City, exercising an abundance of caution, withdrew Peter Polk's participation in the event. However, the gathering proceeded to provide a forum for public concerns and questions that could be shared with staff, Council, and the developers as they advance through the selection process. The limited focus on design-related questions suggests comfort with and trust in the process put in place.



The next meeting is tomorrow, Tuesday, March 4 in Council chambers at 1 pm. It's a public meeting where the selection committee will begin discussing and ranking the proposals. My understanding is there will be no public comment during this meeting. The full meeting schedule is below.



Refined and Strengthened Approach

In order to protect the integrity of the process and ensure the best outcome for the community and for the participating developers, the City refined and strengthened the approach, with key changes including:


  1. Enhanced Guardrails for Transparency:

    • New rules and stricter guidelines for communications were carefully crafted by City staff, creating a level playing field for all participants. 


  2. Standardized Cost Requirements:

    • Proposals required a base amount for site work, ensuring fairness and consistent benchmarks for evaluation. 


  3. Clarity and Comparability:

    • The revised RFP emphasized concise, standardized submissions with comparable cost breakdowns, making it easier to evaluate proposals efficiently and equitably. 


  4. Expert Oversight:

    • In addition to the PFM review on the financial side, Stantec will evaluate the design feasibility of each proposal, adding an additional layer of expertise and objectivity to the decision-making process.



  • Jason Jeffries, Planning & Development Director

  • Rob Bolton, Water and Sewer Director

  • Jeb Bittner, Planning & Zoning Board Chairman

  • Robert Jones, Finance Commission Chairman

  • Vicky Gould, Three Corners Steering Committee Chair



Here are the survey results to date (some 150+ responses). If you haven't already, and want to make your thoughts known, click here. The results will update in real time.



Tuesday, March 4th, 1 p.m.: The Selection Committee meets publicly to discuss the proposals. This meeting is open to the public, but there will be no public comment


Week of March 24th: Selection Committee interviews with developers (closed to public per state statute)


Week of March 24th: The Selection Committee discusses rankings and presents their recommendations to the City Council at this meeting -- open to the public. Again, no public comment


Week of April 22nd: City Council interviews developers (closed to public per state statute)


Week of April 22nd: The City Council makes the final decision. This meeting is open to the public and does allow for public comment right before the vote.



Clearpath RFP Response can be found here.

Blue at Vero Beach RFP Response can be found here.

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February 28, 2025

Let's Talk Philanthropy in Vero Beach

and Why it Matters




Riverside Theatre 


with special guests


Jeff Pickering

President and CEO of Indian River Community Foundation


Meredith Egan

CEO of United Way of

Indian River County

Moderated by


Baerbel O'Haire

Monday, March 10

5-7 p.m.


5:00 -- Cash Bar and Complimentary Gourmet Sandwiches

5:30 -- Program Begins


Hello all,


We're switching it up a bit -- now that Three Corners is winding down -- we are building on our very popular Let's Talk Lagoon and Let's Talk Affordable Housing conversations with Let's Talk Philanthropy in Vero Beach and Why it Matters.


After an update on City initiatives from Mayor John Cotugno, we'll hear from special guests Jeff Pickering and Meredith Egan. They'll illuminate how philanthropy is far more than just well-intentioned giving; it's a critical catalyst for economic development, especially when government initiatives fall short. Discover the tangible ways it has shaped, and continues to influence, the quality of life we all enjoy throughout Indian River County.


Moderated by Baerbel O'Haire, we will learn how United Way and the Indian River Community Foundation, alongside passionate philanthropists and everyday citizens, are forging a powerful blueprint for a future of unprecedented impact. We're not just talking about improvements; we're talking about building a legacy of lasting change.


We're excited to see you there. To learn more about the work of the Indian River Community Foundation, click here. To learn more about United Way of Indian River County, click here.

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February 22, 2025

Hello everyone,


Super excited to see you all this Wednesday for


Let's Talk Three Corners


Riverside Theatre

Wednesday, February 26

5-7 p.m.

5:00 p.m. -- Cash Bar and Complimentary Gourmet Sandwiches

5:30 p.m. -- Program begins


Just a quick note about the format:


We had originally received -- and announced -- approval from the City for Peter Polk, the Project Manager for Three Corners, to participate in our event.


However, after further consideration, the City, out of an abundance of caution regarding the ongoing developer selection, has decided to withdraw his participation. We completely understand and respect their decision. Maintaining the integrity of the process is paramount, and we at Let's Talk Vero wouldn't want to do anything at all to jeopardize that, especially given the upset in the process last time around.


So, it'll just be us – the community – having a totally uncensored, open, and honest conversation. And that's incredibly valuable; perhaps even more so than having a City official on hand to answer questions.


Both developers, who are on our mailing list, are regular readers of Let's Talk Vero. They will receive the survey results and the replay of this event, so your questions and concerns will be top of mind as they move through the interview and selection process.


 As Mr. Polk himself explained:




Thank you for your invitation to participate in your Let’s Talk Vero event on February 26th focusing on the Three Corners project. As I indicated in our telephone conversation, the City’s position is that, with the developer selection process still in an active phase, City representatives should not participate in a public forum on the project. Your work in hosting events such as this one is much appreciated and is, in my opinion, an important part of public dialogue. However, the timing of this event is such that it is best for City representatives to refrain from being a part of it.


I very much look forward to the opportunity of joining you to discuss the project once the City’s selection process is complete.


Best regards,


Peter Polk


Here are the survey results so far -- you can see the trending questions and concerns in real time.


If you haven't already, please take the survey here, add your own questions, and forward this email to your friends, family and colleagues to do the same.


This survey is your last opportunity to easily weigh in. There will be no public comment opportunity in the upcoming meetings (see below schedule) until the very final meeting at the end of April where Council will make its official selection.


Of course, you can always write directly to your Council members if you prefer; we just want to offer an efficient way for you to do so. To date, we have over 100 responses and we'd love to include yours.


With two outstanding proposals for Three Corners in hand, we are quickly approaching the day we’ve all been waiting for. While one developer will ultimately be selected and another will not, let’s extend our deep appreciation to both for their commitment to our community and for investing their resources, time and vision in Vero Beach.


We feel great about the safeguards put in place for the selection process, and are confident the Selection Committee, City Staff, and Council will choose prudently, using all the wisdom and patience needed to make the best decision for Vero Beach for decades to come.


Here's how you can stay involved:


  1. Take the Survey here

  2. Attend the meetings below (dates subject to change):


Tuesday, March 4th, 1 p.m.: The Selection Committee meets publicly to discuss the proposals. This meeting is open to the public, but there will be no public comment


Week of March 24th: Selection Committee interviews with developers (closed to public per state statute)


Week of March 24th: The Selection Committee discusses rankings and presents their recommendations to the City Council at this meeting -- open to the public. Again, no public comment


Week of April 22nd: City Council interviews developers (closed to public per state statute)


Week of April 22nd: The City Council makes the final decision. This meeting is open to the public and does allow for public comment right before the vote.


Your input at Let's Talk Three Corners Wednesday -- and then at the final meeting mentioned above where public comment is welcome -- is essential. It allows your voice to be heard and considered during the decision-making process without messing with the rules, regulations and fairness of the RFP process.


We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday!

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February 18, 2025

Let's Talk Parks, Recreation, Pickleball & Padel



Padel Grille at The Boulevard

5-7 p.m.

1620 Blvd Village Ln



See you at 5 pm at Padel Grille (1620 Blvd Village Ln) at the Boulevard Tennis and Padel Club for Let's Talk Parks, Recreation, Pickleball and Padel!


Grab a free cocktail when you arrive and join Vice-Mayor Linda Moore and Parks & Recreation Director Jim O'Connell as they discuss exciting new updates about Pocahantas, Humiston and other park developments. Mayor John Cotugno will be joining as well but will be arriving late.


We'll also explore the buzz around Padel, the hot new racquet sport now at the Boulevard.


You won't want to miss it!

RSVP Requested

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February 15, 2025

Next Steps Downtown


Let's Talk Parks, Recreation, Pickleball & Padel


The Boulevard's Padel Grille this Tuesday

All guests will receive a complimentary cocktail



Now, for the recap of Tuesday's City Council meeting and the future of downtown Vero Beach:


Nick Slater's article "Vero Beach kicks off downtown improvements with four immediate projects" provides a great overview of next steps.


Ray McNulty's 32963 piece "Council ignoring voters' will on Downtown Vero" raises concerns. While the headline is attention-grabbing, it's important to understand the full context. There was no revisiting of the referendums at Tuesday's meeting -- and certainly no ignoring the voters' will. Allegations that Vice Mayor Linda Moore and Councilman John Carroll are leading a "vocal minority" of downtown advocates with a "we are right, the voters are wrong" stance is, from my vantage point, unfair and unfounded.


The Council's ongoing commitment to bringing downtown to the next level stems from years of community input where residents have expressed a desire for things like more beautification, outdoor cafes, local retail shops, restaurants, walkability, and most of all, a Trader Joe's. What does Trader Joe's look for in a potential location? Foot traffic. What drives foot traffic? A strong residential base, a diverse mix of businesses, public spaces and a pedestrian-friendly sense of place.


Council listened and tried the referendums -- with good intent -- they failed. As we hear so often from the dais, our City runs lean, and the referendums were pursued also as a way to avoid raising taxes while generating much-needed revenue; allocating those dollars to infrastructure projects so often neglected due to lack of funds. I don't believe it's fair to say it was wrong-headed or wasteful. It was a valiant effort to bring to bear what so many people wanted and a potential way to generate revenue for the City. But it is not to be. So what's next?


Council is and should be looking at what they can do short, mid and long-term to make downtown a beautiful and thriving destination for residents -- and tourists. They have not sought to reintroduce the referendums, as the article suggests. The plan in the short term is to at least "spruce up" downtown with murals, flowerpots, better wayfinding, lighting, testing the return of benches, etc. See a screenshot of short-term actions below:


Notice that Main Street, now run by Beyond the Trend Marketing founder Morgen Reynolds, will be a key driver in the execution of these short-term projects. If you want to get involved or contribute monetarily, please be in touch with Morgen by emailing her at


It's worth noting that the beautification of Ocean Drive is not funded by the City. Top island realtors Cindy O’Dare and Matilde Sorensen are among those spearheading and securing private donations to make our island’s most prominent street so lovely and picturesque. It would be fantastic to see more mainland leaders step up and partner with Main Street to achieve the same on 14th Avenue. It was inspiring to see Ashley Conard from the Indian River County Chamber of Commerce come up to the podium to say she is willing to engage her members to help.


Back to the failed referendums and the Council's good intentions. A bit more background because we still get a lot of people asking "why" they were introduced to begin with, what they would have offered, and why they failed. I believe they failed due to wording, timing and mostly, fears of overdevelopment and the perceived (understandably) threat to our small-town charm.


Ironically, the referendums were introduced to prevent this very outcome. By concentrating growth in this isolated downtown area, they aimed to manage development and prevent the uncontrolled sprawl that has plagued places throughout south Florida, leading to congestion and loss of small-town charm. This would have been achieved by allowing for mixed-use development and smaller, more affordable housing units -- all while preserving Vero's low-rise, community-focused character. In addition to preserving the character of downtown by mitigating sprawl, this concentrated growth approach also offered significant economic benefits: a built-in customer base of young professionals enabling local businesses to not just exist but thrive, increased sales tax revenue and prevention of economic leakage to nearby areas. Thus, creating a self-sustaining cycle of economic growth and reinvestment. That's a lot to get your head around. If I hadn't spent the past 20 years promoting the works of our nation's most respected architects, urban planners and thought leaders through placement in top tier media outlets, academic journals and keynotes at conferences, I'd just say no to increased density, too. But I've been lucky enough to witness the great successes -- Downtown Stuart, also master-planned by DPZ CoDESIGN, among them.


In the end, it's important to note that 2,800 people did support the referendum. Had the vote coincided with a typical municipal election (which saw a scant 3,708 voters in 2023) the outcome might have been different. Over 8,000 people voted in this historic presidential election.


For or against the referendums, the message is loud and clear for me -- we need to identify and engage the thousands of COVB residents who, for whatever reason, opt out of engagement and municipal elections in general and these crucial planning discussions in particular. Especially for any proposal requiring a referendum! The trick is reaching them.


To take a deeper dive into the short, mid and long-term actions, click here to watch the presentation by Planning Director Jason Jeffries, then scroll to the 33:17 marker.


We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday at Let's Talk Parks, Recreation, Pickleball & Padel. Details below.



Tuesday, February 18



with Vice Mayor Linda Moore and Parks & Recreation Director Jim O'Connell


5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

The Padel Grille at The Boulevard

1620 Boulevard Village Lane


Get an update on Humiston Park Pocahantas Park, Pickleball facilities, walking trails, boat ramps and more. 


Also, if you'd like to make a donation to the restoration of the Humiston Park Boardwalk, through the Indian River Community Foundation, click here).


 Free and open to the public.


RSVP Requested

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February 10, 2025

Let’s Talk Three Corners 

Wednesday, February 26

Riverside Theatre

5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

5:00 p.m. -- Doors open for complimentary sandwiches and cash bar

5:30 p.m. -- Program begins



Downtown Revitalization Action Items

short, mid and long-term action items will be discussed at tomorrow's City Council Meeting

Tuesday, February 11

9:30 a.m. in Council Chambers

Agenda Item 9-A Proposed Action Items can be found here

Hello all,


In preparation for Let's Talk Three Corners at Riverside Theatre on the Wednesday the 26th, we are seeking your input and questions in advance via this quick survey.


Your questions will serve as the basis for our discussion on the 26th.


After that, the next official Three Corners City of Vero Beach meeting -- the Selection Committee's discussion and ranking of the two proposals -- will take place on Tuesday, March 4 at 1:00 p.m. This meeting will be open to the public, whereas the following meeting -- the interviews with developers -- slated for the week of March 24, will be closed to the public per state statute.


It is important to note that factors well beyond aesthetics alone are critical considerations in the final decision.


PFM is set to undertake a thorough review of financial feasibility.


Stantec will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the design feasibility of each proposal, adding an additional layer of expertise and objectivity to the process.


If you want to take a deep dive into scoring criteria, click here to watch the January 8 meeting where the selection committee discusses the process in great detail.


Components of evaluation scoring are below:


Scoring criteria from section 4-3 from the request for proposals. You may view the full RFP here.


Take the Survey Here

History of Three Corners

The Three Corners project in Vero Beach has a history grounded in community vision, planning, and a commitment to transforming the former power plant site into a vibrant waterfront destination for the community and tourists alike.


Timeline of key events:

  • 2019: The City of Vero Beach initiated the Three Corners project, recognizing the revenue-generating potential of the 100-acre former power plant site at the base of the 17th Street bridge. Renowned architecture and urban planning firm, DPZ CoDesign was selected to lead a community engagement process and develop a master concept plan based on community input.


  • 2019-2020: DPZ CoDesign conducted extensive community outreach, including public meetings, workshops, and a robust engagement process via an online platform to gather input and ideas for the site's development. This collaborative process resulted in a master concept plan, often dubbed the "community plan" or the "standing ovation plan." that emphasized mixed-use development, public access, and environmental sensitivity. See the plan here.


  • November, 2022: A referendum took place, where Vero Beach residents overwhelmingly (by a 79% margin) voted to allow the City to lease the former power plant site for commercial purposes, paving the way for the Three Corners project to move forward.


  • 2023: The city began the process of selecting a developer to bring the master concept plan to life. A Request for Proposals (RFP) was issued and submissions from various development firms were evaluated.


  • May, 2024: After evaluating proposals submitted by Clearpath, SūDā Group, Vista Blue and Edgewater, the Selection Committee recommended Clearpath; but when it came time to vote, SūDā Group edged ahead, and Council voted as SūDā Group as the preferred developer. Subsequently, due to issues surrounding improper communication initiated by both developers with City officials, the decision was made to disqualify the chosen developer and begin the process anew with stricter rules to ensure transparency and fairness. City Attorney John Turner remarked "measure twice, cut once," and Selection Committee Member Jeb Bittner stated "no developer would have wanted to win under these circumstances," leading many in the community to see the restart of the process as a positive move forward.


  • Present: The City of Vero Beach launched a new RFP process in August of 2024. On January 16, 2025, the proposals, submitted by Clearpath and The Blue at Vero Beach LLC, were made public. The Blue (renamed from SūDā Group) and Clearpath, were also the top two contenders from Round 1 -- no other bids were submitted. Both proposals will advance in the selection process with key milestones on the following dates (subject to change) -- note those meetings open to the public:


  • March 4, 2025 at 1PM

    • Selection Committee Ranking of Proposals  [Public Meeting]


  • March 24, 2025 (week of)

    •  Selection Committee Interviews [Per State Statute, Interviews are closed to the public]


  • March 24, 2025 (week of)

    • Selection Committee discuss rankings post interview and recommendation to City Council [Public Meeting]


  • April 22, 2025 (week of)

    • City Council interviews both developers [Per State Statute, Interviews are closed to the public]


  • April 22, 2025 (week of)

    • City Council selection [Public Meeting and Public Comment]

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February 5, 2025

Hello everyone,


Mark your calendars:


Let's Talk Three Corners


Wednesday, February 26


Riverside Theatre


Doors open at 5 pm for cash bar and complimentary gourmet sandwiches

Program begins at 5:30 pm

We will be sending around more details and a survey by week's end. In the meantime, please RSVP using the button below.




Tomorrow, Thursday, February 6


Indian River Schools


"Anchored in Innovation"

5:00 p.m.

Vero Beach High School Performing Arts Center

1707 16th Street


5 pm - Arrival and Networking

5:15 - 6:15 -- State of the District Presentation

6:15 -- Media Center Ribbon Cutting

6:30 -- Superintendent's Art Gallery of Student Artwork


Guests will also enjoy appetizers and desserts prepared by Vero Beach High School and Sebastian River High School Culinary Arts students.


Free and open to the public.  

Learn More

Tuesday, February 11


9:30 a.m.

Council Chambers

1053 20th Place


Agenda will be published soon, usually three business days in advance.




Tuesday, February 18



with Mayor John Cotugno and Parks & Recreation Director Jim O'Connell


5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

The Padel Grille at The Boulevard

1620 Boulevard Village Lane


Get an update on Humiston Park Pocahantas Park, Pickleball facilities, walking trails, boat ramps and more. 


Also, if you'd like to make a donation to the restoration of the Humiston Park Boardwalk, through the Indian River Community Foundation, click here). As of this writing, $33,100 has been raised toward the $400,000 goal.


 Free and open to the public.


RSVP Requested


Thursday, February 20


of Lincoln Center

7:30 p.m.

Trinity Episcopal Church

2365 Pine Avenue

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Duo in G major for Violin and Viola
Felix Mendelssohn – Quintet No. 1 in A major for Two Violins, Two Violas, and Cello
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Quintet in C major for Two Violins, Two Violas, and Cello


Performed by: Richard Lin, violin; Danbi Um, violin; Aaron Boyd, violin; Paul Neubauer, viola; and Jonathan Swensen, cello.

Purchase Tickets



Saturday, February 22


6:00 - 9:00 p.m.

Triton Submarines

10055 102nd Terrace, Sebastian


With Let's Talk Lagoon one of our most popular events, we wanted to share details for The ORCA’s Explorer’s Experience at Triton Submarines. featuring drinks, live music, and an immersive experience surrounded by state-of-the-art deep-sea submersibles. The evening will also include light painting, which uses the movement of lights and long exposures to create incredible images.

Purchase Tickets

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February 4, 2025

Let’s Talk Vero Parks, Recreation, Pickleball and Padel


The Boulevard

Tuesday, February 18

5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

1620 Boulevard Village Lane


Join Ed Shanaphy of The Boulevard in conversation with Mayor John Cotugno and Parks & Recreation Director Jim O'Connell for an insightful discussion on:


  • Vero Beach Parks & Recreation: Discover the latest updates on Humiston Park, Pocahontas Park, and all the incredible parks and amenities where we live, play and thrive. Learn about the diverse offerings at each park, including playgrounds, picnic areas, walking trails, boat ramps, pickleball courts, and more.


  • A Padel Revolution: Padel, a fast-growing racquet sport with roots in Mexico, is now available in Vero Beach at The Boulevard. Learn more about this exciting blend of tennis and squash and see what the buzz is all about.


Tuesday, February 18th

The Padel Grille at The Boulevard

1620 Boulevard Village Lane

5:00 - 7:00 p.m.


Don't miss this opportunity to connect with your community, learn about the incredible parks and recreation resources available to you, and experience the thrill of Padel!



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January 30, 2025


Recap of January 28 City Council Special Call Meeting

As promised, we're sharing the recap and replay of Tuesday's special call meeting to discuss what happens downtown after the defeat of the referendums.


Vero Beach eyes new ways of improving downtown.

Here is Nick Slater's story, which ran this morning. A fast and comprehensive read. The full replay can be found here.


I suggest beginning with the impassioned presentations by Vice Mayor Linda Moore and Councilman John Carroll at the 58:24 mark


Scroll to the 1:34-55 mark where Morgen Reynolds, President of the Board for Main Street, opens public comment by advocating for the idea of moving forward with a Business Improvement District (BID) approach.


Followed by Gallery 14's Lila Blakeslee, Barbara Ruddy, Barbara Secor, who emphasized the importance of paying homage to the history of downtown, Robyn Berry, who shared an update about the Vero Beach Heritage Center reminding us of all the facilities (including the sweeping lawn available for use), Vicky Gould, and Ken Daige.


Finally, see the 1:57 mark where T.P. Kennedy talks about the path forward -- great ideas -- but let's get implementing -- more parking, more beautification, etc. TP is enthusiastic and bullish on downtown and embraces the idea of a CRA or BID.


Followed by closing remarks by Mayor Cotugno.


If you want to dive deeper, go to the 1:04 mark where Mayor Cotugno opens up before turning over to Planning Director, Jason Jeffries through the 11:25 mark, where a long discussion about lighting begins. At the 34:21 mark, Jason continues his discussion and delves into the different ways to move forward.


Stay tuned -- this is happening!

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January 27, 2025

Important Meetings for Tomorrow


Let's Talk Three Corners


Riverside Theatre

Wednesday, February 26

5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

More details to follow


Hello all,


Lots going on!


  • If you're interested in Humiston Park Boardwalk next steps and funding options, you may want to attend tomorrow's (1/28) Board of County Commissioners Meeting at 9:00 a.m. in Commission Chambers - 1801 27th Street, Building A. You may view the full agenda here


  •  At 9:30 a.m. (also tomorrow) City Council will be discussing important infrastructure improvements -- providing progress reports on the water reclamation facility, airport improvements, and the marina project. You may view the full agenda here.


  • If you would like to share your input concerning forward movement after the failed referendums to revitalize downtown, you will want to attend tomorrow's 6:00 p.m. special call meeting in City Council Chambers. From the agenda items, here you will find historical background information from Planning Director Jason Jeffries. Here is a list of selected discussion points put forth by Councilmember John Carroll.


  • And last but not least, if you are interested in a deep dive into the Three Corners proposals to get a better understanding of what each developer is offering, save the date -- Wednesday, February 26 from 5-7 p.m. for Let's Talk Three Corners with Peter Polk at Riverside Theatre. More details to come; in the meantime, save the date in your calendar. 

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January 16, 2025

New Proposals for Three Corners Released


Survey Coming Soon

Hello everyone,


As promised, we are sharing the new Three Corners RFP responses submitted by Clearpath and The Blue at Vero Beach, which were made public today.


You may view Clearpath's proposal here and The Blue at Vero Beach's proposal here.


In the next several days, we will be sending out a survey providing you with a platform to share your insights with Council members and the Selection Committee members prior to public meetings and interviews in March, followed by a vote sometime in April. But we wanted to get these to you right away.


In the meantime, we encourage you to familiarize yourselves with the proposals so that you have a better idea of the options at hand before taking the survey.


By way of background, the City made the decision last May to restart the process due to issues surrounding fairness and transparency. While the first round brought tremendous enthusiasm, challenges such as one developer breaking communications protocols, concerns about designs better aligning with the original DPZ community-adopted plan, and financial concerns, among other things, prompted a do-over. This time around, the process was strengthened significantly.

Below is a tentative schedule (subject to change) for public meetings and interviews with the developers:


  • March 4, 2025 at 1PM

    • Selection Committee Ranking of Proposals  [Public Meeting]


  • March 24, 2025 (week of)

    •  Selection Committee Interviews [Per State Statute, Interviews are closed to the public]


  • March 24, 2025 (week of)

    • Selection Committee discuss rankings post interview and recommendation to City Council [Public Meeting]


  • April 22, 2025 (week of)

    • City Council interviews both developers [Per State Statute, Interviews are closed to the public]


  • April 22, 2025 (week of)

    • City Council selection [Public Meeting and Public Comment]

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January 14, 2025

Humiston Boardwalk

Important Dates

Don't Miss: Dave Barry & Carl Hiaasen

(to benefit Laura Riding Jackson Foundation)


Triumph! Thanks to a united effort by the City, County, and Community, the Humiston Park Boardwalk will be restored. Council voted today to reverse the June vote to replace the storm-damaged boardwalk with a sidewalk, reflecting the shift driven by widespread media and engagement. You will recall, after Hurricane Nicole destroyed the boardwalk in 2022, the city initially opted for the most affordable solution -- a sidewalk. However, as you well know now, residents rallied for a full restoration, underscoring the boardwalk’s historic significance and iconic landmark status.


To make up the difference in cost, Councilmember Taylor Dingle suggested pursuing discussions with Indian River County to secure more funding, to which they agreed (up to $400K). Building on this momentum, Councilmember John Carroll proposed engaging the community for additional support.


The response was nothing short of remarkable, starting with a $100,000 pledge from our community's longstanding and generous philanthropist -- Tom Corr (George E. Warren). That, along with a call to action from 32963 News, which pledged $5,000, spurred a bonafide movement! Thank you all for taking our surveys (full results and comments here) participating in our recent Let's Talk City and County Collaboration session at Riverside Theatre last week (video replay here) and just generally spreading the word.


It was amazing to see the enthusiasm from the media, the community and especially wonderful to watch County and City work together to make this happen.


For those who want to contribute, donations can be made through the Indian River Community Foundation at Stay tuned for updates -- and be patient -- work cannot begin until after turtle nesting season.


For a long time, requests to highlight Vero Beach's non-profits and their events were set aside, as the primary focus of Let's Talk Vero has always been engaging the community on matters before Council -- growth, development and policy decisions shaping the future of our community. Additionally, constraints on time and resources made it impossible.


Thanks to generous support from:


Kimmy Coveny | Joey & Kimmy's Seafood Market & Restaurant

Christine Hughes | Dale Sorensen Real Estate

Morgen Reynolds | Beyond the Trend Marketing

Ed Shanaphy |The Boulevard Tennis and Padel Club


we will begin spotlighting our non-profits, as they are uniquely positioned to bring people together through shared goals, values and experiences. They remind us of what makes Vero Beach special -- our willingness to care for one another and create a better future for everyone who calls Vero Beach home.


We'll start with the Laura (Riding) Jackson Foundation for an evening with Pulitzer Prize-winning humorist Dave Barry, who will be introduced by his friend and Vero Beach resident, Carl Hiaasen.


For decades, Dave Barry has been making his readers and live audiences laugh ’til they cry. Dave brings his special brand of cheeky humor to Vero Beach in support of LRJF’s writing programs.

What could be better? You get to support a great cause while laughing your way through the evening!


An Evening with Dave Barry

Thursday, January 23

6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Community Church of Vero Beach

1901 23rd Street


Tickets: $55

Purchase tickets here.


About the Laura (Riding) Jackson Foundation:

The Laura (Riding) Jackson Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to preserving the historic home of author Laura (Riding) Jackson and supporting local writers. Through writers' groups, summer camps, workshops, and poetry festivals, the foundation fosters creativity and builds a strong literary community. For more information, visit





January 16

Three Corners RFPs to be made public

We will share via email as available


January 21

City Council Special Call Meeting (City Hall)

9:30 a.m.


January 28

City Council Meeting

(City Hall)

9:30 a.m. 


January 28

Indian River County

Board of County Commissioners Meeting

IRC Chambers

(Building A)

9:00 a.m. 


January 28

City Council Special Workshop to Discuss Downtown Referendums

6:00 p.m.

Wednesday, February 26

Let's Talk Vero, Riverside Theatre

5 - 7:00 p.m.


March 10

Let's Talk Vero, Riverside Theatre

5 - 7:00 p.m.


April 16 

Let's Talk Vero, Riverside Theatre

5 - 7:00- p.m. 

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January 8, 2025

Two Reminders for Tomorrow

Wednesday, January 8


9:30 a.m.

Discussion of Three Corners Developer Scoring Process

City Hall


This is a meeting of the site evaluation committee members to discuss the scoring process. Open to the public or viewable via Channel 13 here.


If you care about integrity of process and how the final selection of the Three Corners developer is carried out, you are encouraged to attend. We will, of course, send around the replay.


5:00 p.m.

Let's Talk City and County Collaboration

Riverside Theatre

Cash bar and complimentary light fare


Mayor John Cotugno will give a general update on Three Corners and City matters before turning the mic over to Commissioner Laura Moss, who will talk about the Centennial events coming up, County updates in general, and no doubt, a lively discussion about survey results and how to proceed with the boardwalk.


Recent Boardwalk Background Reading:

Ray McNulty's article in 32963 here and the Sunshine Journal here for some background and insights.


If you have already taken our boardwalk survey thank you. If not, please click here; your input is invaluable to decision makers.


Here are the survey results--as of this writing we have 166 respondents. The write-in comments are most insightful.


See you tomorrow!




P.S. Last but not least, please RSVP using the button below if you plan to join us at Riverside Theatre tomorrow. Bear in mind, the performance of Mystic Pizza will in progress on the main stage -- the house will be full! As a result, we don't have a hard 7 pm stop as usual. Everyone is invited to mingle and keep the dialogue going!



Let's Talk Vero is Powered by Baerbel O'Haire


January 5, 2025

Share Your Thoughts on the

Humiston Park Boardwalk


join us for

Let's Talk City & County Collaboration

at Riverside Theatre

Wednesday, January 8 -- 5 - 7 pm

Doors open at 5 pm for cash bar and complimentary gourmet sandwiches

Program begins at 5:30 in the Waxlax theatre.

Hello all,


Hope your 2025 is off to a great start! Thank you to those of you who have taken the Let's Talk Vero survey regarding the issues surrounding the repair effort underway for the Humiston Park Boardwalk. You may view the results in real time here.


If you haven't already, please take the survey here.


Once you have taken the survey, mark your calendars for Wednesday, January 8 from 5-7 p.m. for "Let's Talk City & County Collaboration" with County Commissioner Laura Moss.


Mayor John Cotugno will open the evening with an update on the Three Corners process. You will recall the two RFP responses will be made public to the community on January 16. We will be sure to circulate those plans to all of you when they are made available.


Please RSVP using the button below and remember to take the survey before January 8! Also, feel free to forward this email to friends and neighbors who are interested in what's happening with the boardwalk and encourage them to do the same.


If you believe rebuilding the Humiston Park boardwalk is of great importance to Vero Beach, you are encouraged to read Ray McNulty's article in 32963 here and the Sunshine Journal here for thorough background. Then show up to the Board of County Commissioners meeting on January 14 at 9:00 a.m. to let your elected officials know how you feel.


For more information about this meeting and to review the meeting agenda when it is made available, click here.

Let's Talk Vero is Powered by Baerbel O'Haire


December 18, 2024

Three Corners Developers Back in Play


Let's Talk City & County Collaboration

at Riverside Theatre

Wednesday, January 8 -- 5-7 p.m.


Three Corners News:

A Fresh Start with a Stronger Process

Exciting news! The City yesterday received two responses to the revised Request for Proposal (RFP) for the development and management of the Three Corners site. The two respondents, who happen to represent the top two contenders from the last round, are:


  1. Clearpath:

    The Ridge Group, DMJR Development


  2. The Blue at Vero Beach, LLC:

    Madison Marquette, Edgar Jones & Co., SUDA, and The Continental Companies


You may recall the City made the decision in May to restart the process due to issues surrounding fairness and transparency. While the first round brought tremendous enthusiasm, challenges such as one developer breaking communications protocols, concerns about designs aligning with the original DPZ community-adopted plan, and financial concerns and questions prompted a do-over.


This time around, in order to protect the integrity of the process and ensure the best outcome for the community and for the participating developers, the City decided to pause, regroup, and refine and strengthen the approach, with key changes including:


  1. Enhanced Guardrails for Transparency:

    • New rules and stricter guidelines for communications were carefully crafted by City staff, creating a level playing field for all participants. 

  2. Standardized Cost Requirements:

    • Proposals now require a base amount for site work, ensuring fairness and consistent benchmarks for evaluation. 

  3. Clarity and Comparability:

    • The revised RFP emphasizes concise, standardized submissions with comparable cost breakdowns, making it easier to evaluate proposals efficiently and equitably. 

  4. Expert Oversight:

    • In addition to the PFM review on the financial side, Stantec will evaluate the design feasibility of each proposal, adding an additional layer of expertise and objectivity to the decision-making process.


While the decision to restart the process requires more patience and time, it was deemed best to measure twice and cut once. The plan is to make these proposals available to the public on January 16, and the Selection Committee is currently set to meet on March 3 at 9:00 a.m. in a meeting open to the public (dates subject to change.) The Selection Committee members are:


  • Jason Jeffries, Planning & Development Director

  • Rob Bolton, Water and Sewer Director

  • Jeb Bittner, Planning & Zoning Board Chairman

  • Robert Jones, Finance Commission Chairman

  • Vicky Gould, Three Corners Steering Committee Chair


We'll keep you posted with updates. In the meantime, here is the full RFP for your ease of reference.


Let's Talk City & County Collaboration

As you know, there has been much talk about how the City of Vero Beach and Indian River County can better collaborate. This came to light especially during recent discussions concerning the Humiston Boardwalk repair.


I'm thrilled to report that at yesterday's County Commission meeting, it was determined the County will contribute $400,000 toward the funding of the Humiston walkway/boardwalk project.


We invite you to join Let’s Talk Vero and County Commissioner Laura Moss on Wednesday, January 8 from 5 -7 p.m. at Riverside Theatre for “Let’s Talk City & County Collaboration,” where Moss will field your questions and provide an update on this and other City/County initiatives.


City Council Update:

On Tuesday, December 10, the City held a special call workshop to shape goals and priorities for the upcoming year. We will be sharing a prioritized list of these goals in the next few days. In the meantime, you may view a replay of this meeting here.


Let's Talk Vero is Powered by Baerbel O'Haire


December 10, 2024

Reminder -- this evening -- Speak Up!

Tuesday, December 10

6:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers


Quick reminder -- City Council hopes you can join them in Chambers at 6:00 p.m. this evening to help shape Vero Beach goals and priorities for 2025.


This special call meeting -- open to both City and County residents -- is your opportunity to weigh in on what you think the Council should prioritize for the upcoming year. It's been scheduled for 6 pm to maximize community attendance and input.


See Ray McNulty's 32963 article (pasted below) setting forth just a sampling of items up for discussion.


Tuesday, December 10

City Council 2025 Goals and Objectives
6:00 p.m. | Special Call Public Workshop

Location: City Hall, 1053 20th Place



Vero’s goals, priorities on agenda in special council workshop

Vero’s goals, priorities on agenda in special council workshopWith the latest version of the Vero Beach City Council sworn in and poised to move forward with an already-ambitious to-do list, Mayor John Cotugno wants to make sure the panel has its priorities in order.


To that end, he requested – and received with a unanimous vote last week – a special-call workshop at which the council will discuss the city’s goals, objectives and priorities for the coming year.


The workshop, which will be the first of several planned to address different topics, is scheduled for 6 p.m. Tuesday at City Hall and is open to the public.

“The council needs to decide its goals and objectives, and where they slot in terms of our priorities,” Cotugno said from the dais at last Tuesday’s meeting. “Then you’ll have a better understanding of where we’re going to be able to divvy up staff time to address the issues we want to address.


“They’re all important in their context,” the mayor added, referring to projects and issues the council needs to discuss at length, “but where we direct our limited staff and resources is one of the key duties we have as a city council.”


Among the topics the council plans to discuss in the coming weeks and months are the progress of the three major projects already in motion – the much-anticipated-but-delayed development of the Three Corners site, relocation of the city’s wastewater-treatment plant from the banks of the Indian River Lagoon to the Vero Beach Regional Airport, and expansion and improvements at the municipal marina. Council members also want to discuss:


  • Enhancing the allure of downtown despite voter rejection last month of a referendum to increase residential density in the district.

  • The possibility of the county helping fund the planned replacement of the storm-damaged boardwalk at the city’s Humiston Beach Park.

  • Administration of the city’s stormwater utility and the possibility of giving property owners credit for efforts made to mitigate runoff.

  • Infrastructure needs created by the county’s increasing population growth.

  • The city’s ongoing recovery from the damage done by Hurricane Milton-spawned tornadoes, especially the devastating twister that tore through the Central Beach community.


At recently re-elected Councilman John Carroll’s urging, the council has scheduled for Jan. 14 – immediately following its regularly scheduled 9:30 a.m. meeting – a workshop to discuss the development of a future cumulative substantial improvement ordinance.


Carroll said the city needs to consider amending its ordinance setting a limit on the number of times property owners may make significant repairs to storm-damaged structures, located in flood zones, without being required to adhere to current building codes.


“That’s something we can do in a relatively short workshop,” he said.

A much longer workshop will be needed for the council to discuss its options – and get community feedback – regarding the revitalization under the current residential density restrictions.


The council has scheduled a workshop to address improvements to the “downtown walkable core and adjacent areas” for Jan. 28 at 6 p.m. at City Hall.

“Downtown is a major topic,” Carroll said, adding that such a session is necessary to accommodate an exhaustive discussion of the topics he introduced on the agenda for last week’s meeting as “Next Step Ideas.”


His proposals included the establishment of a Community Redevelopment Agency to fund improvements – a strategy also embraced by Vice Mayor Linda Moore, perhaps the council’s most-ardent downtown advocate.


Carroll’s agenda item also calls for a discussion of adopting new regulations that would ensure “retail, restaurants, coffee and ice cream shops, etc., are located on the first floor and that professional offices are located on the upper floors” of buildings along the 14th Avenue corridor.


Let's Talk Vero is Powered by Baerbel O'Haire


December 10, 2024

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!


I’m sharing the replay and some photos from last Monday’s Let’s Talk What’s Next session at Riverside Theatre along with a couple of important City Council dates for your calendar and tomorrow's event at Saint Edward's School with bestselling authors James Patterson and Mike Lupica (see details at the end of this note).


Let's Talk What's Next -- Downtown Referendums

Although we had planned for a broad discussion on various topics for last Monday's event, the conversation overwhelmingly focused on the downtown referendums—why they didn’t pass, how they might be revived, and what can be done in the interim. You can see the full replay here.


Mayor Cotugno emphasized the importance of balancing any future movement on the downtown initiative with other City priorities and projects, highlighting the need for revenue-generating opportunities for the City, which was just one of the goals of the downtown referendums.


Another hot topic was the County’s explosive growth and its impact on City roads, infrastructure and beaches. Many expressed concerns about tourists enjoying City amenities while tourism/bed tax dollars remain allocated solely to the County, leaving City taxpayers to bear the financial burden on upkeep of amenities, i.e. Humiston Park boardwalk. It's a recurring theme.


To address these concerns, Let’s Talk Vero will invite County Commissioner Laura Moss and County Administrator John Titkanich to join us at our next event in early January (date to be finalized) to field questions and discuss plans underway to collaborate with the City in an effort to alleviate those financial burdens and strains on City resources. More details soon. 


Upcoming City Meetings

Two items from last week's City Council meeting -- mark your calendars for these important opportunities to share your input:


Tuesday, December 10 – City Council 2025 Goals and Objectives
6:00 p.m. | Special Call Public Workshop

Location: City Hall (Time adjusted to encourage maximum community participation.)


Tuesday, January 28 – Special Call Workshop on Downtown Vero Beach
6:00 p.m. | Special Call Workshop to discuss next steps for Downtown Vero Beach
Location: City Hall (Time adjusted to encourage maximum community participation.)


We will send out a survey prior to the January meeting to gather community input to be shared with City Council members in advance for those unable to attend in person.


Vero Beach Book Center and Saint Edwards School Host Bestselling Authors

Tomorrow, December 2, Saint Edward’s School will host bestselling authors James Patterson and Mike Lupica, in partnership with the Vero Beach Book Center. It’s a wonderful opportunity to support our local literary community.


Event Details:

James Patterson and Mike Lupica

Tuesday, December 2

Doors open at 5, event begins at 6

Waxlax Center, Saint Edward's School

1895 St. Edward's Drive


Tickets available at the door and at The Vero Beach Book Center. More info here.


Last but not least, a sampling of photos from last Monday, taken by photographer Chris Cronin (


Let's Talk Vero is Powered by Baerbel O'Haire

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November 11, 2024






I want to start with a shout-out to our friends and LTV community members Jeff Palleschi (21st Amendment Distillery) Bethany Fortunato and Barbara Ruddy.


From the day I attended the 21 Salute to "The Greatest Generation" Limited Edition Bourbon fundraiser at Bethany and Michael Fortunato's home in May of 2023 to this morning's moving and heartfelt dedication, I have watched a team of people work tirelessly to raise nearly $600,000 to build this tribute on Veterans Island Memorial Sanctuary. Talk about engagement and a community in action -- this monument rivals those found in our nation’s capital!


At today’s dedication, seven local WWII veterans, aged 96 to 100, were honored, and this structure will now serve as a permanent parade stand for all future military ceremonies and memorials.


The park, open from sunrise to sunset, is a must-visit if you want a scenic, peaceful and awe-inspiring experience. A big thank you is in order to all who made this gift to our veterans and our community possible.



Join us for Let's Talk What's Next at Riverside Theatre, which will take place on Monday, November 25. As usual, doors will open at 5 for complimentary gourmet sandwiches and cash bar, and the program will begin at 5:30.


On everyone's mind is what's next for the Downtown Master Plan and Three Corners. As John Carroll summed it up to me this morning with regard to the referendum not passing, "we're still on the freeway -- we just got off at the wrong exit -- and we'll get back on."


RFP replies for Three Corners are due in December. I'll be sharing more details soon. In the meantime, click here to RSVP for Monday, November 25.



The next council meeting will take place on Monday, November 18 at 10:00 a.m. Agenda items include: certification of election results, oath of office for new council members (Carroll, Moore and Vos), election of mayor and election of vice mayor.

Let's Talk Vero is Powered by Baerbel O'Haire


October 30, 2024



It was great to see everyone Monday at Riverside Theatre in conversation about the last two items on the November 5 ballot to increase density downtown and allow for transfer of development rights.


As promised, we are sharing the entire replay here for those who want more information before casting their vote.


The program begins with opening remarks by Baerbel O'Haire, with key highlights at the timestamps below:


3:35 -- Baerbel introduces City Manager Monte Falls and Mayor John Cotugno

5:53 -- Mayor Cotugno addresses Hurricane Milton

9:00 -- City Manager Monte Falls gives an update on recovery efforts

13:40 -- Monte Falls opens up to questions on recovery efforts

16:25 -- Baerbel O'Haire introduces panelists -- Bethany Fortunato, Keith Kite and Dori Stone

25:25 -- TP Kennedy announces formation of Citizens for Graceful Growth and challenges in attracting young professionals to Vero Beach

31:20 -- Bethany Fortunato reads the referendum language

32:07 -- Dori Stone explains TDR and density as it relates to the downtown walkable core

38:34 -- Keith Kite puts it in perspective -- "it looks like Ocean Drive in livability and walkability," talks about housing needs for hospital workers, and a vision for the community using the best designers in the world and what the blueprint will be. He delves into workforce housing for younger people who don't have the resources to purchase a home and the needs for retirees before opening up to questions.

52:07 -- Dori Stone explains that the infrastructure is in place to support more development in a way that makes sense for this community -- fitting together in a workable master plan to start looking beyond what we have today. She explains how, historically, a good community always had a vibrant downtown -- it needs a "kick in the butt" to make it work today, not how it needed to work 30 years ago.

57:45 -- Keith Kite and Dori Stone talk about innovative parking and solutions.

1:04:03 -- Keith Kite addresses a question about height and the new development at the mall.

1:07:37 -- Keith Kite explains the entire referendum is based on concept, not what the result will be.

1:12:03 -- Keith Kite clarifies the difference between affordable and workforce housing in relation to the housing crisis around the nation.

1:15:30 -- Bethany Fortunato explains current obstacles to workforce housing in IRC -- land costs chief among them.

1:17:15 -- Dori Stone talks about property values downtown. The city, she says, should see this as an opportunity to collect increased ad valorem tax revenue. She states that change takes time, but this increased revenue will help.

1:18:55 -- Bethany Fortunato: "The people working at Piper and the hospital are taking their money elsewhere, not spending it here -- we want to keep it in Vero."

1:19:30 -- Dori Stone answers the question about timeframes -- optimistically 24 to 36 months that will include more community engagement, permitting etc. to be more intentional about what we put in place. Expect 11 -13 more public hearings, resulting in many more years.

1:21:35 -- Keith Kite talks about opportunities to redevelop the many abandoned buildings downtown for teacher housing.

1:25:40 -- Keith Kite addresses questions about downtown zoning and how it relates to parking, saying "we can fix the parking problem right now" by passing the referendums.

1:26:05 -- Dori Stone explains when you are looking at a downtown it is not always about parking right in front of the business; one should walk and enjoy a walk. If one wants parking in front of a business, go to the mall. If you want to see your downtown vibrant, anticipate a block to two blocks walk. If parking is a challenge, it means people are there, and that's what you want.


Bethany Fortunato

Real Estate Investor


Developer of Affordable Senior Housing


Dori Stone

Former Planning Director,

City of Winter Park


Former President and CEO of the Indian River County Chamber of Commerce



Keith Kite

Kite Properties


Chair, Indian River Chamber of Commerce Government Committee focused on Workforce Housing

Let's Talk Vero is Powered by Baerbel O'Haire


October 28, 2024

If you are one of the roughly 7,000 City of Vero Beach voters who have not yet cast their vote and want a better understanding of the last two items on the ballot to amend Section 5.06 of the charter to support downtown revitalization, join us this evening in conversation with Bethany Fortunato, Keith Kite and Dori Stone -- three of our most respected local planning and development experts -- who will answer all your questions. 

We are capping attendance at 125, so RSVP is important.

If you have RSVPd and your plans have changed, please let us know so we can accommodate others.

You can RSVP here

or use the button at the end of this email


Doors open at 5 pm for complimentary gourmet sandwiches and cash bar. Presentation begins at 5:30. Come learn about the referendum or just gather to catch up with friends.


We are excited to have special guest City Manager Monte Falls as well as and Mayor John Cotugno, who will open the evening by sharing post-Milton and general "state of the city" updates before we open up to a wide-ranging conversation about the referendums. 


We look forward to seeing you all this evening!


Featured Speakers 


Bethany Fortunato

Real Estate Investor


Developer of Affordable Senior Housing


Dori Stone

Former Planning Director,

City of Winter Park


Former President and CEO of the Indian River County Chamber of Commerce



Keith Kite

Kite Properties


Chair, Indian River Chamber of Commerce Government Committee focused on Workforce Housing


Let's Talk Vero is Powered by Baerbel O'Haire


October 25, 2024

Season Dates for Let's Talk Vero

at Riverside Theatre


City voter turn-out as of October 25  

A number of you have asked to be reminded of the 24-25 season dates for Let's Talk Vero at Riverside Theatre. They are below - all take place from 5 - 7 p.m. (no admission fee, complimentary gourmet sandwiches and cash bar). Please share this email with anyone you think would be interested in attending and ask them to sign up for our newsletter at


Let's Talk Vero at Riverside Theatre

2024-25 Season Dates

Monday, October 28

Monday, November 25

Monday, December 9

Wednesday, January 8

Wednesday, February 26

Monday, March 10

Wednesday, April 16


Monday's event -- Let's Talk Downtown Referendum -- is perfect for those of you who haven't yet voted and want to get a better understanding of the last two referendums on the ballot (for city voters) seeking to amend Section 5.06 of the City Charter to revitalize Downtown Vero Beach. The evening will feature local planning and development experts Bethany Fortunato, Dori Stone and Keith Kite.


This is obviously a very big election year with tons on the ballot. So come out to learn more or just reconnect with friends for cocktails and complimentary gourmet sandwiches. Click here to RSVP, or reply YES to this email.


Speaking of the ballot, we are 11 days from election day. You can wait until November 5 or avoid lines and take advantage of early voting every weekday from 8 am to 4 pm at the library (1600 21st Street).


City Voter Turn-out To Date:


To date, of the roughly 11,258 registered city voters, 3,417 (30%) have cast their votes!


We look forward to seeing you on Monday. Don't forget to RSVP! And if you want more information on the referendums, click here.


Let's Talk Vero is Powered by Baerbel O'Haire


October 23, 2024


Tomorrow (10/24) deadline to request mail-in ballots

Saturday (10/26) Pioneer Family Living Museum - Heritage Center

Monday (10/28) Let's Talk Downtown Referendum at Riverside Theatre


As you may recall, this year voters who wish to vote by mail must request a new mail-in ballot -- it is not automatically being sent as in years past. Tomorrow (Thursday, October 24) is the last day to request a mail-in ballot. You can request one online here. Requests for mail-in ballots must be received no later than 5 pm tomorrow. If you miss the deadline, you can vote early or on November 5 in person. Important, mail-in ballots require two U.S. postage stamps.



Featuring engaging exhibits and displays showcasing the lives and contributions of the pioneering families of Vero Beach and Indian River County, Robyn Berry and April Bekech of the Heritage Center invite you to meet, greet and celebrate descendants of our pioneer families.

Sexton | Schumann | Michael | MacWilliam | Graves | Helseth | Vocelle

| Zeuch | Cox | Gifford | Holman Carter | Schlitt | Loy | Guy | Kennedy | Wodtke | Knight |Howard | Idlette | DuBose | Hamilton-Mathis

The evening benefits the Vero Heritage Center and takes place on Saturday, October 26 beginning at 6:00 p.m. There is a $20 entry fee which includes complimentary hors d'oeuvres and a drink.


Vero Heritage Center and Citrus Museum

2140 14th Avenue


For more information, visit or call 772-770-2263.



Featured Speakers 


Bethany Fortunato

Real Estate Investor


Developer of Affordable Senior Housing


Dori Stone

Former Planning Director,

City of Winter Park


Former President and CEO of the Indian River County Chamber of Commerce



Keith Kite

Kite Properties


Chair, Indian River Chamber of Commerce Government Committee focused on Workforce Housing


Monday, October 28

Riverside Theatre

5 pm -- Doors open

Cash Bar and Complimentary Gourmet Sandwiches

5:30 pm Program Begins


Mayor John Cotugno will be on hand to give a post-Milton update before we turn the program over to Bethany Fortunato, Keith Kite and Dori Stone, who will engage in conversation with the audience and field questions about the Downtown Referendum. RSVP requested (for catering) -- please use the button above or reply YES to this email.


Prior to voting, please take a moment to look at the City of Vero Beach informational page here and the Downtown Referendum FAQs here. The two Downtown Referendums (both labeled Amend Section 5.06) appear as the last two items on the ballot (for city voters).



Let's Talk Vero is Powered by Baerbel O'Haire


October 20, 2024


Early Voting begins tomorrow 10/21


Let's Talk Downtown Referendum


Post-Milton Update


Riverside Theatre

Monday, October 28

5:00 p.m. -- cash bar and complimentary sandwiches

5:30 p.m. -- Presentation begins


Calling all City Voters!


Join us for our next Let's Talk Vero event at Riverside Theatre on Monday, October 28 at 5:00 pm where Mayor John Cotugno will be on hand to give a post-Milton update before we turn the program over to Bethany Fortunato, Keith Kite and Dori Stone, who will field questions about the downtown referendum.


The downtown referendum represents a pivotal moment for our community, and making an informed decision is crucial. That's why Bethany, Keith and Dori, all Vero Beach residents and experts in urban planning and development, have agreed to dispel common misconceptions and help the community better understand:


  • exactly what this referendum is about

  • why it's on the ballot now

  • projected outcomes and long-term effects for downtown

  • remaining questions before casting your vote


Whether you're a business owner, homeowner or simply a resident who enjoys all that Vero Beach has to offer, this referendum will have some impact on your day-to-day life, so join us at Riverside Theatre before you head to the polls. If you are unable to attend, we will be sharing a reply of the event.


If you are planning to vote early:


Take a look at the City of Vero Beach informational page here and the Downtown Referendum FAQs here. The two referendums (Amend Section 5.06) appear as the last two items on the ballot.


Early voting in Vero Beach begins tomorrow from 8 am - 4 pm at the Indian River County Main Library (1600 21st St) and at Supervisor of Elections Office (4375 43rd Avenue).


Also, it's not too late to request a Vote-By-Mail ballot. You have until Thursday, October 24; ballots must be received by the Supervisor of Elections no later than 7 pm on November 5.


Whether you vote early or not, we hope to see you on Thursday the 28th at Riverside Theatre for an update from Mayor Cotugno.


Let's Talk Vero is Powered by Baerbel O'Haire


October 20, 2024


Early Voting begins tomorrow 10/21


Let's Talk Downtown Referendum


Post-Milton Update


Riverside Theatre

Monday, October 28

5:00 p.m. -- cash bar and complimentary sandwiches

5:30 p.m. -- Presentation begins


Calling all City Voters!


Join us for our next Let's Talk Vero event at Riverside Theatre on Monday, October 28 at 5:00 pm where Mayor John Cotugno will be on hand to give a post-Milton update before we turn the program over to Bethany Fortunato, Keith Kite and Dori Stone, who will field questions about the downtown referendum.


The downtown referendum represents a pivotal moment for our community, and making an informed decision is crucial. That's why Bethany, Keith and Dori, all Vero Beach residents and experts in urban planning and development, have agreed to dispel common misconceptions and help the community better understand:


  • exactly what this referendum is about

  • why it's on the ballot now

  • projected outcomes and long-term effects for downtown

  • remaining questions before casting your vote


Whether you're a business owner, homeowner or simply a resident who enjoys all that Vero Beach has to offer, this referendum will have some impact on your day-to-day life, so join us at Riverside Theatre before you head to the polls. If you are unable to attend, we will be sharing a reply of the event.


If you are planning to vote early:


Take a look at the City of Vero Beach informational page here and the Downtown Referendum FAQs here. The two referendums (Amend Section 5.06) appear as the last two items on the ballot.


Early voting in Vero Beach begins tomorrow from 8 am - 4 pm at the Indian River County Main Library (1600 21st St) and at Supervisor of Elections Office (4375 43rd Avenue).


Also, it's not too late to request a Vote-By-Mail ballot. You have until Thursday, October 24; ballots must be received by the Supervisor of Elections no later than 7 pm on November 5.


Whether you vote early or not, we hope to see you on Thursday the 28th at Riverside Theatre for an update from Mayor Cotugno.


Let's Talk Vero is Powered by Baerbel O'Haire


October 12, 2024

Good morning, and happy Saturday everyone.


Sharing the Let's Talk City Council Candidates replay below.


But first, sharing some inspiring community recovery efforts under way -- one beginning today at 11:00 a.m.




Angela Waldrop and Elizabeth Sorenson, lifelong friends who share the same birthday (yesterday) have launched a debris-cleanup initiative in Central Beach to celebrate their birthday with a day of service. Hundreds turned out (see photos below) but there is so much still to do. Angela and Elizabeth have extended the cleanup through today and they welcome everyone to join them at 536 Gardenia Lane anytime from 11 am to 5 pm today -- Saturday, October 12.


Bring your tools: If you have chainsaws, shovels, gloves, or any other equipment, bring them along.


No tools? No problem. All helping hands welcome.








2055 13th Avenue

Donation Drive & Music Mashup


Jeff Palleschi, owner of the downtown 21st Amendment Distillery (2055 13th Avenue) is banding together with another initiative to help those affected by the storm. This Monday, October 14th, from 4 pm to 8 pm. community members are encouraged to bring donations (electrolyte packs, canned goods with pop tops, beef jerky, energy bars, etc.) and listen to performances by local bands Kenny Clarke Outside, Bobby & The Blisters, Frank Centrone, Brenna Bavis Duo, Kate Maingot & Muffy Charles. There will be donation bins available for those who cannot attend but still wish to contribute. A portion of the proceeds from the evening’s sales will go toward assisting those who were severely impacted by the storm.




Sydney O’Haire, recently returned from cleanup and recovery efforts in Asheville, is turning her attention to some of the hardest hit areas -- Spanish Lakes, Vista Royale, and Lakewood Park areas. Reach out directly to Sydney via text at 772-321-3789. She and her team are organizing deliveries of homemade meals, ice, first aid supplies, toiletries, water, pet food, and more.



And finally, the here is the replay of the Let's Talk Vero City Council Candidate discussion. And below are clickable links to local news articles.


32963 -- Ray McNulty's feature on newcomer Aaron Vos

IRNA -- IRNA's round-up

TC Palm coverage of Taxpayer's Association -- Nick Slater's coverage

TC Palm Candidate Interviews (Carroll and Heady)

TC Palm Candidate Interviews (Moore, Vos and Daige)

TC Palm Official Recommendation


October 1, 2024



Mark Your Calendars -- from 5 - 7 p.m.

Monday, October 28

Monday, November 25

Monday, December 9

Wednesday, January 8

Wednesday, February 26

Monday, March 10

Wednesday, April 16


This Thursday at 6 pm!


Let's Talk City Council Candidates

Whether you are voting by mail or in-person, this is an opportunity to get to know your candidates on a deeper level, where you can interact and ask questions -- all from the comfort of your own home.


From downtown referendums to Three Corners, your candidates will address the most important issues and take your questions.


Register now


(click here)


this Thursday, October 3


6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.


via ZOOM


Let's Talk City Council Candidates


This discussion will be moderated by Baerbel O'Haire. Confirmed are incumbents John Carroll and Linda Moore, along with returning candidate Brian Heady, and newcomer Aaron Vos.


We look forward to seeing you on Thursday -- register here to receive the ZOOM link and calendar invite.


If you have any questions you'd like to ask in advance, simply reply to this email with your questions and we will get them to the candidates.


If you are unable to join but would like a replay, also reply here with the word "replay."




2024 City Council Candidates


Ken Daige


Brian Heady


Aaron Vos


John Carroll


Linda Moore

Let's Talk Vero is Powered by Baerbel O'Haire


September 23, 2024

Let's Talk Housing Replay | Two Important Questions | Sample Ballot | Save the Date -- October 28

Let's Talk Housing

As promised, here is the link to the replay of the Let's Talk Housing conversation last week moderated by Baerbel O'Haire. What a riveting evening -- an eye opener for sure. You can watch it straight through (you will be an expert by the end) or slide forward to timestamps of the different panelists. You will enjoy getting to know all the panelists and the initiatives underway to alleviate this problem in Vero Beach. You will especially appreciate Keith Kite's insights on how we got here and what can be done about it.


Habitat for Humanity Opening Remarks: Trevor Loomis: 00:11:37

Moderator Baerbel O'Haire remarks: 00:27:00

Panel begins: 00:28:00

Commissioner Susan Adams: 00:30:10

Mayor John Cotugno: 00:36:35

IRC Chamber Government Committee, Keith Kite: 00:43:17

Habitat for Humanity CEO, Trevor Loomis

Two Important Questions -- Click the button below to register interest

  1. Do you want us to host our usual ZOOM panel discussion with City Council candidates?

We were going to forego it given all the other organizations who have interviewed the candidates, but because we have a new entrant in Aaron Vos, a number of people have asked us to host. Also in the running are incumbents Vice Mayor Linda Moore, Councilman John Carroll, as well as candidates Ken Daige and Brian Heady. If we can get 50 - 75 people interested, we will endeavor to pull something together by next week to coincide with the ballots being mailed so all of you have an opportunity to interact with and get to know your candidates from the comfort of your own home.

  1. Do you want us to host a ZOOM discussion about the downtown referendums?

    Click the button below to let us know:

Click here

Sample Ballot

Below is a copy of the ballot for those who would like to familiarize themselves prior to voting.


Let's Talk Vero is powered by Baerbel O'Haire


Riverside Theatre




Save the Date

The next Let's Talk Vero event will take place on Monday, October 28 from 5 - 7 pm at Riverside Theatre. Stay tuned for more details.

Let's Talk Vero is Powered by:


September 15, 2024

Don't forget to RSVP for YES for Downtown Vero "55 Minus" party to support a more walkable, livable and prosperous downtown Vero Beach -- this Saturday


DJ | Dancing | Light Dinner | Beer

free if you are a City of Vero Beach resident/voter under 55 or if you bring one or more as a guest; only City of Vero Beach residents can vote on the referendums in November, so let's get the word out


and forward this invitation to a friend who is a city resident and voter under 55


55 Minus Party



the 21st of September

6:30 p.m. - 10 p.m.


The Heritage Center

2140 14th Ave

This isn't just about having a good time (though we promise you will).


It's about bringing all of you who are so busy with parenting and work together as a community in one fun place to learn about the revitalization efforts under way for downtown Vero which, if you want to realize, will require your YES vote on referendums #26 and #27 at the polls on November 5.


We'll give you a brief update on proposed changes to make downtown more walkable, livable and prosperous overall and how the change in density proposed can create housing options at more attainable price points for young professionals, first responders and service workers.


See more at


Come for the food and fun and stay for the chance to make a difference and make new friends. Whether you're new to town or a Vero native, this is your moment to connect with fellow under-55ers.





September 14, 2024

Looking forward to seeing you all this Monday the 16th for the Let's Talk Housing panel discussion at Riverside Theatre.


We are at capacity in the theatre, so if your plans have changed and you won't be able to join us, please let us know so we can offer your space to someone on the wait list.


The program ends promptly at 7 pm, at which time everyone is invited to continue the dialogue on the veranda of Polo Grill on Ocean Drive (now called Polo Steak and Sea) -- 2855 Ocean Drive.


Mayor Cotugno looks forward to getting to know you all better one-on-one there for drinks on the veranda. In case you want to stay for dinner, here is the menu.


Thank you to Polo proprietor Bill Brown for making the veranda available to us and thanks to all of you for joining us and making these events such an important part of our community -- great communities begin with great dialogue!





Moderated by


Baerbel O'Haire



County Commissioner Susan Adams

Mayor John Cotugno

Keith Kite

Trevor Loomis


Riverside Theatre

Monday, September 16

5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Cash Bar and Complimentary Gourmet Sandwiches



Let's Talk Vero is powered by Baerbel O'Haire


Riverside Theatre


September 12, 2024

Keith Kite


Founder & Managing Partner of Kite Properties, LLC


Chair, IRC Chamber of Commerce

Government Committee focused on Workforce Housing.


joins Monday's



Moderated by Baerbel O'Haire

Meet your panelists

Susan Adams -- County Commissioner, District 1


Susan grew up on a farm north of Fellsmere in Indian River County.  She graduated President of the Inaugural Class at Sebastian River High School.  Earning a Bachelor Degree in Marketing and a Juris Doctorate from Florida State University, Susan is the driving force managing her well-known family restaurant, Marsh Landing. 

Susan was elected to the Fellsmere City Council in 2007 and served as Mayor until November 2015, promoting the goals and vision of Fellsmere.  She took that vision and goal setting ability to the Indian River County Commission in 2016 and continues serving strongly and proudly as the Indian River County Commissioner, District 1. 

John Cotugno -- Mayor, City of Vero Beach


John hails from Rhode Island but landed in Vero Beach after retiring from over 40 years of leadership in the electronics Industry primarily in the Semiconductor market. He immediately began serving our community as a Volunteer Public Policy Advocate for the Alzheimer’s  Association on both the State and Federal level. In 2019: Governor DeSantis appointed him to the State Health Improvement Plan Committee, he was appointed both to the Vero Beach Utilities Commission, where he served as Vice-Chairman, and the Three Corners Steering Committee.


He was elected to the Vero Beach City Council in 2021 and began serving as Mayor in 2022.


He resides in Central Beach with his wife, Jan Williams, and rescue dog Roxie.

Keith Kite -- Founder & Managing Partner, Kite Properties, LLC


Keith and The Kite Team provide investment, development, and management services for commercial property in Indian River County. Our notable developments in the county include the SpringHill Suites by Marriott, Hampton Inn & Suites—Miracle Mile, and the Star Suites Hotel by Riverside Theatre. In addition to sales and leasing, Keith and his team manage over 500,000 square feet of commercial property in Indian River County.


Born in Gainesville, Florida, Keith is a fourth-generation Floridian. He moved to Vero Beach in 1995 with his wife Kay and their sons Kyle and Kollin.


Keith holds a Bachelor of Science in Construction Management from Eastern Michigan University. He is a Voting Member of the Tourism Development Council of Indian River County. Keith is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Indian River Chamber of Commerce and Chairs the Government Committee focused on Workforce Housing.

Trevor Loomis -- President and CEO, Indian River Habitat for Humanity


Trevor Loomis has been President and CEO of Indian River Habitat for Humanity since December 2021. Prior to IRHFH, he was Director of Homebuyer Services at Habitat for Humanity of Metro Louisville in Louisville, KY. He has more than a decade of experience developing workforce and attainable housing. Trevor is a retired veteran of the US Army and holds a Master of Arts degree in Anthropology from the University of Louisville, and an MBA from Bellarmine University. In addition to his work with Indian River Habitat for Humanity, he serves on the Board of Directors for Treasure Coast Community Health and Habitat for Humanity of Florida. He lives in Vero Beach with his wife, Martha, and three sons.



Moderated by


Baerbel O'Haire



County Commissioner Susan Adams

Mayor John Cotugno

Keith Kite

Trevor Loomis


Riverside Theatre

Monday, September 16

5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Cash Bar and Complimentary Gourmet Sandwiches


 RSVP Required!

(Maximum 150 guests)


Let's Talk Vero is powered by Baerbel O'Haire


Riverside Theatre


September 9, 2024

Thrilled to Announce


Trevor Loomis

President and CEO of Indian River Habitat for Humanity


will join the





Moderated by


Baerbel O'Haire



County Commissioner Susan Adams


Mayor John Cotugno


Riverside Theatre

Monday, September 16

5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Cash Bar and Complimentary Gourmet Sandwiches



 RSVP Required!

(Maximum 150 guests)


Let's Talk Vero is powered by Baerbel O'Haire


Riverside Theatre


September 9, 2024

Thrilled to Announce


Trevor Loomis

President and CEO of Indian River Habitat for Humanity


will join the





Moderated by


Baerbel O'Haire



County Commissioner Susan Adams


Mayor John Cotugno


Riverside Theatre

Monday, September 16

5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Cash Bar and Complimentary Gourmet Sandwiches



 RSVP Required!

(Maximum 150 guests)


Let's Talk Vero is powered by Baerbel O'Haire


Riverside Theatre


September 3, 2024

Driving community engagement since 2019

Mark Your Calendars


This Friday, September 6

City Council Candidate Forum (TPAIRC)


Monday, September 16

Let's Talk Housing

Riverside Theatre

5:00 - 7:00 p.m.



Susan Adams




District 1


Dori Stone

President and CEO


Indian River County

Chamber of Commerce


Former Planning Director


City of Winter Park, FL


 John Cotugno



City of Vero Beach

Good afternoon, Vero Beach!


Hope you all had a wonderful Labor Day weekend. First and foremost, mark your calendar for the monthly Let's Talk Vero event at Riverside Theatre. Right up there with the health of the lagoon, this is a hot topic you've been asking us to bring to the stage.


Moderated by Baerbel O'Haire, our panel lineup so far features Commissioner Susan Adams, Mayor John Cotugno and IRC Chamber of Commerce CEO Dori Stone. Stay tuned for more details.


Monday, September 16

Let's Talk Housing

Riverside Theatre

5:00 p.m. - Doors Open

5:00 - 5:30 p.m. - Cash Bar and Complimentary Gourmet Sandwiches

5:30 - 7:00 p.m. - Panel Discussion and Q&A


All are welcome continue the conversation after in the courtyard plaza


Polo Grill on Ocean Drive


Please be sure to RSVP below.


Meantime, City Council elections are around the corner and alongside John Carroll, Ken Daige, Brian Heady and Linda Moore, there is a new entrant -- Aaron Vos. More about Aaron from 32963 pasted below. You can also get to know him better this Friday by attending the Taxpayers Association luncheon at the Vero Beach Yacht Club (or watching their replay) at noon.


More about Aaron Vos (excerpted from Vero News August 29 edition)


Aaron Vos, a retired-but-still-working management and technical consultant for the RTX Corporation, formerly Raytheon.


Vos, 63, grew up in the Los Angeles area and, after a spending four years in the U.S. Marine Corps and then graduating from Cal State Fullerton with a degree in electrical engineering, he worked for Raytheon – a major defense contractor – for three decades.


He retired in 2017, but he continues to work for the company, which merged with the United Technologies in 2020 and was rebranded as RTX last year, as an independent contractor.


For the past six years, he has been traveling around the country as a troubleshooter.


However, Vos said he has already notified the company of his plans to reduce his workload to a few hours per week. If elected, he said he plans to “dedicate my full attention to helping the city.”


Vos, who moved to Vero Beach in March 2019 and lives in the barrier island’s Castaway Cove community, said he never considered entering politics, but his neighbors urged him to run.


“I’m very interested in what’s going on in the city,” he said, “and with my background and skill set, I believe I can make a noticeable and positive difference.”


More information can be found at



If you haven't already, take a look at the community-led YES for Downtown Vero website here. Check out the resources section to learn more about the referendums on the November 5 ballot. Take the survey and share with friends and neighbors.


Watch for more details from YES for Downtown announcing special events in the coming weeks, such as the Taste of Downtown Vero walking and historical tour set for October 12 and 13 and the 55 Minus party at the Heritage Center on September 21.


August 22, 2024

Let's Talk Vero



Thank you -- all hundreds of you! -- who attended Monday's Let's Talk Vero at Riverside Theatre evening where we soft-launched the Yes for Downtown Vero engagement platform to educate the community about the two referendums on the November 5 ballot.


With back-to-school schedules, August vacations and a deluge of rain, we were thrilled to see such a turnout! It's a testament to the commitment, excitement and momentum building surrounding possibilities for the future of downtown Vero Beach.


Dori Stone, President and CEO of the Indian River Chamber of Commerce and former planning director of the much-admired City of Winter Park, did a masterful job inspiring and helping guests understand what is being proposed. Take a moment to watch Dori's presentation here laying the groundwork for this citizen-led community education and outreach initiative.


Then visit to read a letter to the community from T. P. Kennedy, sign up here for updates, check out the resources and news sections, take the survey here, and share with your friends, family and colleagues. We want to hear from all Vero Beach residents but are particularly committed to engaging registered voters. When you take the survey, please ask any questions you may have in the open-ended section -- we will use these questions to build out the FAQ section of the site.


Special thanks to T.P. Kennedy, Tom Corr III, Mike Johannsen, Chris Flaig, Dr. Michael Fortunato, and Keith Drewett for powering this initiative. And the dozens of community leaders (listed below and pictured on the site) who have shared their enthusiasm to date. We hope you will do the same by uploading a quote and photo.


August 16, 2024

This Monday, August 19

join special guest

 Dori Stone

IRC Chamber of Commerce


Former Planning Director, City of Winter Park


We are excited for you to join us this Monday, August 19 where Dori Stone, President and CEO of the Indian River County Chamber of Commerce and former Planning Director of the City of Winter Park, will introduce the citizen-led Downtown Vero education and outreach initiative surrounding the two referendums on the November ballot. 


Monday, August 19

5:30 - 7:00 p.m.

Riverside Theatre

Complimentary Gourmet Sandwiches and Cash Bar


Laura Moss

County Commissioner -- District 5


John Cotugno

Mayor -- City of Vero Beach


We will also be joined by County Commissioner Laura Moss, who will share highlights of the exciting plans underway for Indian River County's Centennial Celebration in 2025. Learn more about this exciting milestone here.


Mayor John Cotugno will give us a general update on city business prior to outlining the process for the new RFP for Three Corners, which was issued today.


Please use the RSVP button above to let us know if you will be joining us. We look forward to seeing you there!





Let's Talk Vero is powered by Baerbel O'Haire


Riverside Theatre

This Monday, August 19

join special guest

 Dori Stone

IRC Chamber of Commerce


Former Planning Director, City of Winter Park


We are excited for you to join us this Monday, August 19 where Dori Stone, President and CEO of the Indian River County Chamber of Commerce and former Planning Director of the City of Winter Park, will introduce the citizen-led Downtown Vero education and outreach initiative surrounding the two referendums on the November ballot. 


Monday, August 19

5:30 - 7:00 p.m.

Riverside Theatre

Complimentary Gourmet Sandwiches and Cash Bar


Laura Moss

County Commissioner -- District 5


John Cotugno

Mayor -- City of Vero Beach


We will also be joined by County Commissioner Laura Moss, who will share highlights of the exciting plans underway for Indian River County's Centennial Celebration in 2025. Learn more about this exciting milestone here.


Mayor John Cotugno will give us a general update on city business prior to outlining the process for the new RFP for Three Corners, which was issued today.


Please use the RSVP button above to let us know if you will be joining us. We look forward to seeing you there!



Let's Talk Vero is powered by Baerbel O'Haire


Riverside Theatre


August 16, 2024

This Monday, August 19

join special guest

 Dori Stone

IRC Chamber of Commerce


Former Planning Director, City of Winter Park


We are excited for you to join us this Monday, August 19 where Dori Stone, President and CEO of the Indian River County Chamber of Commerce and former Planning Director of the City of Winter Park, will introduce the citizen-led Downtown Vero education and outreach initiative surrounding the two referendums on the November ballot. 


Monday, August 19

5:30 - 7:00 p.m.

Riverside Theatre

Complimentary Gourmet Sandwiches and Cash Bar


Laura Moss

County Commissioner -- District 5


John Cotugno

Mayor -- City of Vero Beach


We will also be joined by County Commissioner Laura Moss, who will share highlights of the exciting plans underway for Indian River County's Centennial Celebration in 2025. Learn more about this exciting milestone here.


Mayor John Cotugno will give us a general update on city business prior to outlining the process for the new RFP for Three Corners, which was issued today.


Please use the RSVP button above to let us know if you will be joining us. We look forward to seeing you there!





Let's Talk Vero is powered by Baerbel O'Haire


Riverside Theatre

This Monday, August 19

join special guest

 Dori Stone

IRC Chamber of Commerce


Former Planning Director, City of Winter Park


We are excited for you to join us this Monday, August 19 where Dori Stone, President and CEO of the Indian River County Chamber of Commerce and former Planning Director of the City of Winter Park, will introduce the citizen-led Downtown Vero education and outreach initiative surrounding the two referendums on the November ballot. 


Monday, August 19

5:30 - 7:00 p.m.

Riverside Theatre

Complimentary Gourmet Sandwiches and Cash Bar


Laura Moss

County Commissioner -- District 5


John Cotugno

Mayor -- City of Vero Beach


We will also be joined by County Commissioner Laura Moss, who will share highlights of the exciting plans underway for Indian River County's Centennial Celebration in 2025. Learn more about this exciting milestone here.


Mayor John Cotugno will give us a general update on city business prior to outlining the process for the new RFP for Three Corners, which was issued today.


Please use the RSVP button above to let us know if you will be joining us. We look forward to seeing you there!



Let's Talk Vero is powered by Baerbel O'Haire


Riverside Theatre


August 12, 2024

Hello everyone,

Hope your August is off to a great start!

This is going to be a big month! Some key dates:

Tomorrow (Tuesday) August 13 at 9:30 a.m. is the regularly scheduled City Council meeting. The agenda is here. Attend in person at City Hall chambers or watch via Channel 13 here.

Monday, August 19, join us for our monthly Let's Talk Vero at Riverside Theatre event, from 5:00-7:00 p.m. where Dori Stone, President and CEO of the Indian River County Chamber of Commerce and former Planning Director of Winter Park, will be on hand to introduce T.P. Kennedy and the citizen-led education and outreach initiative for the revitalization of downtown.

You won't want to miss this one! Remember -- complimentary gourmet sandwiches and cash bar from 5:00 - 5:30. Program begins at 5:30 in the Waxlax Theatre and ends at 6:50. Mayor John Cotugno will also be on hand to give an update. Click here to RSVP.

Tuesday, August 20 -- VOTE. If you haven't already, vote in person on the 20th. The Indian River County Chamber of Commerce recognizes the importance of an informed electorate and, while they do not endorse any candidates running for office, they are committed to providing information and have made candidate interview videos available here for your ease of reference. These videos include candidates for County Commission Districts 1, 3, and 5, the Sheriff’s race, and the School Board races for Districts 3 and 5.

Stay tuned!


Let's Talk Vero is powered by Baerbel O'Haire


Riverside Theatre


July 28, 2024


Last Chance to Register to Vote


if you are registered

Democrat or Independent


Last Chance to Change Your Party Affiliation is

Monday, July 22

Thank you to all of you who attended Monday's Let's Talk Vero at Riverside Theatre event with special guest Leslie Swan.


We had a packed house and were thrilled by the level of enthusiasm shown by our audience for the most essential component of our lives as civically engaged citizens. If you weren't able to join, you won't want to miss the replay (here).


There was much discussion and concern about the issue of "ghost candidates" who have no interest in getting elected -- rather, they are last minute write-ins who essentially act as spoilers to prevent Democrats and Independents from having a say in who represents them.


While I am not suggesting or recommending anyone change their party affiliation, I am writing to remind you that if you are a registered Democrat or Independent and do want a voice in these two upcoming important elections -- Indian River County Sherriff and County Commissioner District 5 -- you may only do so if you are a registered Republican.


The deadline to change your party affiliation (you may revert back after the election if you wish) is Monday.



Let's Talk Vero is powered by Baerbel O'Haire


Riverside Theatre


July 21, 2024


Last Chance to Register to Vote


if you are registered

Democrat or Independent


Last Chance to Change Your Party Affiliation is

Monday, July 22

Thank you to all of you who attended Monday's Let's Talk Vero at Riverside Theatre event with special guest Leslie Swan.


We had a packed house and were thrilled by the level of enthusiasm shown by our audience for the most essential component of our lives as civically engaged citizens. If you weren't able to join, you won't want to miss the replay (here).


There was much discussion and concern about the issue of "ghost candidates" who have no interest in getting elected -- rather, they are last minute write-ins who essentially act as spoilers to prevent Democrats and Independents from having a say in who represents them.


While I am not suggesting or recommending anyone change their party affiliation, I am writing to remind you that if you are a registered Democrat or Independent and do want a voice in these two upcoming important elections -- Indian River County Sherriff and County Commissioner District 5 -- you may only do so if you are a registered Republican.


The deadline to change your party affiliation (you may revert back after the election if you wish) is Monday.



Let's Talk Vero is powered by Baerbel O'Haire


Riverside Theatre


June 28, 2024

  • Leslie Swan to Open July 15 Riverside Theatre event


  • Important August Primary Election Details and Deadlines


  • Monday, July 1 -- Little Jim Bait & Tackle Needs Your Help


A couple of things as we head into the weekend:


  1. There seems to be quite a lot of confusion surrounding the process for voting on August 20, particularly where Sherriff and County Commissioner for District 5 are concerned. If you want to have a voice in which candidates for those two races will appear on the November ballot and if you are registered as Independent or Democrat, you will need to change your party affiliation to Republican prior to July 22 in order to vote on August 20.


    We are thrilled Leslie Swan, Indian River County Supervisor of Elections, has graciously accepted our invitation to host a Q&A for the entire community at our next Let's Talk Vero at Riverside Theatre event on July 15. Leslie will take the first 30 or so minutes before we move on to sharing images and findings from the DPZ CoDESIGN Ideas for Downtown Master Plan report, expected to be delivered on July 8.


    In the meantime, below is a primer shared with us by Leslie, to help clear up some questions.





If you are new to the state of Florida, you may not be aware that Florida is a closed primary state.  Florida is one of 12 states that conducts closed Primary Elections and Florida has done so since 1913. What does closed primaries mean? 


Closed Primary Elections are elections in which only voters affiliated with the political party holding the primary are eligible to participate. 


Typically, that would be either one of the two major political parties (Republicans and Democrats) if they have candidates for a partisan office on the Primary Election ballot.


Primary Elections have other types of races on the ballot besides partisan races. All registered voters can vote for Universal Primary Contests, nonpartisan races, and referendum questions regardless of which major or minor political party they are registered or even if they are registered without a specific party affiliation.


A Universal Primary Contest is a race where all the candidates for an office have the same party affiliation and the winner of the Primary Election will not face any opposition in the General Election.  For the August 20 Primary Election, the following races are Universal Primary Contests: the Tax Collector and County Commissioner District 1 and District 3.


All voters have the opportunity to vote for school board candidates in a Primary Election since school board is a non-partisan race.  Non-partisan candidates are prohibited from qualifying or campaigning based on party affiliation. If there are more than two candidates in a school board race and no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast in the Primary Election, the names of the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes for such office shall be placed on the General Election ballot.  


The School Board of Indian River County has two districts up for election, District 3 & District 5.  These races will appear on the Primary Election ballot.  Since only two candidates have qualified for each district, the Primary Election will determine the winner.  


Any person who is seeking election as a write-in candidate shall not be required to pay a filing fee or collect candidate petitions.  A write-in candidate is not entitled to have his or her name printed on any ballot; however, a space for the write-in candidate’s name to be written in shall be provided on the General Election ballot. Whenever a write-in candidate qualifies for a contest, the write-in candidate closes the Primary Election.  


In Indian River County, the following two races have write-in candidates: the Sheriff’s race, and County Commissioner District 5 race. 


Only registered Republicans will be eligible to vote in these races in the August Primary Election. 


The winners of these races will go up against the write-in candidates in the General Election in November.


All voters have the option to change their party affiliation in order to be eligible to vote for a particular candidate.  The deadline to register to vote or change your party affiliation is July 22 for the upcoming Primary Election.  Visit for comprehensive election information.






Save Little Jim Bait & Tackle


While not in Vero Beach, Little Jim's is just down the street and has been a cherished destination by Vero Beach and surrounding residents for 80 years!


Show up on Monday, July 1, at 5:05 p.m. at Ft. Pierce Commissioner chambers, when commissioners will vote on whether to designate "Little Jim's" a historic and culturally significant location.


Proprietor Donna Qvarnstrom invites you to show your support by picking up a free T-shirt at Little Jim's between now and Monday (while supplies last) and wearing it to the meeting for a 20% discount at Cobb's Landing afterward.


For more information, see the Little Jim's Facebook page here, or visit their website at


Monday, July 1

5:05 p.m

City of Fort Pierce, 100 N U.S. Highway 1


Little Jim's is being considered due to its history training UDT Frogmen for the Normandy and Pacific invasions during World War II and for the "Florida Cracker" style of architecture.


You may view the agenda item here. And the Historic Designation report here.



Let's Talk Vero is powered by:

June 23, 2024

Save the Date -- Monday, July 15


Let's Talk Downtown at Riverside Theatre


Hello everyone,


Big thanks to all who came out for last Monday's conversation with Planning Director Jason Jeffries and Mayor John Cotugno to talk about the Ideas for Downtown Master Plan. If you were not able to make it in person, you may watch the replay here.


Next steps for Downtown:


This Tuesday, June 25 at 9:30 a.m. the Ideas for Downtown Master Plan referendum language will be on the agenda. The full agenda can be found here -- See Item #4, Ordinances -- 7A and 7B.


The tentative referendum language at present reads:


Shall Section 5.06 of the City Charter be amended to allow an increase in 22 residential density from the present level of 17 units per acre to a density level of 23 36 units per acre to allow residential development not to exceed 1,800 total 24 residential units in the entire Downtown Commercial District consistent with the 25 Ideas for Downtown master plan as adopted by City Council on July 23, 2024? 26 27 Shall the above Charter Amendment be adopted.


On or around July 9, DPZ CoDESIGN will deliver the final Ideas for Downtown Master Plan report.


On Monday, July 15, (based on that final report) we will host Let's Talk Downtown at Riverside Theatre from 5-7 p.m.


We will go over the key highlights from the report, and since so much time has elapsed since the ideas for Downtown Charrette, and so many of you have requested it, we will project all of the images from the final DPZ CoDESIGN report onto the screen so the community can visually contextualize what is being proposed.


At the Tuesday, July 23 City Council meeting, the final language for the referendum question to increase residential density in the Downtown Commercial District (walkable core) will be presented for public hearing.


More as we know it,




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June 17, 2024

Downtown Master Plan Next Steps


Let's Talk Vero




Riverside Theatre



Monday, June 17

5-7 p.m.

Hello all,


A reminder to join us this evening (Monday, June 17) for Let's Talk Vero at Riverside Theatre, where Jason Jeffries will be on hand to give an update and answer questions about opportunities for Downtown.


Doors open at 5:00 p.m. for complimentary gourmet sandwiches and a cash bar. Presentation begins at 5:30 p.m.


We look forward to seeing all of you there. Please RSVP below.


Note: While we were hoping to engage in dialogue on Three Corners next steps, that won't be possible during this event as the City has not yet finalized the details of the new RFP and solicitation process. Just as soon as there is something to report, we'll be in touch.


In the meantime, here are the results reflecting what the community is thinking about the decision to re-issue the RFP. As of this writing, 61 percent of the community thinks it was wise to start over.


The bar charts are very interesting, but the more thoughtful and interesting sentiment can be seen when you click on the word "Responses" in blue under in the "Answer Choices" section just under the bar charts.


If you haven't yet and would like to weigh in on where we are with Three Corners, you can share your thoughts here. We make these results available to the public and to our elected officials.

Let's Talk Vero is powered by:

June 14, 2024


Downtown Master Plan Next Steps


Let's Talk Vero




Riverside Theatre


Monday, June 17

5-7 p.m.

Hello all,


A reminder to join us this coming Monday (June 17) for Let's Talk Vero at Riverside Theatre, where Jason Jeffries will be on hand to give an update and answer questions about opportunities for Downtown.


Doors open at 5:00 p.m. for complimentary gourmet sandwiches and a cash bar. Presentation begins at 5:30 p.m.


City Council met yesterday for a special call meeting to determine next steps on the master plan and referendum on November's ballot to increase density in line with Andres Duany's Ideas for Downtown initiative. You can see the replay of the meeting here.


We look forward to seeing all of you there. Please RSVP below.


Note: While we were hoping to engage in dialogue on Three Corners next steps, that won't be possible during this event as the City has not yet finalized the details of the new RFP and solicitation process. Just as soon as there is something to report, we'll be in touch.


In the meantime, here are the results reflecting what the community is thinking about the decision to re-issue the RFP. As of this writing, 61 percent of the community thinks it was wise to start over.


The bar charts are very interesting, but the more thoughtful and interesting sentiment can be seen when you click on the word "Responses" in blue under in the "Answer Choices" section just under the bar charts.


If you haven't yet and would like to weigh in on where we are with Three Corners, you can share your thoughts here. We make these results available to the public and to our elected officials.

Let's Talk Vero is powered by:

June 10, 2024

Three Corners and Downtown Master Plan Next Steps


Let's Talk Vero




Riverside Theatre


Monday, June 17

5-7 p.m.

Hello all,


Join us this Monday, June 17 for complimentary gourmet sandwiches and cash bar for this month's Let's Talk Vero in the Waxlax at Riverside Theatre, where we will be joined by Jason Jeffries (Planning Director), Peter Polk, (Three Corners) and Mayor John Cotugno. We hope to see you there.


Peter will shed some light on where we are with the Three Corners project in the wake of Friday's decision to start the RFP process over and Jason will bring us up to speed on the "Ideas for Downtown" master plan and next steps.


Doors open at 5:00 p.m. for gourmet sandwiches and cash bar; presentations and Q&A begin at 5:30.



If you haven't already, please take this survey to share your thoughts on the City's decision to move forward with a new RFP process for Three Corners. You can click here to see survey results and glean what other community members are thinking.



Tomorrow (June 11) there will be a regular City Council meeting at 9:30 a.m. in City Hall, where a number of land use amendments will be discussed. Taylor Dingle will also be introducing a plan to develop an official flag for the City of Vero Beach to celebrate its heritage and identity. You may view the full agenda here.


On Thursday, June 13, there will be a special call meeting where the City will vote to finalize the referendum language for a November ballot measure to increase density in the Downtown commercial district in line with Andres Duany's suggestions in the master plan. You may view the agenda here.Add your text here. Edit to add dynamic values like name, email and more.

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June 7, 2024


I am thrilled to report Council voted 4-1 to reissue the RFP for the developer for Three Corners.


Today's meeting was long, contentious and in so many ways shocking. I will share the replay when it is available, as I do not wish to editorialize.


From our vantage point, this reissuance is a path not only to the best outcome for Vero Beach, but the only possible way to maintain the public's trust, which, as of yesterday given the replies we received, was barely hanging by a thread. I hope this decision restores your faith that your input is being considered and taken seriously into account. And that political nonsense will not be tolerated by this Council.


Bottom line, the process was tainted to the point where expensive legal action was very likely, regardless of which developer was chosen. Fortunately for city residents and taxpayers, this was averted.


Jeb Bittner, a city resident and member of the developer selection committee said it best -- none of the developers would have wanted to win under these circumstances.


This is where we are today. More as we know it. We will still host State of the City on June 17 from 5 - 7 p.m. at Riverside theatre, but we will not be introducing any developers. Stay tuned.


As City Attorney John Turner remarked, "measure twice, cut once." In the end, a great outcome.


Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,











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June 6, 2024


Special Call Meeting Tomorrow


Friday, June 7

9:30 a.m.


City Council Chambers

1053 20th Place

Hello all,


Following up our earlier email (below) bringing your attention to tomorrow's special call meeting with three news stories which have been published since.


TC Palm

Vero News

The Sunshine Journal



Correction: Our earlier email erroneously stated (in the body) that tomorrow's meeting takes place Friday, June 6 at 9:30 a.m. The correct date is Friday, June 7

Hello all,


Please be advised a Special Call meeting has been scheduled for tomorrow (Friday, June 7) at 9:30 a.m. in City Council chambers to discuss the potential disqualification of SuDa, the developer chosen to begin contract negotiations to develop Three Corners.


For context, click here and scroll to the 47:32-minute mark to hear from City Attorney John Turner, followed by deliberations by Council members at the 54:58-minute mark and public comment at the 1:08-hour/minute mark. For the full agenda, click here.


The meeting is open to the public and attendees are afforded three minutes for public comment. If you wish to weigh in, but are unable to attend in person, you may send your comments to City Clerk Tammy Bursick at If you wish to watch the meeting from your computer in real time, you may click here to watch on Channel 13.





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May 29, 2024

SuDa, Crec Capital, Madison Marquette (SuDa)


Tapped as Three Corners Developer


Hello everyone!


As many of you now know, SuDa was voted (3-2) last night as the developer to move forward with negotiations for the Three Corners site. Tracey Zudans, Taylor Dingle, and Linda Moore were the deciding votes. CBS News coverage can be found here. WPTV News coverage here, TC Palm/Nick Slater's piece here and Vero News here.


Contract negotiations with the City are expected to last approximately five months, and assuming all goes well, a contract will be drawn up for the development of Three Corners. Should they not reach an agreement, the City will begin negotiations with Clearpath. We will keep you apprised throughout the process.


Please mark your calendar for Monday, June 17 at Riverside Theatre (5-7 p.m.) when Let's Talk Vero will host the SuDa team for a panel discussion moderated by Baerbel O'Haire. We look forward to seeing you there.


In the meantime, a message to the Vero Beach community from the SuDa team.


"We, the SuDa Crec Madison group, along with our team of architects and consultants, are humbled and grateful to the Vero Beach Community, the City Council, the City Staff and all those who have tirelessly worked on the Three Corners Project, for giving us this enormous opportunity.  This is a special project to say the least and comes with a serious composite of responsibilities to the community and its future generations. In the years ahead, the future will value those perennial things of our human existence and the human element, places of beautiful delicate architecture mixed with nature, a place of harmony that will nourish ourselves, our communities and our environment. A place that is loved and drives loyalty and passionate attachment for generations to come. "A sense sublime".


 It's time to roll up our sleeves as we look forward to working with the City and the Vero Beach Community. We will do so with vigor and ardent faith, as what we are about to embark on is very meaningful indeed."









Let's Talk Vero is powered by:

May 28, 2024

Tonight at 6 pm:

Three Corners Developer Selection/Vote

City Council Chambers -- 1053 20th Place




Let's Talk Lagoon Part 2 replay + A message from Heather Stapleton




Live Survey Results

Much to note about tonight's highly anticipated developer selection/vote.


But first, a shout out and many thanks to Heather Stapleton who spoke to a packed house at last week's Let's Talk Lagoon Part 2 at Riverside Theatre, which you may view here.


A message from Heather Stapleton:

There is no one source of pollution affecting the lagoon so there is no single solution. Our cumulative efforts to reduce negative impacts will improve the health of the lagoon.


Top things you can do today for the health of the Indian River Lagoon:

  • Learn about and properly maintain your septic tank. And eventually, when it becomes available, switch from septic to sewer.

  • Reduce turf grass and replace with sections of beautiful FL native plants.

  • When maintain your lawn, do not blow leaves or grass clippings into streets, ditches or storm drains.

  • Abide by your local fertilizer ordinance (Stormwater Division - Fertilizer Ordinance (

  • Pick up after pets – even in your own yard. Too much dog feces gets left on the ground every day and when it rains, stormwater carries it in to the lagoon.

  • Use a carwash rather than washing your car in your driveway or yard. Commercial car washes drain used water into the sanitary system instead of storm drains. This water is then treated.




Thank you all for participating in our developer ranking survey, which is still live on the homepage at if you wish to share your thoughts with City staff and Council members. Also, as promised, a link there to the survey results which update in real time so you may see what other community members are thinking.


Bear in mind, this survey is a simple temperature check, given the evolution of the plans presented by the developers at the May 21 Council meeting.


While we regularly engage you all and share your comments with Staff and Council members, it is important to note we have not been retained or asked by the City to conduct this survey as part of a new public outreach campaign.


Since 2019, the Three Corners project has had an unprecedented amount of outreach and input, all of which has informed the process every step of the way. From putting the plan to referendum, issuance of the RFP, appointment of Three Corners project manager, marketing and financial firms, Selection Committee, etc. and now vote.


That said, Staff and Council members are always eager to hear from you, whether you are showing up in person in council chambers, participating in our events and surveys, or writing to them directly (


We look forward to seeing you all this evening! Council members will make their vote after a discussion and evaluation of all four developer proposals, not just the top two ranked by the Selection Committee. The full agenda is here.


Reminder: All meeting attendees will be granted three minutes for public comment...expect a long meeting.


As always, we will share the replay as soon as it is available.


Take the Survey













Let's Talk Vero is powered by:

May 22, 2024

Refreshed Developer Proposals, New Survey


Message from the City 

Bringing to your attention to important new developments since our last outreach.


Prospective Three Corners developers have all come forth with updated information during their presentations yesterday with City Council members. Given the evolution and significance of this project, we wanted you to see first-hand (prior to Tuesday's upcoming vote) the refreshed designs, photos, and presentations, which may be viewed here.


The Three Corners Selection Committee ranked Clearpath at #1 and Suda Cred at #2, but it should be noted the Council members' vote will take into consideration all four RFP responses.


This is the moment we've all been waiting for! So, after viewing the video above, please do one of the following:


  1. Attend the meeting in person on Tuesday, May 28 at 6:00 pm. in Council Chambers (1053 20th Place). Council has changed the time to accommodate public comment from those who work and/or are unable to attend morning meetings. All City residents are allotted three minutes to make public comment.

  2. Share your opinion via e-mail with City Clerk, Tammy Bursick at

  3.  Take the survey prepared by Let's Talk Vero to share with Council members -- we will make results available to the community as well.  

Take the Survey

Below please find a Statement from the City.


Also below, photos Let's Talk Vero has compiled to give you a side-by-side view of the top two contenders as ranked by the Three Corners Selection Committee-- Clearpath which was ranked #1 and Suda Cred, which was ranked #2. 

















On Tuesday, May 28, after public comment, the Vero Beach City Council will make the final ranking of the proposals for the Master Developer for Three Corners site.


At the May 21 meeting, concerns were raised regarding the disqualification of the SUDA proposal based on the relationship between Colliers International and CREC Capital. Mr. Urgo previously raised these concerns to the City. The City addressed these concerns with Mr. Urgo by email on May 20 (see here).  


The City of Vero Beach has followed its standard operating procedures for evaluating RFP proposals and has been transparent by providing all relevant documents and videos of evaluation meetings to the public.  All Three Corners RFP documents are posted to the Three Corners page on the City website.  


Any inquiries for records should be directed to Tammy K. Bursick, City Clerk at 772-978-4700.

Correction: In our previous email, we erroneously stated the Three Corners developer vote will take place on Monday, May 28. The correct day is Tuesday, May 28 (not Monday).

Let's Talk Vero is powered by:

May 19, 2024

Countdown to May 28 Vote

Last chance to share your thoughts with council members before they vote


Take this final Survey 

We are one week away from City Council making the final vote on which developer to partner with for the future development of Big Blue and Three Corners.


This will be the community's final opportunity to weigh in.


The two finalists are: 1st place, Clearpath and 2nd place, Suda Cred. The vote will take place on Tuesday, May 28 in Council Chambers at 6:00 p.m. (1053 20th Place). The meeting was changed to the evening specifically to accommodate those who work and might not be able to attend morning meetings.


Attend the Meeting in Person


Take the Survey


In advance of taking the survey, we ask that you:


1) Read the media's reporting of this past Friday's selection committee meeting (click links):


Nick Slater -- TC Palm

Dylan Huberman -- CBS 12

Dave Bohman -- WPTV


We have not heard yet from our opinion writers -- 32963's Ray McNulty and TCPalm's Larry Reisman -- we encourage you to read their stories when they publish this week.


 2) Get to know the developers by watching their videos.


Here is Clearpath's presentation

Here is Suda Cred's presentation

Here is the replay of the Selection Committe Meeting 


Think about each proposal in terms of the financial feasibility and implications to the city, architecture, design, amenities and aesthetics, and the community's aspirations now and for the future.


3) Bear in mind the selection committee has worked tirelessly to make its recommendation to Council based on all the above criteria (and so much more). If you wish to weigh in, take the survey below:

Take the Survey

As a reminder, Let's Talk Vero is not affiliated or aligned in any way with the City of Vero Beach. Let's Talk Vero is an independent entity whose mission is to foster an engaged community, one where our elected officials are taking their cues from an educated and informed citizenry. We do that by alerting the community to important upcoming meetings, pointing to official City of Vero Beach links, agendas and replays, hosting monthly events, and generally gathering all the news reporting and information in one place, to make it easy for community members to knowledgeably weigh in, either in person or from the comfort of their own homes. We make our results public, and we share your input with Council members. We want to hear from all Vero Beach residents, but especially those who are city voters.


On Tuesday, May 21, each council member will speak one-on-one with the developers at a special call meeting (also in chambers). That meeting will be closed to the public, but discussion will be open to the public beginning at 12:30. There will be no public comment at this special call meeting -- it is strictly an opportunity for council members to ask questions of staff and PFM, the city's financial consultant on the project. Your opportunity for public comment will be on May 28 at the 6:00 p.m. Council meeting.


For more information, visit


Take the Survey

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May 15, 2024

Andres Duany's Presentation to Council Yesterday

Hello all,


Yesterday, Andres Duany presented a condensed version of the whopping 90-page Downtown Master Plan to the City Council. You may view the replay here (skip to 29:35).


Reminder: Friday, May 17 at 2:30 p.m. -- the Selection Committee will recommend their preferred Three Corners developer to City Council (OPEN to the public).

Let's Talk Vero is powered by:

May 14, 2024

Let's Talk Lagoon Part II


Three Corners Recommended Developer

Join us for Part II of Let's Talk Lagoon this Monday, May 20 at Riverside Theatre where we are delighted to once again be joined by Heather Stapleton of One Lagoon, so come ready with questions! We will answer questions submitted on cards from the last event as well.


Doors will open at 5:00 p.m. for mingling, complimentary sandwiches and cash bar. The actual program will begin at 5:30 p.m. and end at 7:00 p.m. sharp.


Mayor Cotugno will close the program with a quick "State of the City" and announce which Three Corners developer was chosen by the selection committee to go before Council for vote.


Monday, May 20


5:00 p.m. -- Doors Open

5:30 p.m. -- Program Begins

7:00 p.m. -- Program Ends

Complimentary Sandwiches and Cash Bar



Heather Stapleton

One Lagoon




Let's Talk Vero is powered by:

May 9, 2024

Mark Your Calendars!


Andres Duany Returning to Town May 14

Andres Duany of DPZ CoDESIGN will return to Vero Beach on Tuesday, May 14, to present the final Downtown Master Plan, based on your input, to City Council. You may read the full DPZ report here. The meeting will take place at 9:30 a.m. in Council chambers (1053 20th Place).


Three Corners Selection Committe Makes Recommendation May 17

On May 13 and 17 (closed to the public), the Three Corners Selection Committee will be interviewing the developers. Then, on Friday, May 17, beginning at 2:30 p.m. they will make their final recommendation to Council as to the preferred developer. This meeting is open to the public. There has been much in the news on the four developers vying for the opportunity; it's all gathered here in one place for your convenience. If you haven't already, please take a moment to share your thoughts in the survey here. We will share the results with staff, council, community and selection committee members.


Let's Talk Lagoon -- Part 2 at Riverside Theatre May 20

Our next Let's Talk Vero at Riverside event with Mayor John Cotugno will take place on Monday, May 20. We had 250 guests in attendance at the last event, and given time constraints, were not able to get to the questions. So due to overwhelming demand, we are thrilled Heather Stapleton of One Lagoon will join us again to give a brief presentation to bring everyone up to date and then invite the audience to participate in a free-flowing Q&A. If you haven't had a chance to view the Let's Talk Lagoon Part 1 video, you may do so here. We hope to see you there. Please Note: Riverside Theatre will open its doors at 5:00 p.m. where guests will gather for 30 minutes to enjoy complimentary gourmet sandwiches and cash bar. The actual program will begin at 5:30 p.m. and end at 6:55 p.m. sharp. Mayor Cotugno will be on hand for questions and will close the program with an update on Three Corners and other key projects in the City. RSVP is required. 


Urban Service Boundary -- ongoing

Indian River County has launched a series of workshops soliciting input on whether to expand the urban service boundary (USB). This would bring more areas of Vero Beach, Sebastian and Fellsmere into the utilities grid, but raises concerns over the intrusion of urban development into ecologically sensitive and rural areas. Both Larry Reisman and guest columnist Tom Cowan expressed skepticism toward the idea, noting an abundance of undeveloped land within the existing USB. Additionally, some have raised concerns that expansion of the USB could place unnecessary strain on a utilities department already grappling with a cumbersome septic-to-sewer program and potential infrastructure shortfalls.


More information about the County's public input process and workshops can be found here. The upcoming workshop dates are:


Wednesday, May 22

Intergenerational Recreation Center

1590 9th St. SW

11:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.


Wednesday, May 29

IRC Administration Building A BOCC Chambers

1801 27th St.

11:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.


Future State of the City Events - Mark Your Calendar

June 17 -- Three Corners developer (tentative)

July 15 -- Meet the Candidates for Sheriff (tentative)


Reminder: Renew Your Mail-In Ballot!

If you don't know already, your request for a mail-in ballot expired on December 31, 2022 due to changes in state law, meaning you must request a new one for the 2024 elections. You may do so online or call the Indian River County Supervisor of Elections at 772-226-4700.


Future Events

We asked and you told us the topics you'd like to bring to the stage. We will do what we can to accommodate all these requests; below is a tentative line-up. Dates may change.

  • Three Corners Developer (June 17 at Riverside)

  • Affordable Housing Workshop (date TBD)

  • State of the Hospital (date TBD)

  • Meet the Candidates - City Council (date TBD--October)

  • Meet the Candidates - IRC Sheriff (date TBD - likely July 15 at Riverside)

  • Meet the Candidates - County Commissioners (date TBD -- possibly ZOOM)

  • Meet the Candidates - School Board (date TBD)

If there are other topics you'd like us to add, or topics you think we should prioritize, please reply to this email with your suggestions, and we'll do our best to accommodate.

Let's Talk Vero is powered by:

April 30, 2024

Replay of Let's Talk Lagoon

Carve out 30 mins to watch this -- you won't be sorry!


If you're like most of our attendees, you will be in awe of the things you didn't even know and jazzed by the simple things you can readily do to contribute to a thriving lagoon.

Then forward this email to a friend.

Nearly 250 guests -- an unprecedented turnout -- sat in rapt attention as our seven panelists demystified the complexities surrounding what's ailing the Indian River Lagoon and what we can do as community members to take action. Covering complex and simple issues ranging from stormwater systems, macro lagoon challenges, funding and grants, septic-to-sewer conversion, lawn clippings, special interest groups, legislation, County and City action plans right on down to dog poop!


Watch the replay here.


Thank you to Jon Moses, Laurie Collings and the entire team at Riverside Theatre for graciously hosting last night's Let's Talk Lagoon. Fortunately for all of us, one of the theatre's core values is a commitment to community engagement -- we nearly filled the space and for once -- the sound was perfect! We had some really rough patches with earlier events.


And to our panelists (Sam Atwell, Joe Earman, Mike Johannsen, Judy Orcutt, Dale Sorensen, Heather Stapleton, Dr. Edie Widder, and our moderator extraordinaire, Baerbel O'Haire along with our Mayor John Cotugno.







Due to time constraints, we were unable to field questions. But we saved all your question cards and will organize a follow-up ZOOM or alternate event soon. Stay tuned.


In the meantime, don't forget to mark your calendars for our upcoming Let's Talk Vero/State of the City events at Riverside Theatre:


Monday, May 20 (time tba)

Monday, June 17 (time tba)

Monday, July 15 (time tba)


We will extend an invitation to the selected developer of Three Corners to present at the June 17 or July 15 event.


And last but not least, 32963's Mario Corbiciero gives us an advance look at this week's issue here so you can catch up on Three Corners, Police Chief Currey and other news.

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Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 2.54.41 PM.png

April 27, 2024

This Just in: Rankings for Three Corners Proposals


The Three Corners Selection Committee met yesterday to discuss and rank the four proposals for Three Corners.


CBS 12's Dylan Huberman covered the meeting, which you may view here. And TC Palm coverage is here


Selection Committee Rankings: 

  1. Clearpath

  2. Vista Blue

  3. Edgewater

  4. Suda Cred

Let's Talk Vero Survey Rankings:

  1. Clearpath

  2. Suda Cred

  3. Vista Blue

  4. Edgewater

Members spent hours deliberating each proposal in great detail, from financials and zoning laws to how they reflect Vero Beach's character, and more. Upon completion, each member individually ranked and scored the proposals, which were then aggregated and ranked overall based on the average. We will share the replay of that meeting next week.


Clearpath was lauded as aspirational and members took kindly to the hefty sum the firm is willing to invest in the property to propel Vero Beach forward, although several members suggested scaling it back a bit. Vista Blue was criticized for being too "members only" and narrow in scope, but was given the benefit of the doubt as there is strong potential to modify the proposal to align more with the master concept. Suda Cred came in last mostly due to the limited information available in the proposal given their late entrance into the process.


But this is far from over -- each developer will have a chance to address concerns raised and revise their proposals accordingly for the one-on-one meetings they will have with the committee on May 13 and 17. There is only one more session open to the public before Council votes on May 28.


If you want to attend that final meeting open to the public prior to official vote, which is where the selection committee will make their final recommendation to council, mark your calendar for Friday, May 17 at 2:30 p.m.


Last but not least, due to popular demand for Monday's Let's Talk Lagoon event, Riverside Theatre has moved us from the Waxlax to the mainstage so we can take people off the wait list.


If you are free on Monday, come by to sip, savor and celebrate the community coming together in support of our lagoon! Free and open to the public -- Riverside Theatre on Monday at 5 p.m.; program begins promptly at 5:30 p.m. with a hard stop at 7:00 p.m. We encourage your questions in advance.


Click here to RSVP


Let's Talk Vero is not officially aligned with the City of Vero Beach. We do, however, share survey results and community input gathered with Vero Beach City staff and Council members.

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April 25, 2024

Some important changes, updates and notifications:


Let's Talk Lagoon Event on Monday (4/29)

  • We are thrilled by the overwhelming response to the Let's Talk Lagoon panel discussion at Riverside Theatre on Monday. Alas, we are at capacity for the Waxlax Theatre so arrangements have been made for guests who RSVP after today to be able to view from the Orchid Lobby. If you wish to attend, RSVP here. You will either receive a notification that you are on the waitlist, which means you will view from the Orchid Lobby, or you will be alerted event registration is closed.


  • Additionally, we are delighted to announce Dr. Edie Widder of Team ORCA has joined our esteemed group of panelists.


Three Corners Developer Selection

  • Thank you all for taking the survey to rank your favorite plans based on the RFP responses. We had over 200 survey takers and over 100 write-in comments from respondents sharing both what they loved and what they were concerned about.

  • Mayor Cotugno was very impressed by both the quantity and quality of those write-in comments.

  • The survey results are below. If you want to get a copy of the 100+ write-in comments from respondents (without names), reply to this email and we will send them in a PDF to you. Your insights are invaluable as the committee and council members prepare to interview the developers.

  • There are at least four more meetings before council votes on final selection, so if you haven't taken the survey and would like to, click here.

  • Tomorrow -- (4/25) from 9 am - 5 pm, the Selection Committee will be meeting to rank the proposals. The meeting is open to the public.

  •  The May 28 meeting where Council members will vote on the chosen developer will take place at 6:00 p.m. to accommodate those who work and would not normally be able to attend.

April 22, 2024

Announcing panelist line-up for our most anticipated event yet!


Let's Talk Lagoon

a panel discussion

at our monthly

Let's Talk Vero at Riverside Theatre Series


an update on Three Corners developer selection will also be provided

Monday, April 29 from 5 - 7 p.m.

complimentary small plates and cash bar


You may recall, the health of the lagoon was raised at last month's event when Dale Sorensen congratulated Mayor Cotugno on the progress the City is making with the Downtown Master Plan and Three Corners project, while simultaneously cautioning all of us the success of these projects is reliant on a healthy lagoon.


Judy Orcutt of Clean Water Coalition asked us almost a year ago to focus more attention on it as well; she took us to tour Osprey Acres Stormwater Park and Nature Preserve, originally slated for more than 400 home parcels and now a nature lover's paradise dedicated to stormwater treatment and passive nutrient scrubbing. Duane De Freese of the Indian River Lagoon Council, Janie Gould of Environmental Learning Center, Bob Jones, Barbara Ruddy, and too many more to mention have been instrumental in helping us understand more as we assembled our panel. This is the first of what will hopefully be more programming on the subject for our Let's Talk Vero community.


But what exactly is a healthy lagoon, and how do we get there? What is the impact of a healthy lagoon on our quality of life, tourism, fishing, water sports and our home and property values? How will the Three Corners development impact lagoon health? Where have we been, where are we now, where are we headed, and what are our elected officials doing about it? And last but not least, what are some simple things we can all do to make a real difference?


Those questions and more -- along with actionable solutions -- will be explored by our dedicated group of panelists. Mayor John Cotugno will also be on hand to help us understand the City's commitment.


Free and open to the public -- RSVP Required

Complimentary Small Plates and Cash Bar

RSVP Required


Baerbel O'Haire


The O'Haire Group, Merrill Lynch

Sam Atwell

Down Sea Charters

Judy Orcutt

Clean Water Coalition

Dale Sorensen

Dale Sorensen Real Estate

Joe Earman

County Commissioner

District 3

Heather Stapleton

Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program

Mike Johannsen

Indian River Neighborhood Association


Panelist Bios

Baerbel O’Haire:

A regular on the Forbes annual “Best-In-State Wealth Advisors” list, Baerbel O’Haire has served Vero Beach as a Merrill Wealth Management Advisor for 38 years and counting. A fourth generation Vero Beach family, the O’Haires reside on one of the first island home properties developed on the Indian River Lagoon, where they raised their three children. An avid water skier, Baerbel wants the Lagoon to be the best it can be as a public good for the community. Baerbel currently serves as the treasurer on the board of trustees for Riverside Theatre and has also served on the boards of Childcare Resources, Impact 100, and United Against Poverty. Daughter Sydney and son Conor have recently returned to Vero Beach to join The O’Haire Group, Merrill Lynch.


Sam Atwell:

Sam Atwell, recognized as a Yamaha “Best America Captain,” adeptly showcases the marvels of the Indian River Lagoon through his venture, Down Sea Charters. Beyond leading charters, he passionately advocates for conservation in Florida on a national scale. Notably, Atwell served as the host of Florida Sportsman Watermen, broadcasted on World Fishing Network and Sportsman Channel, utilizing this platform to ignite awareness and drive action on the critical challenges facing Florida’s prized waterways.


Judy Orcutt:

The President of the Clean Water Coalition and a vocal advocate for clean water in Indian River County, Judy Orcutt’s record includes serving on the Management Board of the IRL National Estuary Program, chairing the IRNA Lagoon Committee, and serving on the City of Vero Beach Utilities Advisory Board. As a Lagoon front resident since 1996, she has witnessed the Lagoon decline that she believes we can improve by all working together.

Dale Sorensen:

Dale Sorensen needs no introduction in Vero Beach. Since 1978, he and his wife, Matilde, have built their eponymous real estate firm from a local boutique shop to the nationally recognized luxury powerhouse brand it is today. The former headmaster of St. Edward’s School, Sorensen’s commitment to Vero Beach arts, culture and philanthropic initiatives is unparalleled in our community. Dale and Matilde, along with their children Elizabeth, Leslie and Dale Jr., care deeply about preserving the Indian River Lagoon as a source of enjoyment for future homebuyers, as well as generations past, present and future.

Joe Earman:

A lifelong resident, Joe Earman represents District 3 on the Indian River Board of County Commissioners. He began his career in various family businesses before going on to spend 35 years as a firefighter and paramedic, retiring as a captain in 2015. He serves as Vice-Chairman for the Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program (IRLNEP) locally referred to as the “Lagoon Council” which is part of a network of 28 estuaries nationally administered by the EPA with a commitment to clean water and healthy marine ecosystems.


Heather Stapleton:

A graduate of Indiana University with triple majors in Environmental Studies, Political Science and French, Heather Stapleton began her career with a three-year stint in the Peace Corps. She has lived in Vero Beach for nearly two decades and has held executive positions at Vero Heritage, Inc. and the Environmental Learning Center. Currently a community engagement coordinator for One Lagoon (the Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program), she channels her passion for the environment into fostering community connections and helping people live and be more lagoon friendly.


Mike Johannsen:

Mike Johannsen graduated from the U.S. Naval academy in the top 10% of his class before going on to serve his country for 26 years as a combat aircraft carrier pilot, followed by a 15-year career in national security. These days, rather than fighting foreign adversaries, Mike fights for clean water in Indian River County through leadership in various nonprofits as Chairman of the Indian River Neighborhood Association and a member of the Clean Water Coalition.

April 17, 2024

Extra! Extra! -- Read all About it!


IMPORTANT: Does anyone know Ray Grochowski? And if you do, can you please forward this email to him? It's a response to his letter (pasted below) to the editor which appeared in TC Palm today.


Imagine giving residents freedom to pick Three Corners plan

John Lennon well said it: “Imagine." Maybe that is just what we should do. Imagine, if the ultimate fate of the Three Corners site was not determined by several profit-seeking outside developers. Imagine, if several verbose, non-city resident columnists fostered ultimate determination directly by city residents. Imagine. In this era of electronic data-gathering capability, a determination of direction can be made in an ultimate and direct survey that gets to the core of what matters, by true residents of our city. A survey that results in direct input by the people that will be directly affected by the ultimate decision and not those outsiders/columnists with their own financial/personal agendas.

Further, the input of those organizations servicing critical community and social needs should be solicited. Yes, those organizations that struggle to service and support the not-so-financially endowed, the aged, the disabled, the homeless, those families struggling to find affordable housing, etc. 

Do we really need more commercialization? Why? To clog our roads more? To get further outcry from the “we need more parking” crowd? To further overwhelm our medical facilities? To further drive up our living costs? Just what is the underlying driving force for more commercialization? Am I the only one missing something here? Bottom line: Imagine if our leadership directed its search for our future direction, based on input from all of our city residents. Mr. Lennon was not only speaking to a past generation, his words are even more important in today's times. For us. Now.

Ray Grochowski, Vero Beach


As we lead up to Council voting on which developer to proceed with for Three Corners, we are seeing an increased incidence of "keyboard warriors" on Vero Beach Facebook groups -- people who are not engaged, informed, or open minded -- intent on spreading fear, misinformation and disinformation. We call it the tyranny of the few.


They advocate swarming Council meetings to shut the Three Corners project down. A reminder -- the referendum for Three Corners development passed overwhelmingly in favor of adopting the plan -- the vote was 80% for and 20% against. The community overwhelmingly wants it, and we urge Council not to be intimidated by a small, angry mob.


We addressed this in an earlier email, and I am thrilled to see Mayor Cotugno addressed it at the last Council meeting, Larry Reisman wrote about it here, and Ray McNulty has a piece about it coming out any moment in Vero News and 32963.


As all of you know, Let's Talk Vero ( has been engaging the community about growth and development issues in Vero Beach since beginning of the Three Corners project in 2019 with important updates, key dates, surveys and events. As a service to our community and free of charge to our readers, we circulate every single news story and keep people apprised of important meetings and dates. A full archive of every Three Corners news story (65+ stories) can be found here. Adn if you're feeling out of the loop, a ful larchive of our regular communications can be found here.


As a reminder, Let's Talk Vero is not officially aligned with or on retainer with the City of Vero Beach -- all our work is supported through the generosity of one patron, Baerbel O'Haire.


Given the City does not have a public relations department, we do share all results and input received with our elected officials so they may consider data-driven community input from an educated and informed citizenry. The Three Corners initiative received more engagement than any other project in the history of Vero Beach. The master plan adopted was authored by the community, for the community. Here is the archive of every story ever written about Three Corners. And here is the official COVB Three Corners project page. If you know people who would like to receive our regular updates and attend our State of the City events with Mayor Cotugno at Riverside Theatre, please forward this email and have them sign up here.





4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Downtown Farmers Market at 14th Street.


Tomorrow -- Thursday, April 18:

1:30 p.m. in Council Chambers or watch online. Xavier Iglesias of DPZ CoDESIGN will present the Downtown Master Plan to the Planning & Zoning board. If you wish to comment, you must attend in person. If you would like to watch from your computer, click here.


Friday, April 26:

9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. -- The Three Corners Selection Committee will meet to rank the Three Corners proposals. This meeting is open to the public.


Monday, April 29:

5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. -- Monthly State of the City with Mayor John Cotugno at Riverside Theatre. Cash bar and complimentary apps.


We will host a panel discussion called Let's Talk Lagoon, with an illustrious group of community leaders -- Dale Sorenson, Sam Atwell, Joe Earman, Mike Johannsen, Heather Stapleton and Judy Orcutt. Moderated by Baerbel O'Haire. More details to come -- you definitely don't want to miss this one!


LAST BUT NOT LEAST, if you haven't yet taken the Three Corners survey, please click below and we will share with Council members and the selection committee.


Three Corners Survey


Once you click on the survey (click the button below), you will see we've attempted to share highlights and opinions from LTV readers and local media to help contextualize each response. Bear in mind, these are just snippets of opinions from the media and general feedback we are hearing. Each proposal has its merits, and we urge you to take a deeper dive to formulate your own opinions/questions you wish to share with Council members. Barring unforeseen circumstances, one of the four proposals will be chosen on May 28.


If you want to do more research prior to taking the survey, you may click on the links in blue below to 1) the actual RFP if you wish to read it in its entirety, 2) each of the four developer responses to the RFP and 3) a matrix Colliers put together for an "at a glance" look at each of the proposals.




  1. Clearpath

  2. Edgewater

  3. Suda Cred

  4. Vista Blue


At-a-glance Matrix (Colliers)

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April 8, 2024

Hello all,


Quick update and a correction.


First, the correction.

We erroneously noted the May 21 developer interviews with Council members and RFP respondents would be open to the public. The meeting is, in fact, closed.


Tomorrow -- Tuesday, April 9

Regular council meeting in chambers. The agenda can be found here. Some key items -- Appointment of interim city clerk, FY 2024-25 budget priorities, wastewater reclamation facility update, future public notices, etc.


Later this week

Keep an eye out for a survey from Jonathan Buckley with a deeper dive into the four RFP responses. We were not intending to prepare a survey because the time for community input was back in 2019/20 but many of you have asked if we could break them down a bit more, and so we will attempt to do that with photos, opinions reported in the media to date, and a survey -- all in one place to make it easier. The results will be shared with council members.


We've seen quite a bit of Facebook and Next-door chatter about shutting this project down and a recent TC Palm letter to the editor about turning it into a park. To clear up any confusion, this referendum passed 80/20 in favor (11/8/22) and laid out the following elements for the Three Corners plan -- 1) public use and access; 2) recreation; 3) retail; 4) restaurant and 5) hotel.


If there is one particular plan you want your elected officials to embrace, we urge you to take the survey and share with friends, neighbors and colleagues. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, one of the four developers will be chosen by Council on May 28.


Monday, April 29 -- 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Complimentary sandwiches and cash bar




State of the City with Mayor John Cotugno at Riverside Theatre. We will be hosting a panel discussion moderated by Baerbel O'Haire about the health of the lagoon and its impact on our property values, tourism and recreation. You'll recall Dale Sorensen raised the issue of a healthy lagoon at the last meeting.


You'll also get an update on Three Corners and Downtown. By that time the ranking of the proposals by the evaluation committee will have taken place.


We will announce the panel participants later this week.


Last but not least, I would like to thank Laurie Collings, John Moses, and the entire team at Riverside Theatre for generously hosting this monthly community engagement event.





Important Dates:

Upcoming City Council Meetings



4/9/24: 9:30 a.m. -- in Chambers

4/23/24: 9:30 a.m. -- in Chambers



5/14/24: 9:30 a.m. -- in Chambers

5/28/24: 9:30 a.m.-- in Chambers


Downtown Master Plan Events Open to the Public



4/18/24: 1:30 p.m. - DPZ presentation to Planning & Zoning Board



5/14/24: 9:30 a.m. - Presentation and Council Vote


Three Corners Meetings Open to the Public



4/26/24: 9:00 am –5:00 pm --- Ranking of Proposals



5/17/24 2:30 pm -- 5:00 pm --- Recommendations to Council

5/28/24 9:30 am -- City Council Votes on selected developer

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March 20, 2024

Don't miss the chance to witness first-hand the most thrilling -- and final -- performance of the CMS inaugural season in Vero Beach. This evening at 6:45 for pre-concert talk. Concert begins at 7:30.


You will recall it all started with re-imagining Three Corners with state-of-the-art cultural facilities and an amphitheater. And here we are today!


In no time at all, CMS has become part of the fabric of our community, and we are so fortunate they have taken up residency in Vero Beach. If you are not already, you will become a devoted a chamber music fan after just one performance.


Join us as we say farewell to our CMS friends and artists:

Wu Han, David Finckel, Arnaud Sussmann, Suzanne Davidson and Rebecca Bogers -- until next season!

Wednesday, March 20


Trios Transformed


Trinity Episcopal Church

2365 Pine Avenue


Concert begins at 7:30 p.m.

Pre-concert talk begins at 6:45 p.m.


Works by Haydn and Beethoven



The electrifying concluding concert by CMS Co-Artistic Directors David Finckel and Wu Han and violinist Arnaud Sussmann features a musical conversation between two titans of the chamber music genre, Haydn and Beethoven. This is a rare opportunity to witness the evolution of each composer’s piano trios, at the time when Haydn was at the height of his fame and influence and Beethoven was first establishing himself as a formidable composer and pianist.

View a personalized message from David Finckel here. Secure tickets here.

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March 18, 2024

Hello all,


Hope you had a wonderful St. Patrick's Day weekend. Some exciting new developments.


First -- don't miss out on the thrilling final performance of Lincoln Center's Chamber Music Society!


Wednesday, March 20


Trios Transformed


Trinity Episcopal Church

2365 Pine Avenue


Concert begins at 7:30 p.m.

Pre-concert talk begins at 6:45 p.m.


Works by Haydn and Beethoven


To hear lectures about the works being performed and to buy tickets, click here.


Thanks again to Riverside Theatre for hosting us for State of the City last week -- mark your calendar for the next one on April 29, where we will discuss the health of the lagoon, especially as it relates to tourism and property values.


Kinky Boots has officially wrapped up, but do come out for Yankee Tavern beginning tomorrow, March 19 (details below).


The Bobbie Olsen Series on the Waxlax Stage presents:
Yankee Tavern

By Steven Dietz

Yankee Tavern is a crumbling New York City bar. It is the place where people come to drink, connect and share stories that are only told in those places. One day, Adam, the young owner, and Janet, his fiancé, become embroiled in a conspiracy theory of personal and national significance when a stranger enters the bar and seems to know more than he should about the September 11th terrorist attacks. Yankee Tavern is a thriller laced with introspection and comedy. 

Buy Tickets

After Yankee Tavern, check out "On Your Feet! The Story of Emilio and Gloria Estefan" from April 9 to May 5.


Three Corners

The race is on for the four developer proposals submitted. 32963 columnists Ray McNulty and Steve Thomas offer two compelling, competing opinions on who should carry the torch (read here and here respectively). We will keep you posted as new developments arise.


Downtown Farmers Market

Come downtown this Wednesday, March 20, for the next Downtown Farmers Market, hosted by Main Street Vero Beach at the intersection of 14th Ave. and 21st St. The time change and warmer weather combined with more growers -- Zesty Farms, 5-Acre Farms, Top Notch Microgreens, Tall Pines and more -- should bring us from "testing the concept" to bona fide market. Come out and support this market if you want to see it continue year-round.


Next City Council Meeting

The next City Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 26 at 9:30 a.m. in city chambers.


In the meantime, you may review the previous City Council meeting discussing stormwater treatment and lagoon health. View the recording here and read minutes here.


More soon!



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March 12, 2024

Hello all,


Thank you for coming out last night for Let's Talk Vero's State of the City at Riverside Theatre.


We had over 100 guests to celebrate forward movement on Three Corners and the downtown master plan. Many of you who were unable to attend asked for a replay -- it is here.


At our next Let's Talk Vero State of the City at Riverside Theatre event, in addition to Three Corners and downtown updates, we hope to bring in community experts for a deep dive into the effects of stormwater runoff on the health of the lagoon and its impact on our economy, tourism, and quality of life. This introduction to a new topic was inspired by many of you who have commented you'd like to see updates extend beyond growth and development -- the most requested topic being the lagoon. That was underscored last night when long-time resident and realtor Dale Sorensen congratulated the city on the magnificent progress with Three Corners and Downtown, but noted if we don't have the lagoon in tip-top shape, we're going to lose it all.



Let's Talk Vero at Riverside Theatre

State of the City

Update on Three Corners and Downtown Master Plan

with focus on

Health of the Indian River Lagoon

Monday, April 29

5:30 - 7:00 p.m.


The next City of Vero Beach council meeting about the Downtown Master Plan will take place on Thursday, April 18 in chambers at 1:30 p.m., where Andres Duany will make a presentation. The next Three Corners meeting open to the public will take place on Friday, April 26 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. See the full schedule below (dates subject to change):

Downtown Master Plan Timeline (as of 3/11/24)

3/14/24: DPZ provides initial report to staff

4/1/24: DPZ provides revised draft to staff

4/3/24: Staff comments back to DPZ

4/5/24: Plan is posted for public review & comments

4/18/24: 1:30 p.m. - DPZ presentation to Planning & Zoning Board (OPEN TO PULIC)

4/30/24: Draft report of Ideas for Downtown survey results complete

5/14/24: 9:30 a.m. - Presentation and Council Vote (OPEN TO PUBLIC)


Three Corners Meetings Timeline (as of 3/11/24)

4/26/24: 9:00 am –5:00 pm --- Ranking of Proposals (OPEN TO PUBLIC)

5/13/24:12:30 pm –5:00 pm --- Interviews with Developers (CLOSED TO PUBLIC)

5/17/24: 8:30 am – 2:45 pm --- Interviews with Developers (CLOSED TO PUBLIC)

5/17/24 2:30 pm -- 5:00 pm --- Recommendations to Council (OPEN TO PUBLIC)

5/28/24 9:30 am -- City Council Votes on selected developer (OPEN TO PUBLIC)


Lastly, on the naming of Three Corners, 83% of people who took our survey say they want to change the name. The top five suggested names are as follows: #1 Vero Landing, #2 Riverwalk, #3 Vero Walk, #4 The Landing at Three Corners, and #5 Water's Edge. Names that were not included in the survey but suggested by survey takers include: South Bridge District, Power Plant District, The Stacks, Gateway Plaza, Lagoon Landing, Big Blue District, Riverside Power, City Corner, and Vero Cove. We will be sharing a link with full results to everyone soon, including Council and the selected developer. We had about 300 survey takers and would like to see more. Please share this email and encourage people to take the survey here.



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March 4, 2024




Here is the link to the COVB website where you can review the responses in their entirety.


Here is WPTV news coverage with John Shainman from this evening.


Here is TCPalm's Wicker Perlis' coverage.


Next State of the City

Monday, March 11 at Riverside Theatre

5:30 - 7:00 p.m. -- Cash Bar

6:00 - 6:30 p.m. -- Presentation

RSVP here

Note in your calendars the next five State of the City events. All take place at:


Riverside Theatre from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.

March 11th

April 29th

May 20th

June 17th

July 15th 


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March 4, 2024

Hello all,


As promised, here is the survey about potentially renaming Three Corners.


We will announce the results at the next State of the City -- at Riverside Theatre on March 11. RSVP below.  


Next State of the City

Monday, March 11 at Riverside Theatre

5:30 - 7:00 p.m. -- Cash Bar

6:00 - 6:30 p.m. -- Presentation

RSVP here

Note in your calendars the next five State of the City events. All take place at:


Riverside Theatre from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.

March 11th

April 29th

May 20th

June 17th

July 15th 


Let's Talk Vero is powered by:


February 29, 2024

If you're like most Let's Talk Vero readers, you are dying to know what's in those highly CONFIDENTIAL Three Corners developer RFP proposals! Well, thanks to Ray Mcnulty, we are bringing you the "insider" scoop here.


For the official deep dive and Q&A with Mayor John Cotugno and Planning Director Jason Jeffries, join us on March 11 at Riverside Theatre (see below for details)


In the meantime, be on the lookout for a survey coming soon seeking your ideas for a new name for Three Corners. For the longest time, people have wanted an alternative name. Now seems like an appropriate time to query Vero Beach residents. Do you have a suggested name? Reply to this email with your suggestion, and we will include in the new survey -- results will be revealed at the March 11 State of the City at Riverside Theatre.


Last but not least, if you want to get the best seats for tonight's Lincoln Center CMS Instrumental Inspirations, get there early for the pre-concert talk, which begins at 6:45.


Concert begins at 7:30. More details here.


Next State of the City

Monday, March 11 at Riverside Theatre

5:30 - 7:00 p.m. -- Cash Bar

6:00 - 6:30 p.m. -- Presentation


Join for Q&A and official deep dive into the

 Three Corners Developer Proposals


Mayor John Cotugno and Planning Director Jason Jeffries


Brief County Update


Commissioner Laura Moss


Let's Talk Vero is powered by:


February 23, 2024


Tuesday, February 27 -- City Council Meeting (9:30 a.m., Chambers)

Wednesday, February 28 -- Three Corners Evaluation Committe (9:30 a.m., Chambers)

Thursday, February 29 -- CMS of Lincoln Center (7:30 p.m., Trinity Episcopal)


Hello everyone,


Great weather today for Downtown Friday! Check out the car show and featured band (Perfect Tuesday) This evening -- 6 - 9 pm; 14th Avenue & 21st Street.


Three important dates next week:


City Council meeting Tuesday morning at 9:30 a.m.

Full agenda here. A few items up for discussion:

  • Downtown master plan recap and discussion about parking, incentives, etc. (Carroll)

  • Downtown parking and proposed valet parking at Freshman Learning Center (Dingle)

  • Three Corners comp plan amendment (ordinance)

  • Beachside 3-hour parking (Moore)


Three Corners Evaluation Committee

Meets Wednesday morning at 9:30 a.m. in Chambers for a general discussion of the proposal process.



CMS of Lincoln Center Concert

At Trinity Episcopal Church on Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. -- Sneak Peek here. Pre-Concert Talk at 6:45 pm; works by Schubert, Grieg, Vieuxtemps, and Dohnányi


February 20, 2024


Tomorrow -- Wednesday, February 21 -- Downtown Farmers Market (4-7 pm)

Friday, February 23 -- Downtown Friday (6-9 pm)

Tuesday, February 27 -- City Council Meeting (9:30 a.m., Chambers)

Wednesday, February 28 -- Three Corners Evaluation Committee (9:30 a.m., Chambers)

Thursday, February 29 -- CMS of Lincoln Center (7:30 p.m., Trinity Episcopal)

Monday, March 4 -- Three Corners RFP Responses will be made public

Wednesday, May 1 -- Three Corners Selection Committe Meets to Score RFP Responses

Tuesday, May 28 -- RFP Selection Committe Recommends Preferred Developer to Council


Hello everyone,


Happy to be checking in again with updates on Three Corners, Downtown Master Plan, and most recent City Council meeting highlights.


Also, see the Chamber Society of Lincoln Center Season opening photos and lovely thank you video from Suzanne Davidson, CMS executive director, below. The arrival in Vero Beach and welcoming of CMS Lincoln Center to our community has been nothing short of spectacular!


Three Corners

As you all may recall, we received four responses to the Three Corners RFP. The names of the developers have been published but the content is confidential until March 4, when the evaluation committee will make recommendations to Council members.


February 13 City Council Meeting Highlights:

  • Keith Drewett (Clean Water Coalition) announced they have been approved for a grant of $200,000 to further the STEP System (septic to sewer conversion).

  • Gene Waddell commented that unless zoning rules are changed, no private investment will happen downtown and that onerous building department and permitting process delays need to be addressed.

  • There was discussion of formation of CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) and other funding mechanisms to finance revitalization of Downtown so as not to put the burden on the community/taxpayers.

  • Joe Earman (County Commissioner) presented the plan for wrapping of electrical boxes in art; you've probably seen some already and -- happily -- it looks like we'll be seeing more!

  • The Three Corners Selection Committe process was discussed at length. The important key dates are listed above. City Manager, Monte Falls, gives a very detailed overview of the process, and you can understand more about why the council members were not part of the selection committee by watching the replay for four minutes beginning at the minute marker 56:19 in the replay here. For those of you who are keen followers of the project and want up-to-the second, accurate details vs. hearsay, I highly suggest you watch.


Ideas for Downtown

The downtown master plan charrette has concluded, and we want to let you know DPZ CoDESIGN is still accepting ideas. If you want to submit more ideas, you are encouraged to view the video of the final presentation and submit ideas by visiting the Ideas for Downtown section at And then take the survey or send your ideas via email to



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February 5, 2024


Don't forget this evening's opening presentation with Andres Duany and the DPZ CoDESIGN team takes place at the Heritage Center from 5 - 7, presentation begins at 5:30 p.m. The full schedule of meetings can be found at the official website for the project,


Parking can be found behind the Community Center/Pocahantas Park, on 14th Avenue, or in the overflow parking lot north of 23rd Street.



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February 2, 2024

Hello all,


Excited to report that according to Demandstar, the following developers submitted responses to the redevelopment and operations of the Three Corners site:


  1. Clearpath, Bloomington, IN

  2. Edgewater Group, Fort Lauderdale, FL

  3. Suda, Cred Capital, Madison Marquette, Pompano Beach, FL

  4. Vista Blue Vero Beach Resort & Spa, Vero Beach, FL


No doubt you'll be hearing more information from Jason Jeffries soon, and we'll be sure to share it. In the meantime, as seen in Ray McNulty's Vero News story yesterday (here), The Three Corners Selection Committee tasked with evaluating the respondents based on the city's criteria has been announced. The selection committee members are:


Jason Jeffries, Planning & Development Director

Steve Dionne, Finance Director

Matt Mitts, Public Works Director

Rob Bolton, Water-and-Sewer Director

Jeb Bittner, Planning & Zoning Board Chairman

Robert Jones, Finance Commission Chairman

Vicky Gould, Chair of the 2019 Three Corners Steering Committee


What an incredibly uplifting way to welcome DPZ back to Vero Beach next week. As always, we will keep you posted with updates.



Don't forget Monday's opening presentation with Andres Duany and the DPZ CoDESIGN team will take place at the Heritage Center from 5 - 7, with the presentation beginning at 5:30 p.m. The full schedule of meetings can be found at the official website for the project, Please visit the site, take the survey and RSVP for meetings (not required, but helpful). See Larry Reisman's TC Palm piece from this morning (here -- subscription required).


Last but not least, the city has extended the deadline to February 9 for public input in conjunction with the preparation of potential neighborhood protection and preservation policies for island and inland and beachside neighborhoods. Interested parties are invited and encouraged to provide comments here.


Looking forward to seeing you all next week,




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January 29, 2024



In case you missed it, I am sharing Mayor John E. Cotugno's message circulated Monday about the Ideas for Downtown campaign (pasted below).


This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity (actually twice if you participated in Three Corners!) to work alongside Andres Duany in shaping a Master Plan for Downtown. The team is eager to hear your ideas. Completed surveys are rolling in and we are sharing your insights and ideas with the team in real time. Let's keep those surveys coming.


Forward this email to your friends, family and colleagues and encourage them to get involved with what promises to be an exciting series of workshops.


Mark your calendars for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (Feb 5, 6 and 7) from 5 - 7 p.m. and then again on Friday, February 9 from 5-7 pm for the closing presentation. You can check out the full schedule here.


For planning purposes, we kindly ask you to RSVP in case we need to shift venues, add more chairs, etc. In fact, the opening presentation has already been moved to the Heritage Center and other presentations may as well. Fortunately, the two venues are close in proximity, and we will have re-direct signs from the Community Center for those who have already signed up.


Bear in mind:


  •  If you are new to this initiative, we suggest you start by reading up on Andres Duany's initial observations as presented to the City Council on January 18 in the "In the News" section and then check out the "FAQ/Resources" tab for links to historical studies at the website -- If you want to drill deeper into the history, visit the Planning Department tab at

  • You will notice Andres is eager to hear from younger people...aka 30-year-olds who will be 50-year-olds when Downtown Vero matures. While there is a definite focus on the "under 45's," we want to hear from EVERYONE, so please take the survey and join in person as well.

  • When you take the survey, we do ask for your name, email address, and street address. We ask for this information to protect the integrity of the process as well as understand which Vero Beach residents are city residents (voters) and which are county (unable to vote in city elections). As a reminder, just because you have a Vero Beach mailing address does not mean you are actually a resident of the City of Vero Beach. You can check whether you are a city or county resident here.

  • Jason Jeffries, COVB Planning Director, is working on a list of frequently asked questions which will be posted to the website shortly. In the meantime, if you have any questions, you may pose them here.

  • If you are experiencing technical difficulties with the site or survey, please email for assistance.


Last but not least, we urge you to take the survey ASAP so that the team has as much advance intelligence as possible.


And now....the Message from Mayor John E. Cotugno







On behalf of my fellow council members and staff of the City of Vero Beach, I am excited to announce the Ideas for Downtown community engagement campaign with DPZ CoDESIGN is officially underway.


Andres Duany and the DPZ CoDESIGN team will arrive one week from today for what promises to be an exceedingly future-forward Downtown Master Plan Charrette, and we are eager to hear your ideas, both in person during the week-long charrette and online at I encourage everyone in our community to get involved and take part in the process.


The outgrowth of a months-long process, this Charrette serves as the pre-cursor to adopting a new downtown master plan -- a plan very much designed for the future. And a plan that will appeal to the next generation who want to live, work and play in downtown. You'll see a lot of focus on how to make downtown more livable and on how to create more attainable housing in order to receive, attract and retain younger community members. You'll also see a lot of emphasis on shaping a place distinct in character from Ocean Drive or Three Corners.


Start by taking the survey. Then, mark your calendars for daily presentations and Q&A from 5-7 p.m. beginning Monday, February 5 through Friday, February 9 at the Vero Beach Community Center (2266 14th Ave.). Note: there will be no public presentation on Thursday, as the design team will be preparing their drawings for Friday's closing presentation. The full schedule can be found at on the website at


In closing, I want to express my gratitude to the entire Vero Beach community for your ongoing input, support and engagement on important issues facing our city. Your voices and feedback play a crucial role in shaping our priorities and decision-making.





Mayor John E. Cotugno

City of Vero Beach

January 29, 2024


January 25, 2024

The Ideas for Downtown website and survey have officially launched!


Visit, take the survey, register for regular updates, and then forward this e-mail to your friends, colleagues and neighbors who want to share their ideas with Andres Duany and the DPZ CoDESIGN team as they work alongside the community to shape the future and design of Downtown Vero Beach.




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January 23, 2024

Reminder to attend tomorrow's Neighborhood meeting (not to be confused with ideas for downtown master plan with Andres Duany).


This will be a great opportunity to get to know and ask questions of Jason Jeffries, Planning & Development Director about potential changes to neighborhood protection policies.


These are two meetings set for tomorrow for citywide residents to share their concerns about encroachment -- or any kind of development -- taking place in their immediate neighborhoods.


There is meeting a at 2 pm for island residents and 6 pm for mainland residents.


If you'd like to submit questions in advance, simply reply to this email and I will forward to Jason.


See locations below:



On Wednesday, January 24 join these meetings to share your thoughts about Neighborhood Protection.


Beachside Neighborhood Meeting

2:00 p.m. -- Bethel Creek House, 4405 North A1A


Mainland Neighborhood Meeting

6:00 p.m. -- Vero Beach Community Center, 2266 14th Avenue


Neighborhood and protection policies serve to:

Preserve the character and quality of neighborhoods with an emphasis on maintaining unique character, identity and livability. They may include regulations on building design, density and use (commercial vs. residential, etc.), as well as guidelines for preserving historic buildings and landmarks.


These policies serve to:


Ensure compatibility and harmony. They may include zoning regulations that separate incompatible land uses, such as residential and industrial areas.


Protect natural resources and the environment. Think wetlands and water bodies. They may include restrictions on development in environmentally sensitive areas, requirements for green spaces and open areas, and regulations for sustainable building practices.


Enhance public safety and wellbeing of residents. Including regulations on fire safety, building codes, access to public amenities and provisions for emergency services.


Overall, these policies help to create and maintain a balanced and sustainable land use pattern that meets the needs of the community while protecting the environment and preserving the quality of life in neighborhoods.

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January 22, 2024

Important upcoming dates at a glance

Tonight: January 22 at 7:30 p.m. Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center; Beethoven, Shostakovich and Dvorak. Trinity Episcopal Church Purchase tickets here.

Tomorrow: January 23 at 9:30 a.m. City Council meeting @ City Hall

January 18 -- 1:30 p.m. -- Andres Duany at Joint Council and Planning Meeting

January 24 -- 2:00 p.m. -- Beachside Neighborhood Protection Input Session

January 24 -- 6:00 p.m. -- Mainland Neighborhood Protection Input Session

February 5 - 9: Ideas for Downtown DPZ CoDESIGN Charrette (More details tk)


Tonight at 7:30 is the opening Concert for The Lincoln Center Chamber Music Society; The church is nearly sold out for this performance, but there are still seats available. Purchase tickets here.



Check out Andres Duany's observations during kick-off of the Vero Beach Master Plan here.


Looks like we have another standing ovation plan in the works!



Then read the media coverage. Larry Reisman's opinion piece here. Nick Slater's reporting here, and WPTV Television here.


Mark your calendar for February 5 - 9. More details to follow.


Ideas for Downtown website and surveys from the city are set to be launched this Friday.







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January 17, 2024


Join Andres Duany in City Hall Tomorrow @1:30 P.M.


Ideas for Downtown Kick-off

Hello all,


Join Andres Duany tomorrow, Thursday, January 18 at 1:30 p.m. at City Hall for the joint City Council / Planning and Zoning workshop.


Andres and the DPZ CoDESIGN team want to hear your ideas as they prepare for the launch of the Ideas for Downtown Charrette scheduled for early February. Attend in chambers at 1053 20th Place or click here to watch via Channel 13. As always, we will be sharing the replay.


The Ideas for Downtown campaign will launch with a dedicated website and surveys soon. For now, mark your calendar for the Ideas for Downtown Charrette, scheduled for Monday, February 5 through Friday, February 9. There will be full-day workshops and meetings every day -- open to the public. More schedule details will be announced soon.


The team wants to hear from everyone, especially downtown neighbors, business and property owners. If you haven't already, please share your contact information and ideas with us here so that we may assist DPZ in organizing stakeholder meetings throughout the Charrette process.

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January 16, 2024

Hello everyone,


Sharing important upcoming dates at a glance -- more details below:

Tomorrow, January 17 -- 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. -- Downtown Farmers Market

January 18 -- 1:30 p.m. -- Andres Duany at Joint Council and Planning Meeting

January 24 -- 2:00 p.m. -- Beachside Neighborhood Protection Input Session

January 24 -- 6:00 p.m. -- Mainland Neighborhood Protection Input Session


As you know, we kick off the DPZ CoDESIGN Downtown Master Plan initiative this Thursday, January 18 at 1:30 p.m. Andres Duany will present his observations as we prepare for the launch of the Ideas for Downtown campaign. You may click here to watch via Channel 13.


As always, we will be sharing the replay. Also, don't forget to note February 5 - 9 for the actual Charrette. More details soon.


If you are a downtown property owner, neighbor or business owner, we want to make sure we have your contact information as we assist DPZ in organizing stakeholder meetings during the Charrette. Click here to share your information.



On Wednesday, January 24 join these meetings to share your thoughts about Neighborhood Protection.


Beachside Neighborhood Meeting

2:00 p.m. -- Bethel Creek House, 4405 North A1A


Mainland Neighborhood Meeting

6:00 p.m. -- Vero Beach Community Center, 2266 14th Avenue


Neighborhood and protection policies serve to:

Preserve the character and quality of neighborhoods with an emphasis on maintaining unique character, identity and livability. They may include regulations on building design, density and use, as well as guidelines for preserving historic buildings and landmarks.


These policies serve to:


Ensure compatibility and harmony. They may include zoning regulations that separate incompatible land uses, such as residential and industrial areas.


Protect natural resources and the environment. Think wetlands and water bodies. They may include restrictions on development in environmentally sensitive areas, requirements for green spaces and open areas, and regulations for sustainable building practices.


Enhance public safety and wellbeing of residents. Including regulations on fire safety, building codes, access to public amenities and provisions for emergency services.


Overall, these policies help to create and maintain a balanced and sustainable land use pattern that meets the needs of the community while protecting the environment and preserving the quality of life in neighborhoods.


Downtown Farmers Market

The Downtown Farmers Market returns tomorrow, Wednesday, January 17 from 4 - 7 p.m. along 14th Street.

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January 9, 2024

Let's get 2024 started with some exciting news and important dates -- open up your calendars!


But first, on behalf of our community, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Claire Higgins (Engel & Völkers) and Baerbel O'Haire (The O'Haire Group | Merrill Lynch), the two remarkable women who make Let's Talk Vero possible. Their commitment to powering civic engagement will have a lasting impact on Vero Beach now and for years to come.


New York's Lincoln Center is Coming to Town:

For the 2024 season, the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center is proud to bring a lineup of world-renowned musicians to Vero Beach.


Introduced to our community by local architect Scott Johnson during the Three Corners envisioning process, we have three-world class concerts taking place at Trinity Episcopal Church. Check out the photos and fantastic coverage in 32963 here. Get your season tickets before they sell out! We'll be sure to send reminders.


Ideas for Downtown

The City of Vero Beach will begin the process of developing a downtown master plan this month. World-renowned architect and urban planner, Andres Duany and his team from DPZ CoDESIGN, will lead a charrette very similar to the Three Corners process, where they will actively be seeking your ideas. Expect a dedicated website, surveys and more announcements later this month. In the meantime, block out February 5 through 9 on your calendars for the charrette. More details soon.


Andres Duany and Xavier Iglesias will be here next week for key stakeholder meetings on January 17, followed by a presentation and joint meeting with City Council and the Planning & Zoning Board in chambers at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 18.

Coffee with the Mayor this Friday at Riverside Theater.

Main Street Vero Beach will host Coffee with the Mayor this Friday the 12th at 8:00 a.m. at Riverside Theater. Mayor Cotugno will be talking about the "why" behind the master plan initiative. Come on out, make new friends, celebrate the new season and get engaged. Open to all -- please RSVP here.


Downtown Farmers Market

The Downtown Farmers Market is returning Wednesday, January 17 from 4 - 7 p.m. along 14th Street. Thank you to Barbara Ruddy for her unwavering enthusiasm and for funding the music!


Look Both Ways -- Cross Walk Art

Thanks to Vice Mayor Linda Moore and Off Island Studios, get ready to experience some fun cross walk art beginning early spring -- sneak peek below. Keep an eye on the Edgewood area in the Vero Beach Arts Village. Special thanks to the volunteers and the Vero Beach Mural Project, who will be providing paint.

As we close out 2023 and welcome 2024, we would like to thank all of you for your amazing letters, comments and engagement over the past year. You've inspired us so much. If you have any ideas or suggestions for content, please don't hesitate to let us know.


Also, this is a good time to prune our lists. If you no longer wish to be engaged in growth and development issues in Vero Beach, please hit the unsubscribe button below or reply to this email with the word "unsubscribe."


Best regards,



Irina & Jonathan

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December 13, 2023

Downtown Farmers Market Debuts





Farmers Market, Twin Pairs Outcome and Downtown Master Plan


 The Inaugural Downtown Vero Beach Farmers Market



Wednesday, December 13

4 - 7 pm

In the heart of downtown

at the intersection of 21st Street and 14th Avenue


Hello all,

The day you have been waiting for has arrived. Later today from 4 - 7 pm is the inaugural farmer's market right in the heart of downtown, and it's all thanks to you for making your voices heard!


Special thanks to Claire Higgins of Engel & Völkers Real Estate and Baerbel O'Haire of The O'Haire Group, Merrill Lynch for powering the work that brought this to fruition. And to Matt Haynes of Main Street Vero Beach for listening to your feedback and making this a reality.


Swing by from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. to enjoy live music from Purr Box, an upbeat atmosphere and an assortment of produce and products from vendors below:


21st Amendment | Armani's Market | Barefoot Cafe | Barnes Citrus | Birdie Hogan | Bohemian Eats | Born2beecandles | Bragg Family Soaps | Chef Lippe | Countrywide Botanicals | Culinary Genie | Crystal Seas | CW Willis Family Farms | Dolly's Table | Florida Man Pet Treats | Fresh Market | Fruity Sunrise | Grumpy Cat Coffee | Haizea Lulich Florals | Happy Goat Soaps | Health Wealth Hydration | I Love You Peanut | Jerk on Jerkies | Kettle Corn | Local Seas Fisheries | Moe's Place | Nazhi Thee Baker | Niko's Market | Olives Guy | Palato Cafe and Bakery | Seafood Steve | Tall Pines Honey | Tea and Chi | The Mushroom Man | The Nut House | Thelma Jeans Bakery | Truly Delicious Foods | Vegan Mario | Wreaths for All Occasions | Zesty Fox Farms





In Other News:


Downtown Master Plan and Twin Pairs: Super excited to share the announcement of DPZ CoDESIGN -- the same designers for Three Corners -- as planners for the new Downtown Master Plan. A week-long

Charrette process, similar to the one you participated in for Three Corners, is slated for mid-February 2024. You will be hearing directly from the DPZ team and their PR consultant, Impact Campaigns, in the new year. As always, we will keep you apprised as well.


On a related note, the final vote on Twin Pairs took place yesterday -- option 4 was voted 4-1. You can see all options that were considered here and watch television news coverage here and here.


The final Twin Pairs outcome is very much a compromise; neither proponents nor opponents got what they wanted. But the decision paves the way for the community to collaborate again with DPZ on designing a master plan to achieve all the things our surveys say you want -- more walkability, better retail, more outdoor cafes, aesthetic enhancements, and more.



Final EAR/Comp Plan Workshop Today -- if you can make it in person at the Intergenerational Recreation Center (address: 1590 9th St SW). Meetings will take place at both 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., with the option to attend the 6:00 p.m. meeting via ZOOM (link).


In case you missed the last meeting, you may view a replay here.


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December 13, 2023

Downtown Farmers Market Debuts





Farmers Market, Twin Pairs Outcome and Downtown Master Plan


 The Inaugural Downtown Vero Beach Farmers Market



Wednesday, December 13

4 - 7 pm

In the heart of downtown

at the intersection of 21st Street and 14th Avenue


Hello all,

The day you have been waiting for has arrived. Later today from 4 - 7 pm is the inaugural farmer's market right in the heart of downtown, and it's all thanks to you for making your voices heard!


Special thanks to Claire Higgins of Engel & Völkers Real Estate and Baerbel O'Haire of The O'Haire Group, Merrill Lynch for powering the work that brought this to fruition. And to Matt Haynes of Main Street Vero Beach for listening to your feedback and making this a reality.


Swing by from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. to enjoy live music from Purr Box, an upbeat atmosphere and an assortment of produce and products from vendors below:


21st Amendment | Armani's Market | Barefoot Cafe | Barnes Citrus | Birdie Hogan | Bohemian Eats | Born2beecandles | Bragg Family Soaps | Chef Lippe | Countrywide Botanicals | Culinary Genie | Crystal Seas | CW Willis Family Farms | Dolly's Table | Florida Man Pet Treats | Fresh Market | Fruity Sunrise | Grumpy Cat Coffee | Haizea Lulich Florals | Happy Goat Soaps | Health Wealth Hydration | I Love You Peanut | Jerk on Jerkies | Kettle Corn | Local Seas Fisheries | Moe's Place | Nazhi Thee Baker | Niko's Market | Olives Guy | Palato Cafe and Bakery | Seafood Steve | Tall Pines Honey | Tea and Chi | The Mushroom Man | The Nut House | Thelma Jeans Bakery | Truly Delicious Foods | Vegan Mario | Wreaths for All Occasions | Zesty Fox Farms





In Other News:


Downtown Master Plan and Twin Pairs: Super excited to share the announcement of DPZ CoDESIGN -- the same designers for Three Corners -- as planners for the new Downtown Master Plan. A week-long

Charrette process, similar to the one you participated in for Three Corners, is slated for mid-February 2024. You will be hearing directly from the DPZ team and their PR consultant, Impact Campaigns, in the new year. As always, we will keep you apprised as well.


On a related note, the final vote on Twin Pairs took place yesterday -- option 4 was voted 4-1. You can see all options that were considered here and watch television news coverage here and here.


The final Twin Pairs outcome is very much a compromise; neither proponents nor opponents got what they wanted. But the decision paves the way for the community to collaborate again with DPZ on designing a master plan to achieve all the things our surveys say you want -- more walkability, better retail, more outdoor cafes, aesthetic enhancements, and more.



Final EAR/Comp Plan Workshop Today -- if you can make it in person at the Intergenerational Recreation Center (address: 1590 9th St SW). Meetings will take place at both 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., with the option to attend the 6:00 p.m. meeting via ZOOM (link).


In case you missed the last meeting, you may view a replay here.


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December 11, 2023

Big Day Tomorrow:

All You Need to Know

for Tuesday, December 12

Hello all,


So much going on tomorrow Tuesday, December 12 -- here is everything you need to know:


9:30 a.m. - Regular City Council Meeting


1:30 p.m. - Special Call Meeting

  • Final SR60/Twin Pairs lane repurposing workshop

  • City Council votes on one of four scenarios -- see the options in detail (Agenda pg. 15-24)

  • View full agenda here


4:30 p.m. - State of the City at CURFEW

  • Mayor Cotugno will update on all key city matters, including recap of the day

  • Commissioner Moss will provide a countywide update

  • More details and RSVP here

Reminder for Wednesday, December 13


11:00 a.m. - Comp Plan/EAR Workshop

  • Intergenerational Recreation Center (1590 9th St SW)

  • View the previous Comp Plan/EAR Workshop replay here


6:00 p.m. - Comp Plan/EAR Workshop (also via ZOOM)

  • Intergenerational Recreation Center (1590 9th St SW)


  4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. - Inaugural Downtown Farmer's Market

  • Intersection of 14th Ave. and 21st St.





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December 5, 2023

Next State of the City

One Week from Today

Tuesday, December 12

4:30 - 6:30 p.m.






State of the City


Mayor John Cotugno


Commissioner Laura Moss


Tuesday, December 12

4:30 - 6:30 p.m.

4:30 - 5:30 p.m. -- Cocktails

5:30 p.m. -- Presentation



1932 14th Ave, Vero Beach, FL 32960


Hello everyone,


Eat, drink, gather and -- most importantly -- engage, this coming Tuesday, December 12 for State of the City at our newest downtown restaurant, CURFEW (formerly Southern Social).


As you know, December 12 is the big day when City Council conducts a special workshop and makes its final decision on how to proceed with Twin Pairs. John Cotugno will provide a recap for those of you who are unable to attend the City Council meeting in chambers (December 12, 9:30 a.m.), and Laura Moss will give us an update on County matters.


Arrive at 4:30 p.m. and get a taste of a CURFEW Confidential cocktail at the newly remodeled full-length bar. But don't get too carried away because at 5:30 p.m. you will head over to the dining room for the main event. Unlike our last event at Post & Vine, we will have the dining room to ourselves, meaning our audio will not be drowned out by the din of busy patrons.


Be sure to check out the menu, and we look forward to seeing you Tuesday.

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December 4, 2023

Call to Action

All residents of

Vero Beach, Sebastian, and Fellsmere

Full disclosure: This email is long, but I encourage you to read to the end. Bear in mind the top three things to do ASAP are listed below:


Take urgent action by doing these three things:

  • Take the survey

  • Attend the next meeting (Dec. 13)

  • Spread the word


Attention all Vero Beach, Sebastian, and Fellsmere residents, 


I write to you in the midst of a countywide make-or-break moment. You have seen the numbers and know that Indian River is growing by leaps and bounds -- up to 205,000 new residents by 2030. If you are holding out hope we can miraculously avoid this fate, which is not unique to this region of Florida, I regret to inform you this is not possible.


What is possible, you may ask?


While we cannot stop growth, we have a robust arsenal of tools at our disposal to manage this growth and preserve the charm of our county -- specifically, the Evaluation Appraisal Report (EAR) process currently under way which guides the review and revision of the Comprehensive Plan. As you know, unchecked growth can lead to various problems such as traffic congestion, loss of open space, increased pollution, strain on public services and infrastructure, and potential decrease in property values. The comprehensive plan -- which needs your input now -- helps to control rampant growth by:


  1. Providing a Vision: The plan provides a vision for the future of the community, which will help to guide growth in a sustainable and beneficial manner.

  2. Setting Goals and Objectives: The plan sets out specific goals and objectives for growth and development, which can help to ensure growth is managed and controlled.

  3. Establishing Policies and Strategies: The plan establishes policies and strategies for managing growth, which can help to prevent over-development and ensure growth is balanced and sustainable.

  4. Guiding Decision-making: The plan provides a framework for making decisions about land use and development, which can help to ensure that these decisions are in line with the community's vision and goals.

  5. Engaging the community: The process of developing the plan involves engaging the community, which can help to ensure the plan reflects the community's values and priorities. The County has gone above and beyond to make it easy for you to provide input. Without civic engagement, the comprehensive plan may not reflect the needs, desires, and priorities of the community at large, which can lead to a plan that benefits certain groups more than others or overlooks important community issues.


Indian River County, led by Chief of Long-range Planning Chris Balter (contact info above), is currently organizing a thorough public engagement process to guide the review of the comprehensive plan, an opportunity which arises only once every seven years. If you haven't already attended one of the first four meetings, please do everything in your power to attend one of the final two, being held on Wednesday, December 13 at the Intergenerational Recreation Center at 11 am and 6 pm.


If you cannot make one of the final meetings in person -- and even if you do -- please be sure to take this survey, open through December 31, and share with your friends, family and colleagues encouraging them to do the same.


I realize it's the holidays and everyone is busy, but if you don't get involved now, you may spend the next seven years wondering why your local government officials seemingly don't "get" you. This is avoidable.


Attend one of the meetings on the 13th (the 6 pm is available via ZOOM) and take the survey. If you are interested in receiving a replay of yesterday's meeting, click here and we will get that to you as soon as it is made available by Kimley-Horn.


Best regards,


Jonathan Buckley

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December 2, 2023

Downtown Farmers Market Debut

and other important dates



The Inaugural Downtown Vero Beach Farmers Market


Wednesday, December 13

4 - 6 pm

In the heart of downtown

at the intersection of 21st Street and 14th Avenue


Hello all,

You'll recall in our recent survey of Let's Talk Vero readers, the most sought-after amenity downtown (after more sidewalk cafes) was an early evening, mid-week Farmers Market.


We're super excited to say that thanks to Claire Higgins (Engel & Völkers Real Estate) and Baerbel O'Haire (The O'Haire Group, Merrill Lynch) and their commitment to powering citizen engagement, that dream becomes a reality in less than two weeks.


We shared the survey results with Matt Haynes (executive director of Main Street Vero Beach) and he and Barbara Ruddy, Vero's tireless cheerleader, got to work to deliver a first-rate mid-week Farmers Market. A sampling of vendors to date:


21st Amendment | Armani's Market | Barnes Citrus | Birdie Hogan | Bohemian Eats | Born2beecandles | Bragg Family Soaps | Chef Lippe | Countrywide Botanicals | Crystal Seas |

CW Willis Family Farms | Dolly's Table | Florida Man Pet Treats | Fresh Market | Fruity Sunrise | Haizea Lulich Florals | Happy Goat Soaps | Health Wealth Hydration | I Love You Peanut |

Jerk on Jerkies | Kettle Corn | Local Seas Fisheries | Moe's Place | Nazhi Thee Baker | Olives Guy

Palato Cafe and Bakery | Seafood Steve | Tea and Chi | The Mushroom Man | The Nut House

Thelma Jeans Bakery | Zesty Fox Farms



Also -- Mark Your calendar for these Important Dates (more details to come)


Tuesday, December 12

  • Twin Pairs Workshop

  • Regular Council Meeting

  • Let's Talk Vero's State of the City at Curfew from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

    • Hosted by Tia Fanelli and Deb Kershaw at Curfew (formerly Southern Social)


Wednesday, December 13

  • Final County EAR/Comp Plan Workshop -- 6-9 pm at the Intergenerational Recreation Center -- for more details visit



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November 30, 2023

Call to Action

All residents of

Vero Beach, Sebastian, and Fellsmere

Full disclosure: This email is long, but I encourage you to read to the end. Bear in mind the top three things to do ASAP are listed below:


Take urgent action by doing these three things:

  • Take the survey

  • Attend the next meeting (Dec. 13)

  • Spread the word


Attention all Vero Beach, Sebastian, and Fellsmere residents, 


I write to you in the midst of a countywide make-or-break moment. You have seen the numbers and know that Indian River is growing by leaps and bounds -- up to 205,000 new residents by 2030. If you are holding out hope we can miraculously avoid this fate, which is not unique to this region of Florida, I regret to inform you this is not possible.


What is possible, you may ask?


While we cannot stop growth, we have a robust arsenal of tools at our disposal to manage this growth and preserve the charm of our county -- specifically, the Evaluation Appraisal Report (EAR) process currently under way which guides the review and revision of the Comprehensive Plan. As you know, unchecked growth can lead to various problems such as traffic congestion, loss of open space, increased pollution, strain on public services and infrastructure, and potential decrease in property values. The comprehensive plan -- which needs your input now -- helps to control rampant growth by:


  1. Providing a Vision: The plan provides a vision for the future of the community, which will help to guide growth in a sustainable and beneficial manner.

  2. Setting Goals and Objectives: The plan sets out specific goals and objectives for growth and development, which can help to ensure growth is managed and controlled.

  3. Establishing Policies and Strategies: The plan establishes policies and strategies for managing growth, which can help to prevent over-development and ensure growth is balanced and sustainable.

  4. Guiding Decision-making: The plan provides a framework for making decisions about land use and development, which can help to ensure that these decisions are in line with the community's vision and goals.

  5. Engaging the community: The process of developing the plan involves engaging the community, which can help to ensure the plan reflects the community's values and priorities. The County has gone above and beyond to make it easy for you to provide input. Without civic engagement, the comprehensive plan may not reflect the needs, desires, and priorities of the community at large, which can lead to a plan that benefits certain groups more than others or overlooks important community issues.


Indian River County, led by Chief of Long-range Planning Chris Balter (contact info above), is currently organizing a thorough public engagement process to guide the review of the comprehensive plan, an opportunity which arises only once every seven years. If you haven't already attended one of the first four meetings, please do everything in your power to attend one of the final two, being held on Wednesday, December 13 at the Intergenerational Recreation Center at 11 am and 6 pm.


If you cannot make one of the final meetings in person -- and even if you do -- please be sure to take this survey, open through December 31, and share with your friends, family and colleagues encouraging them to do the same.


I realize it's the holidays and everyone is busy, but if you don't get involved now, you may spend the next seven years wondering why your local government officials seemingly don't "get" you. This is avoidable.


Attend one of the meetings on the 13th (the 6 pm is available via ZOOM) and take the survey. If you are interested in receiving a replay of yesterday's meeting, click here and we will get that to you as soon as it is made available by Kimley-Horn.


Best regards,


Jonathan Buckley

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November 28, 2023

Tomorrow: Help Plan Indian River's Future








Hello all,


I encourage you to attend the second Comprehensive Plan (Evaluation Appraisal Report) Workshop tomorrow, November 29 at the County Commission Chambers, Building A, Room A-1502 (address: 1801 27th St., Vero Beach, FL 32960). You can either attend at 11:00 a.m. or 6:00 p.m. depending on what fits your schedule. Again, if you would like to attend virtually, you may do so using this link, but this option is only available for the 6:00 p.m. evening meeting.


This is a valuable opportunity to guide the direction of the county's comprehensive plan and voice your concerns on matters related to land use and development in the region, as Commissioner Laura Moss has reminded us many times. Moss will provide an update on growth and development for us at the next State of the City in December, but until then, take advantage of this chance to directly mold the comprehensive plan through the public process.


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November 27, 2023

New Council Seated

Four Alternate Scenarios Proposed for Twin Pairs

Three Corners Prospective Developers Update

We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving weekend! Since our last update:


New Council:

Taylor Dingle was sworn in as a new Councilmember -- the youngest in COVB history! John Cotugno remains Mayor and Linda Moore remains Vice Mayor. Congratulations to all!


The matters outlined below will be discussed at tomorrow's Council meeting (11/28) at 9:30 a.m. in chambers. Or you can watch via Channel 13.


Alternate Twin Pairs Scenarios:

You'll recall in our last update we shared the idea of a new range of possible scenarios for Twin Pairs. The chart below sets forth four options proposed by Public Works for consideration at the December 12 Council meeting. Which option do you prefer? Share your thoughts (pro or con) and if you'd like us to share with the Let's Talk Vero readers, feel free to post in the Forum section or submit here via CitizenTalk and we'll share in an upcoming email. Ray McNulty's most recent opinion piece is here, for your ease of reference.


Option 1:

Original scope as presented by Kimley-Horn at workshops on October 5 and November 16. 

Option 2:

Original scope excluding parallel parking. Parallel parking would be removed from the proposed improvements and replaced with diagonal striping to eliminate the lane.

Option 3:

Safety improvements to be implemented by FDOT with no lane repurposing. 

Option 4:

Safety improvements to be implemented by FDOT and the addition of two landscape areas to repurpose the southern westbound lane of SR60 between 14th and 16th Avenue. The additional landscape areas would increase visibility at the SR 60/16th Avenue intersection to improve safety and reduce accidents. Note: Staff is currently coordinating with FDOT to determine the viability, cost and application requirements for this option (4).

Three Corners Update:

There will be a recap at the Council meeting tomorrow detailing the marketing efforts to date for the Three Corners RFP as well as a look at the prospects to date; currently there are over 35. The RFP is due mid-December -- as soon as we know who has actually responded, we will let you know. In the meantime, the PowerPoint for tomorrow's meeting can be found here.


And the full agenda for tomorrow's meeting can be found here.


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Twin Pairs Four Scnearios Chart.jpg

November 21, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!


A couple updates:


Thank you all for coming out to the Twin Pairs Workshop this past Thursday -- we counted well over 100 participants. You can find the replay here and scroll to minute marker 53:58 for public comments.


You will see there were noticeably more supporters in the room this time around, and it appears Council is now working toward presenting some trade-offs/ concessions as part of a range of possible scenarios for discussion at a newly announced, final workshop (likely scheduled for December 12 just before the vote).


Coincidentally, NBC's Lester Holt ran a segment last night on road design, speed and safety, which you may find informative and relevant to what we are experiencing in Vero Beach. Clearly, this issue is national in scope. You may view the segment here. Let us know your thoughts!


Don't miss tomorrow's meeting to welcome Taylor Dingle as he takes his oath of office during the organizational meeting, which will also include certification of election results as well as the election of mayor and vice mayor. The meeting will take place at 10:00 a.m. in chambers (1053 20th Pl.) You may view the agenda here.


Last but not least, we hope to have an update on interested developers for Three Corners in early December.





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November 15, 2023

Big Day Tomorrow

Two Important Meetings


End the proliferation of tract housing, car washes, mattress stores and storage units throughout Vero Beach! Don't miss this Comp Plan Review Meeting -- in person or via ZOOM -- Read on.....and, of course, the final Twin Pairs input meeting also tomorrow.


Hello all,


Reminder to attend the FINAL TWIN PAIRS WORKSHOP tomorrow, Thursday, November 16 at 5:30 p.m. at the Vero Beach Community Center, 2266 14th Ave.


This is your final opportunity as citizens to engage with the issue in a public forum before the City Council votes on December 12. In advance of this meeting, please review the following:

  • Most up-to-date Kimley-Horn presentation

  • Survey and input results to date

  • Official FAQs based on your questions submitted


All three can be found here at this link.


Please let us know if you plan to attend in person by clicking here. If you would like to be sent a replay instead, let us know here.


Just as (if not more) important:


Christopher Balter, Chief of Long Range Planning for Indian River County encourages you all to join the County tomorrow, November 16, at the North County Library in Sebastian at 11:00 a.m., or via this ZOOM link for a critical review of the comprehensive plan.


The comprehensive plan guides decisions on land use, transportation, housing, infrastructure, and other aspects that directly impact the quality of life in our community. By participating in the review, you can help shape policies and strategies that enhance our community's livability, sustainability, and overall well-being. The meeting will take place at 1001 Sebastian Blvd, Sebastian, FL 32958.


Many of you have expressed concern about the rise of soulless tract housing and wasteful land use (storage units, mattress stores, etc.). This is your chance to voice objections and affect change.


County Commissioner Laura Moss will elaborate and provide an update at our next State of the City, sometime in December. Stay tuned for the date.


Refer to the graphic below for future meeting dates. We will send you a link to the County's survey when it opens tomorrow.

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November 9, 2023

Launching CitizenTalk 

for all County and City of Vero Beach residents


  • Official City-approved FAQs for Twin Pairs

  • Community Input collected as of 10/11/23

  • Updated PowerPoint for November 16


You received earlier today an email from Jonathan Buckley with the first edition of CitizenTalk, a new Let's Talk Vero initiative designed to democratize the opinion ecosystem in Vero Beach -- the first featuring Bob Jones' rebuttal to a recent 32963/Ray McNulty opinion piece. 


We've received an overwhelmingly positive response, with many of you thanking us for making this possible and others commenting at length on Bob's observations. As such, we have created a way for you to read and interact with his (and future opinion pieces) by clicking here or visiting and clicking on the CitizenTalk tab, where you will be asked to register for an account if you haven't already.  



In advance of the next Twin Pairs meeting on the 16th, please find the following:

The most up-to-date Kimley-Horn presentation
The survey and input results to date
The official city-approved FAQs based on the questions LTV readers asked


All three can be found here at this link.

(Scroll to the end for FAQs)



The next public meeting for Twin Pairs will take place on:


Thursday, November 16 at 5:30 p.m. 

at the Community Center

2266 14th Avenue


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November 6, 2023

Remember to Vote Tomorrow


A Quick Update

Hello all,


Don't forget to vote tomorrow! The polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. You may find your polling location by entering your address here or by calling the Indian River County Supervisor of Elections at (772) 226-4700. Given the confusion around mail-in ballots, we encourage everyone to do their best to make the time to vote in person.


Also, remember there is a City Council Meeting tomorrow at 9:30 a.m., where Councilmember John Carroll will present on Twin Pairs. You may view his powerpoint ahead of time here. The full agenda is here for your ease of reference.


Many of you have been asking for the Kimley-Horn traffic study, which you may find here for your ease of reference.


Thank you all for taking the time to submit your questions about Twin Pairs following the first workshop. We have been advised that a public Q&A page will be posted on the City's website (and here) as early as Wednesday.


Last but not least, remember to come to the second Twin Pairs workshop on Thursday, November 16 at 5:30 p.m. at the Vero Beach Community Center, located at 2266 14th Ave., Vero Beach, FL 32960. This is your last chance to participate in the public input process with Kimley-Horn before the City votes on the matter on Tuesday, December 12.


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November 2, 2023

Downtown Master Plan and Twin Pairs Update

Hello all,


In case you missed Tuesday's special call workshop about the Downtown Master Plan, you may watch it here. Council voted 4-1 for Planning Director Jason Jeffries to formulate a downtown master plan and to explore funding options, such as a Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) or Business Improvement District (BID). We understand one of two firms will be chosen for this project -- DPZ CoDesign or Dover-Kohl. Nick Slater provides an in-depth summary of the points discussed here.


Regarding Twin Pairs, both Ray McNulty and Larry Reisman published articles today, which you may find here and here respectively. I would like to remind you that wherever you stand, attending the upcoming workshop on Thursday, November 16, at the Vero Beach Community Center at 5:30 p.m. is highly encouraged before the final vote takes place on Tuesday, December 12.


Larry Reisman revisited the concept of closing 14th Avenue to motor vehicles, as suggested by former County Commissioner Peter O'Bryan. What do you think of the idea of a pedestrian plaza?


Last but not least, Kimley-Horn is working on the questions you all asked. We hope to have those answers back to you in writing prior to the workshop on the 16th.


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November 1, 2023

Election Day is Just Around the Corner

Tuesday, November 7

7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.



Hello City of Vero Beach Voters,


Election day is fast approaching, just a few days away on Tuesday, November 7. This election is an "off-year," one where voter turnout tends to be much lower. Consider: last year, 3,032 Vero Beach residents voted by mail. This year, due to the recent change in statewide rules, only 950 have returned mail-in ballots.


That's a reduction of nearly three quarters!! All the more reason to get out and vote this year. It's critical.


Life is very busy for all of us, and sometimes it is just easier to sit on the sidelines and let others decide the fate of our City. This is not the year to do that. I urge you to take a few moments out of your day to research the candidates, understand their platforms, and make your way to the polls. Municipal elections directly impact our daily lives even more so than statewide or national elections, shaping the policies and decisions that affect our neighborhoods, schools, infrastructure, and local economy. By participating in these elections, your voice is important in shaping the future of Vero Beach.


Go to the polls on Tuesday, November 7 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. If you are unsure of your polling location, you may enter your address here to find out.


Last but not least, all the candidates stand ready to answer your questions, and you may contact them individually using the email addresses provided below:


Taylor Dingle:

Honey Minuse:

John Cotugno:


Let's set a new record for off-year voter turnout in 2023! Send this email to your friends, neighbors, colleagues and family members urging them to get out and vote.


Best regards,


Jonathan Buckley

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October 30, 2023



Tuesday, October 31

9:30 a.m. -- Council Chambers


Don't miss this workshop if you are interested in understanding where we've been, where we are and where we're headed in creating a vibrant and thriving Downtown Vero Beach


Each and every plan from 1990 to 2008 has been reviewed and recommendations will be made on how to proceed. From a dedicated funding mechanism like a CRA, adopting design standards, improving streetscapes, redeveloping underutilized sites to updating the zoning for Downtown, everything will be discussed.


Click here and scroll to Page 9 for an illuminating SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis.


Please try and make it in person. If you are unable, we will follow up with the replay and perhaps a survey to see how you think the City should proceed.


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October 14, 2023

Hello everyone,


As promised, click here to see a list of the recurring questions and concerns surrounding Twin Pairs -- click the ones you think are most important, and there's also a write-in space in case these jog more questions of your own.


We will share them with Kimley-Horn, City Council and Staff in the hopes they will create an FAQ packet for hand-out at the next meeting.


Here's why we think an FAQ is a good idea, especially for this hot-button topic:


  1. Time-saving: By addressing frequently asked questions, it saves time for both the participants and the facilitator. People can quickly find answers to their concerns, allowing facilitators to address unique and more specific concerns.

  2. Consistency: An FAQ hand-out ensures all participants receive consistent and accurate information.

  3. Transparency and trust-building: By openly addressing common questions and concerns, an FAQ promotes transparency.

  4. Reduced frustration: Participants often become frustrated if they cannot find answers to their questions or if they are receiving conflicting information -- an FAQ acts as a centralized and easily accessible source for facts.



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October 13, 2023

Great news to report -- you spoke and Matt Haynes, Executive Director of Main Street Vero Beach listened.


In a recent survey, nearly 2,000 participants indicated the number one thing they wanted to see more of downtown was outdoor cafes, followed by a farmers market. I'm pleased to report Matt Haynes will deliver on your wish -- in December you will have a new weekly farmers market at The Heritage Center grounds, to take place on a weekday (likely mid-week) during late afternoon and into the early evening hours. Details are being finalized, but I wanted you to be the first to know that your engagement was key to making this happen and to thank you for taking the time to participate in Let's Talk Vero surveys and events. Huge thanks to the Main Street Vero Beach organization for listening and executing. I find it most gratifying to see the community was heard and action taken.


Which brings me to the Meet the Candidates replay here. We had some 50 people in attendance and, not surprisingly, Twin Pairs emerged as the dominant issue. I was saddened to hear that even though the city has invested in, and we are in the midst of a robust and critical public education process that won't conclude until mid-December, both Honey Minuse and Taylor Dingle have declared they would vote against it if elected on November 7 and that Taylor Dingle provided a written statement to the new TruthLocalVero outlet stating "I oppose the proposed lane reduction and would not approve it if elected." All this begs the question: Do our candidates value and recognize the importance of input from everyone in the community? We hear it on the dais at nearly every meeting "We need to hear what the people want," yet the City has no mechanism in place to quantitatively measure community sentiment. This is just one void Let's Talk Vero seeks to fill through events, online surveys, and ongoing updates concerning growth and development in Vero Beach.


To be clear, Let's Talk Vero takes no position on issues before Council. We are committed to fostering the process, not the outcome. We believe the value of the public process lies in its integrity, which can only be upheld when the voices and concerns of all the citizens are genuinely heard and considered. And in a manner that can be backed up by data to the extent reasonably possible. By valuing the integrity of the process, candidates and elected officials demonstrate their commitment to democratic principles and the wellbeing of the people they serve.


We are late in that process for Twin Pairs and hopefully not at risk of a foregone conclusion. Let's Talk Vero is committed to encouraging engagement right up to the December 12 vote. Hopefully it will result in more than one plan so that the community can rally around something we can all celebrate.


To that end, in a separate email, we will be circulating a list of recurring questions and concerns posed by the community that we believe have not been satisfactorily answered. We will submit these questions to Council and Kimley-Horn and ask them to put an official FAQ together with thorough answers to your questions prior to the next workshop, in the hopes of ensuring the most productive sessions possible moving forward and up to December 12.


We ask you to check the questions most important to you, add more if you have them, and thank you in advance for participating.









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October 9, 2023

Hello everyone,


As promised, a recap, replay and photos of the Kimley-Horn workshop from Thursday evening. I think we can all agree on one thing -- the turnout was spectacular; we counted 120+/- people in the room! CBS 12 News Anchor Luli Ortiz was on hand to interview Audrey Mosel and other community members -- you can watch that clip here.


I will summarize below, but if you wish to watch the meeting in its entirety, you may click here; the audio is not ideal and the screen far away, so I suggest following alongside the PowerPoint presentation, which can be found here. As of this writing, we have 30 views -- let's get that ticker up to 500+.


Key timestamps:

  • Minute 2:40 -- Matt Mitts, Public Works Director, grounds us in the where we've been, where we are and where we're headed with this project, followed by Councilwoman Tracey Zudans' remarks encouraging more questions, especially from those who could not make it in person.

  • Minute 8:04 -- Councilman John Carroll on why this project is important

  • Minute 12:20 -- Kimley Horn's Brian Good begins his presentation

  • Minute 36:10 -- Discussion of Costs

  • Minute 39:05 -- Q&A begins



Recap, Photos and News Coverage of the Evening:

As Mayor John Cotugno pointed out, we are in the second generation of discussions on the matter and Matt Mitts reminded us we don't have another opportunity to look at this until 2045 -- it's a "forever hold your peace" kind of situation.


There are two more public meetings prior to the December 12 vote. Below are some observations based on all your emails and conversations since Thursday:


  1. It seems there are lots of revised opinions and positions, which is really refreshing, and surprising too! Some of you who were once in support of lane reduction and added parking/bike lanes are now rethinking your positions. And some who were not interested in narrowing lanes or doing anything at all, whatsoever! to Twin Pairs are coming around to seeing the merits of eliminating and/or narrowing lanes. And there are many new questions. Like, can we have a look at various scenarios, not just what the study proposes?


  2. It seems now would be a great time to answer some of these important questions, most notably -- how does this Twin Pairs study intersect with the Bob Gibbs Retail Study and shouldn't the consultant (DPZ CoDESIGN or Dover Kohl) for the Downtown Master Plan be actively engaged in these discussions now, working in concert with Kimley-Horn and the public?

    Aligning these three initiatives sooner rather than later will help enormously in ensuring all this hard work, investment and passion gets us to the right place -- a beautiful, walkable, livable, lovable, economically vibrant downtown Vero Beach.

  3. We've prepared a list of recurring questions and concerns and would like to present them to Kimley-Horn to be assembled into an official Q&A document prior to the November 16 meeting. Please click here and check all the questions you would want more concrete answers for -- from traffic congestion, population growth, traffic diversion, etc. There is a section to write in new questions as well.

  4. I believe an official Q&A document, disseminated in advance, will go a long way toward refining and distilling all this complex material. The clock is ticking and we should plan for the most productive meeting possible on the 16th -- with a start time of 5:30 p.m., followed by Q&A until 7:30 p.m. and if folks want to recount stories of their long personal histories in Vero Beach, their experiences elsewhere, their own ideas of what might work better, etc. we can do so after those important questions have been posed and addressed.


Bob Higgins (Engel & Völkers Real Estate) said something at the close of the session -- and Victor Dover (author of Street Design) echoed it at the close of the Twin Pairs walking tour: Not everyone is going to get what they want -- compromise will be in order, and that's what democracy is all about.


If you haven't already, visit to sign up for this Wednesday's conversation with the candidates -- Taylor Dingle, Honey Minuse and John Cotugno. Via ZOOM only at 6:00 p.m.


As always, we will keep you posted on upcoming meetings. In the meantime, please remember to check the questions you want answered so we can share them with Kimley-Horn. And think of more!


Last but not least, here is TCPalm Kaila Jones' piece from Friday, here is Larry Reisman's story from today and we'll share 39263 coverage soon.



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October 9, 2023


6:00 p.m.




Dear Vero Beach Voter,


We hope you are able to join us this Wednesday, October 11 at 6:00 p.m. for "Meet the Candidates for City Council" on ZOOM, where you will have the opportunity to participate in conversation with the candidates and ask questions.


Candidate Bios:

Taylor Dingle:

Taylor Dingle, Vice Chair for the City of Vero Beach Utilities Commission, former member of the City of Vero Beach Historic Preservation Commission, and dedicated community advocate, has devoted the past six years to gaining a command of the most pressing issues and related initiatives facing our community.  From Three Corners, Twin Pairs, and Downtown Master Plan, to the City Marina expansion, and relocating the Waste Water Reclamation facility, Taylor is committed to advancing these projects with an eye toward preserving the charm Vero Beach is known for, while working with the community to create a fresh, shared vision for the future.


A southwest Pennsylvania native with blue-collar roots, Taylor was raised in Centerville by his mother, a small business owner, and father, a US Steel worker. He attended Pennsylvania Western University and after graduation, relocated to Vero Beach. A member of the John’s Island Club Professional Golf Staff since 2017, Taylor met his wife, Taylor Eliason-Dingle, during his first season here in Vero Beach. That is when Taylor found his family, home, and future in Vero Beach. Taylor recognizes his generation will live with the consequences of today’s decisions and will work tirelessly to shepherd the most important projects to successful implementation.


Honey Minuse:

A Registered Nurse and long-time resident of Vero Beach, Honey Minuse has been very active in the community since 1989, when she and her husband, Dave, purchased a home in Vero Isles.  Among many other volunteer and leadership roles throughout the city, including Vero Isles HOA President (1996-2000 and 2004-2007) Minuse served on City Council (2020-2022) and the City’s Planning and Zoning Board (2011-2020) where she served as both Chair and Vice Chair.  It was during those years on Planning and Zoning that the Comprehensive Land Use Plan was updated, a major project with citizen participation throughout.  She was also Chair of the Noise Impact Committee which led to the adoption of the Vero Beach Noise Ordinance. Years earlier she participated in creation of the City's Vision Plan which still today defines how growth will be managed to maintain the unique charm of Vero Beach. She held a leadership role with the Indian River Neighborhood Association (IRNA) to assure the integrity of that Vision Plan and later brought it to a non-profit status, away from divisive politics.  The IRNA was a founding partner of the Clean Water Coalition under her leadership. 


Born and raised in New York, Minuse graduated from State University of New York at Stony Brook. and then became certified by the Veterans Administration in "Principles of Patient Evaluation and Diagnosis," prior to the establishment of the Nurse Practitioner role. An accomplishment during that time was being part of the team which established the diagnosis of Autism. She holds a current Florida license as a Registered Nurse (non-practicing) and serves as Ambassador for the Indian River County Mental Health Collaborative.


John Cotugno:

Incumbent Mayor John Cotugno hails from Rhode Island but landed in Vero Beach after retiring from over 40 years of leadership in the electronics Industry, primarily in the Semiconductor market. He immediately began serving our community as a Volunteer Public Policy Advocate for the Alzheimer’s Association on both the State and Federal level. In 2019: Governor DeSantis appointed him to the State Health Improvement Plan Committee, he was appointed both to the Vero Beach Utlites Commission, where he served as Vice-Chairman, and the Three Corners Steering Committee.


He was elected to the Vero Beach City Council in 2021 and began serving as Mayor in 2022.He resides in Central Beach with his wife, Jan Williams, and rescue dog Roxie.


REMINDER: If you vote by mail, all requests for Vote By Mail Ballots in Florida expired on December 31, 2022. So, to cast a vote by mail for the upcoming 2023-2024 elections, voters must submit a fresh request. Applications for mail ballots must be received no later than 5 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 26. More details on application process here


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October 4, 2023

Tonight's Kimley-Horn Presentation Attached


In advance of this evening's (October 5) at 5:30 p.m. workshop at the community center (2266 14th Avenue) please find here an advance look at the PowerPoint presentation.


We will share a video replay (it will also be available at the City of Vero Beach website) but will not be able to guarantee high sound quality due to the acoustics at the community center. We will also share the minutes.


There will be two more meetings after this evening (October 25 and November 16) prior to the vote on December 12.


We will be in regular touch with updates and reminders of key dates.


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October 4, 2023

Hello all,


Thank you again for coming out to the LTV ‘State of the City’ at 21st Amendment Distillery last Thursday. We are thrilled to see so many of you coming out for our monthly gatherings. Scroll down to see some fun photos (thank you Joe Semkow!)


Due to acoustical challenges, a full ZOOM replay is not available. You may, however, view this clip of Mayor John Cotugno providing an update on Three Corners.


A couple key updates on Three Corners:

  • 12 development firms have expressed interest in the project

  • Despite apparent delays, the plan is on track to proceed as normal, the July 2028 target date still remains

  • Stantec is currently conducting environmental studies

  • The Kimley-Horn traffic study is complete and should be released before election time

  • The selection process for a contractor will begin in Q1 of 24, followed by negotiations in Q2 and Q3

County Commissioner Laura Moss reminded us of her commitment to increasing collaboration between the city and county governments, and urges you all to attend a joint workshop between the Indian River County Commissioners and Vero Beach City Council abd staff on Tuesday, October 24, at the County chambers. The address is 1801 27th St. We will send reminders, but we wanted to put this on your radar.


Tomorrow night (October 5) at 5:30 p.m. is the first SR60 Lane Repurposing Workshop. Wherever you stand on the Twin Pairs issue, it is crucial you make yourself heard. We encourage everyone to make every effort to attend in person. We will share a video replay (it will also be available at the site) but will not be able to guarantee high sound quality due to the acoustics at the community center.


There will be two more meetings after that (October 25 and November 16) prior to the vote on December 12. We will be in regular touch with reminders. If you do not wish to receive these reminders, you may unsubscribe below. Please use the buttons below to let us know if you plan to join in person tomorrow or whether you'd prefer a replay.

RSVP in person

RSVP for replay

Meet the Candidates for City Council October 11


Register to join us on ZOOM for 'Meet the Candidates' this coming Wednesday, October 11 at 6:00 p.m. You may register here.

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October 2, 2023

Calling all Residents (City and County!), Business Owners and Stakeholders




Ask questions, voice your opinions, make suggestions and share your concerns


The First of Three Public Information Sessions


Understand the Impacts of Lane Reduction of SR60


Thursday, October 5

5:30 p.m.

Vero Beach Community Center

2266 14th Avenue



Please make every effort to attend this crucial first meeting in person, where Kimley-Horn will present the potential benefits of reducing lanes along SR60/Twin Pairs.


Please click one of the buttons below to let us know whether you are able to attend in person or whether you require a replay. We highly suggest attending in person. We will also post the video on Let's Talk Vero the following week.

RSVP in person

RSVP for replay

This first meeting will ground the community in where we are, where we've been and where we are headed with the potential narrowing of Twin Pairs and its effects on promoting safety, creating a more walkable downtown, driving economic development, in addition to understanding its role in the Downtown Master Plan.


The meetings will serve as a platform for community members to learn about the pros and cons as well as voice their opinions, concerns and suggestions regarding proposed lane reduction. Kimley-Horn's team of experts will be able to address questions and provide detailed information about the potential impacts and benefits associated with the initiative.


The community's active participation is vital in ensuring decisions made align with the community's needs and aspirations.


As you know, there are lots of opinions and lots of confusion about Twin Pairs. We encourage everyone to read everything they can by our local opinion writers -- we've assembled it all here for your ease of reference. Then research the success stories around the state of Florida, visit for the history, and watch this quick video of Victor Dover walking the Twin Pairs and sharing his observations. Victor literally "wrote the book" on street design. Then come to the meetings with an open mind, prepared to learn and formulate your own opinions to share with Council members.


Let's Talk Vero is seeking guidance from and working with the City to ensure the collection of actionable, quantitative data surrounding community sentiment so that come December, whatever the final decision, the community can rest assured a robust education and input process was in place.


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September 25, 2023

Key Project Updates


Meet the Candidates for City Council


And More


Hello all,


Today we have key project updates, overview of Bob Gibbs retail analysis, reminder for this Thursday State of the City at 21st AD, meet the candidates and more.


To start, reminder this Thursday, September 28, State of the City (both ZOOM and in person) at 21st Amendment Distillery with Mayor Cotugno and County Commissioner Moss -- Click here for more info and to RSVP.





On Thursday, September 14, retail analyst Bob Gibbs spoke in chambers to give us a detailed overview of Vero Beach’s potential for retail success. You may view the full replay here.


Gibbs was brimming with optimism describing the traits that make this place ripe for retail growth. He compared Vero Beach to Carmel by the Sea and Nantucket. People want to shop here and they want to stay here for extended periods of time. The current reasons for our apparent retail lag are non-market related.

Bob Gibbs analyzed three potential markets and found they can accommodate the following:

  • Downtown:

    • 45 new stores/restaurants

    • 88,000 sq/ft of new retail total

  • Ocean Drive:

    • 50% Growth opportunity

    • 125,000 sq/ft of new retail

  • Three Corners:

    • 45,000 sq/ft of new retail


Gibbs made the following recommendations:


  • Enhance walkability: A pedestrian-friendly environment in downtown will lead to greatly increased foot traffic and, in turn, greater business success. Gibbs says this is one of the easiest and most crucial fixes to revitalize downtown and stimulate commerce.


  • Business Improvement District (BID): Gibbs stressed the need for Downtown to devote itself to being a business improvement district that will attract more customers. This includes:

    • Traffic calming

    • Wider sidewalks

    • Stronger architectural codes

    • Leasing and management best practices

    • Marketing


Other Highlights:

  • Wider sidewalks or more parking?: When asked by City Manager Monte Falls whether he would prefer to see wider sidewalks or more parking, Gibbs answered wider sidewalks with more shade to create a pleasurable experience for downtown customers.

  • Gourmet Grocer: While we have several popular and successful gourmet grocers -- Ryders, Chelsea's, Polo, Village Beach Market -- Vero Beach can absorb more gourmet grocers and the demand exists.

  • Reviving the Theater: Would revive the arts scene and create an additional draw to bring people downtown.

  • Fashion/Design District: Vero Beach can grow and develop without becoming another Delray Beach. The best way to achieve this is through a fashion/design district, which will cater to young people and families without the negatives associated with a nightclub scene

  • Boutique Hotel in Downtown: Gibbs stated many people would actually prefer to stay downtown than on the barrier island. Boutique hotels attract people and businesses and there is a strong demand for one in downtown Vero Beach.

During the Sep. 12 City Council meeting, we received updates on the below projects, with corresponding timestamps. You may view a replay of that meeting here.


Three Corners - Timestamp 1:45:15

Jason Jeffries updated us on Three Corners, reminding us that there are already consultants under contract to move this forward. They are working on marketing materials and expect to have those ready within 30 days. The RFP for developers is live and the City Council hopes to have a contractor selected by December 15 and the next step is for staff at Kimley Horn to put together materials for the comprehensive plan amendment factoring in environmental and land use studies. Protecting manatees is of particular concern.


Water Reclamation - Timestamp 1:50:50

Water and Sewer Director Robert Bolton gave an update on the water reclamation facility. The RFQ for the project will go out in October with the goal of finding qualified contractors by December. The goal of the current pre-planning phase is to pre order parts with long lead times so that they will be ready to go by the planned construction start date. Some pre orders have already begun and further orders are expected to be placed in January. All steps being taken currently aim to reduce costs and time associated with the project. The city is in the process of soliciting grants, anticipating a 20% increase in sewer customers due to changes in state law.


City Marina Expansion - Timestamp 1:58:50

The marina expansion is the quickest project. The contract has already been submitted to USI, who is currently deliberating it. It is on track to be finalized by the September 30 deadline. The project is expected to take around 260 days from signing to completion, including the expected lead time for new dock material.


Lane Reduction Analysis - Timestamp 2:01:50

Ah yes…everybody’s favorite “zombie” project. Results from Kimley Horn support the idea that there is no traffic-related reason to not reduce lanes. More information will be released in the coming months. Everyone is strongly encouraged to attend the October 5 public information session, being held at the community center at 2266 14th Ave. at 5:00 p.m. Currently, Public Works Director Matt Mitts recommends reducing the lanes of each road by one to create space for parking and a bike lane.


Downtown Master Plan - Timestamp 2:07:00

Bob Gibbs gave his retail analysis of Downtown, Three Corners, and Ocean Drive. Talks with the planning consultant are ongoing and documents pertaining to the retail analysis can be found here.

Meet the Candidates


Join us Wednesday, October 11 at 6:00 p.m. for "Meet the Candidates for City Council" on ZOOM where you will have a chance to learn where the candidates stand and ask them questions.


You may RSVP here



Candidate bios:


Taylor Dingle:

Taylor Dingle, Vice Chair for the City of Vero Beach Utilities Commission, former member of the City of Vero Beach Historic Preservation Commission, and dedicated community advocate, has devoted the past six years to gaining a command of the most pressing issues and related initiatives facing our community.  From Three Corners, Twin Pairs, and Downtown Master Plan, to the City Marina expansion, and relocating the Waste Water Reclamation facility, Taylor is committed to advancing these projects with an eye toward preserving the charm Vero Beach is known for, while working with the community to create a fresh, shared vision for the future.


A southwest Pennsylvania native with blue-collar roots, Taylor was raised in Centerville by his mother, a small business owner, and father, a US Steel worker. He attended Pennsylvania Western University and after graduation, relocated to Vero Beach. A member of the John’s Island Club Professional Golf Staff since 2017, Taylor met his wife, Taylor Eliason-Dingle, during his first season here in Vero Beach. That is when Taylor found his family, home, and future in Vero Beach. Taylor recognizes his generation will live with the consequences of today’s decisions and will work tirelessly to shepherd the most important projects to successful implementation.


Honey Minuse:

A Registered Nurse and long-time resident of Vero Beach, Honey Minuse has been very active in the community since 1989, when she and her husband, Dave, purchased a home in Vero Isles.  Among many other volunteer and leadership roles throughout the city, including Vero Isles HOA President (1996-2000 and 2004-2007) Minuse served on City Council (2020-2022) and the City’s Planning and Zoning Board (2011-2020) where she served as both Chair and Vice Chair.  It was during those years on Planning and Zoning that the Comprehensive Land Use Plan was updated, a major project with citizen participation throughout.  She was also Chair of the Noise Impact Committee which led to the adoption of the Vero Beach Noise Ordinance. Years earlier she participated in creation of the City's Vision Plan which still today defines how growth will be managed to maintain the unique charm of Vero Beach. She held a leadership role with the Indian River Neighborhood Association (IRNA) to assure the integrity of that Vision Plan and later brought it to a non-profit status, away from divisive politics.  The IRNA was a founding partner of the Clean Water Coalition under her leadership. 


Born and raised in New York, Minuse graduated from State University of New York at Stony Brook. and then became certified by the Veterans Administration in "Principles of Patient Evaluation and Diagnosis," prior to the establishment of the Nurse Practitioner role. An accomplishment during that time was being part of the team which established the diagnosis of Autism. She holds a current Florida license as a Registered Nurse (non-practicing) and serves as Ambassador for the Indian River County Mental Health Collaborative.


John Cotugno:

Incumbent Mayor John Cotugno hails from Rhode Island but landed in Vero Beach after retiring from over 40 years of leadership in the electronics Industry, primarily in the Semiconductor market. He immediately began serving our community as a Volunteer Public Policy Advocate for the Alzheimer’s Association on both the State and Federal level. In 2019: Governor DeSantis appointed him to the State Health Improvement Plan Committee, he was appointed both to the Vero Beach Utlites Commission, where he served as Vice-Chairman, and the Three Corners Steering Committee.


He was elected to the Vero Beach City Council in 2021 and began serving as Mayor in 2022.He resides in Central Beach with his wife, Jan Williams, and rescue dog Roxie.



REMINDER: If you vote by mail, all requests for Vote By Mail Ballots in Florida expired on December 31, 2022. So, to cast a vote by mail for the upcoming 2023-2024 elections, voters must submit a fresh request. Applications for mail ballots must be received no later than 5 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 26. More details on application process here.



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September 18, 2023








Let's Talk Vero


State of the City

21st Amendment Distillery

2055 13th Avenue

Thursday, September 28

 5:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. -- Cocktails

6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. -- Presentation  




Arrive at 5:00 p.m. for mingling and cocktails (cash bar). Here is the food and beverage menu.


At 5:45 p.m. we will move to the distillery's private production area prior to beginning the Q&A/ZOOM at 6:00 p.m.


Click here



(both in person and ZOOM)


Claire Higgins and Baerbel O'Haire look forward to seeing you again in person.


Don't forget to ask questions in advance if you have them -- Mayor John Cotugno and Commissioner Laura Moss will answer as many as possible.

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September 11, 2023

Next State of the City

Thursday, September 28

with Mayor John Cotugno and County Commissioner Laura Moss


21st Amendment Distillery

2055 13th Avenue

 5:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. -- Cocktails

6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. -- Presentation 


Thrilled to announce the next State of the City will be held at Jeff Palleschi's much anticipated, just opened 21st Amendment Distillery in downtown Vero Beach. Watch this quick video to meet Jeff and learn the history and story behind the opening of 21st AD.


Arrive at 5:00 p.m. for mingling and cocktails (cash bar). Here is the food and beverage menu. At 5:45 p.m. we will move to the distillery's private production area prior to beginning the Q&A/ZOOM at 6:00 p.m. Click here to RSVP (both in person and ZOOM).


Also, reminder -- tomorrow (Tuesday, September 12) is the regularly scheduled council meeting as well as the special call budget workshop. More details here. The regularly scheduled council meeting will have an update on the timelines and progress of important projects -- Three Corners, Water Reclamation Facility, City Marina Expansion, Twin Pairs/Lane Reduction Analysis, and Downtown Master Plan. Click here for more details. Attend in chambers at 5:30 p.m., or watch via Channel 13. We will send a recap.


For those of you who wish to view the retail analysis prepared by Bob Gibbs prior to his presentation this Thursday the 14th at 9:30 a.m., it's here for your ease of reference. It's an exhaustive report delving into Vero Beach demographics and retail potential in Vero Beach for Three Corners, Oceanside and Downtown district.


Last but not least, Let's Talk Vero will hold a Meet the Candidates for City Council ZOOM Call on Wednesday, October 11 at 6:00 p.m. More details to follow shortly.


REMINDER: If you vote by mail, all requests for Vote By Mail Ballots in Florida expired on December 31, 2022. So, to cast a vote by mail for the upcoming 2023-2024 elections, voters must submit a fresh request. Applications for mail ballots must be received no later than 5 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 29. More details on application process here.


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September 7, 2023

Calling All Vero Beach and County Residents


Big News and Important Dates


We are super excited to share the news that we met with new County Administrator John Titkanich (bio here) to solidify what Laura Moss promised at the last State of the City.


The forging of a visibly stronger and more meaningful ongoing collaboration between City and County, especially surrounding growth and development issues.


So many of you have been asking for this. Beginning at the next State of the City, Laura Moss, County Commissioner for our District 5, will begin providing brief County updates alongside Mayor Cotugno's City update. Also, John Titkanich will be convening the public and all three City managers (Vero Beach, Fellsmere and Sebastian) in the near future. More as that develops.



Don't Miss the Meetings in Red


Tuesday, September 12

5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

City Council Budget Hearing

Vero Beach City Hall, 1053 20th Place


Tuesday, September 12

5:30 p.m. - End

Regular Council Meeting

Vero Beach City Hall, 1053 20th Place


Thursday, September 14

9:30 a.m. - End

City Council Special Call Workshop -- Bob Gibbs will present his Draft Retail Report--do attend if you are passionate about downtown retail offerings. An additional item regarding insurance costs will be on the agenda.

Vero Beach City Hall, 1053 20th Place


Tuesday, September 26

9:30 a.m. - End

Regular Council Meeting

Vero Beach City Hall, 1053 20th Place


Thursday, September 28

5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. - In Person

In Person - Let's Talk Vero State of the City with Mayor Cotugno and County Commissioner Moss

IN PERSON -- Venue to be announced soon


Thursday, September 28

6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. -- Via ZOOM

Virtual - Let's Talk Vero State of the City with Mayor Cotugno and County Commissioner Moss

VIRTUAL VIA ZOOM -- Link to be provided soon


Thursday, October 5

5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

SR 60 (Twin Pairs) Lane Repurposing Workshop with Kimley-Horn

Community Center - 2266 14th Avenue


Thursday, November 16

5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

SR 60 (Twin Pairs) Lane Repurposing Workshop with Kimley-Horn

Community Center - 2266 14th Avenue


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September 4, 2023

Unpacking Ray McNulty's MY TAKE / MY VERO On Twin Pairs

 By Jonathan Buckley


Jonathan Buckley, a longtime resident of Vero Beach and graduate of Saint Edward's School, is currently pursuing a master's in communication management from the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School of Communication. He is a 2023 graduate of the University of Miami, where he served as an Op-ed contributor for The Miami Hurricane while pursuing a dual degree in political science and public relations.


I attended the Indian River County Taxpayers Association Candidate Forum on Friday and was struck by the abundance of concern surrounding misinformation and rumors. One candidate even quipped something along the lines of "nothing moves faster than the speed of the internet like a good rumor in Vero Beach" and "that's the stuff that sells newspapers around here."


It got me thinking about why that is, the state of local news in general, and how reporting on important growth and development issues here in Vero Beach is served up mostly by two opinion writers who stubbornly refuse to question their personal beliefs. Their stories go unchallenged, leading to opinion being perceived as fact.


Let's Talk Vero makes it a practice to never "editorialize" local news articles.


This is a first, and we certainly don't want to make it a practice, but the MY TAKE/MY VERO piece is so one-sided, it would be a disservice to the community -- and to the important, complex issues at hand -- to let it sit as fact.


We are at a critical juncture -- the issue of Twin Pairs, rearing its ugly head now for the past two decades at least -- must once and for all be decided. FDOT is counting on the community to come together to create a shared vision. Indeed, hundreds of thousands of dollars have been invested to get this right once and for all. Whether it's re-striping, narrowing lanes, eliminating lanes or some other plan -- FDOT is counting on both County and City residents to weigh in on the best way to actualize a safe and thriving downtown Vero Beach.


Back to local news -- the nationwide demise of the local newspaper is tragic and has dangerous implications, especially for a place like Vero Beach and its surrounding counties, all experiencing explosive growth and development that threatens our quality of life.


I recall Carl Hiaasen's final column in the Miami Herald where he wrote:


"Retail corruption is now a breeze, since newspapers and other media can no longer afford enough reporters to cover all the key government meetings. You wake up one day, and they’re bulldozing 20 acres of pines at the end of your block to put up a Costco. {or in our case, another self-storage center or car wash or mattress store}. Your kids ask what’s going on, and you can’t tell them because you don’t have a clue. That’s what happens when hometown journalism fades — neighborhood stories don’t get reported until it’s too late, after the deal’s gone down. Most local papers are gasping for life, and if they die it will be their readers who lose the most."


Equally concerning is what we have here in Vero Beach -- a kind of unrestrained trafficking in opinion masquerading as fact. It would be great if TC Palm and 32963 would offer counter-opinions -- that kind of honest and informed debate would be of enormous benefit for our community -- it might even drive more ad dollars and subscriptions.


There is a difference between disagreeing with a proposed plan and sowing fear, uncertainty and doubt. Thursday's MY VERO front page story in 32963 recklessly suggests we should all just shut up and not give another thought to Twin Pairs. In the piece he reports, erroneously, that all three candidates have indicated they would vote against it if elected, declaring some kind of premature "victory."


The idea that these candidates would publicly declare they will vote against it on December 12 (well before hearing from voters at the long-awaited community input sessions have even begun!) aroused suspicion. LTV reached out to all three candidates asking if the statement below, as reported by Ray, is an accurate representation of their position on Twin Pairs.


McNulty wrote:

"The three candidates on the fall ballot -- Mayor John Cotugno, former councilwoman Honey Minuse and two-time also-ran Taylor Dingle -- have all indicated they will vote against it (elimination of lanes on Twin Pairs).


In fact:

Neither Honey Minuse nor Taylor Dingle, when pressed, could confirm or deny whether this was what they relayed to Ray McNulty but did, when offered the opportunity, wish to clarify their positions (pasted below). Mayor Cotugno said his answer was taken out of context, but we all know where Mayor Cotugno stands -- he's working diligently with Council to move Twin Pairs along as part a comprehensive downtown master plan with various pieces to the puzzle. He wants once and for all to collect and measure input supported by data, not rely on hearsay.


Here is what the candidates (thankfully) actually wish to convey to the public:


Honey Minuse: "It is premature to have a position on the Twin Pairs at this time. There are many questions needing answers first. Among these questions are 1) what are the results of the latest Kimley-Horn traffic study, 2) what is the plan for revitalizing downtown, and 3) would changing the Twin Pairs approved project at this time require additional funding from FDOT or the City?


Taylor Dingle: "We have many variables still unanswered regarding the Twin Pairs. Also, the public will have the opportunity to voice their opinion on numerous occasions in October-December. I am not entirely in favor of removing our infrastructure, but it would be inappropriate to take a position at this time until we have collected all the data. Especially if the state, FDOT, would move forward with this proposal."




Vocal Minority: Ray refers to a vocal minority of supporters for narrowing of Twin Pairs. In fact, our survey data indicates the community is closer to 50/50 on the matter. That's well before the upcoming education and input sessions. You can analyze the survey results here. Reading the write-in comments is illuminating. And also note, most of the concerns the detractors bring forth have already been successfully refuted. Still, there are many questions to be answered -- cost, etc. Watch the video here where street design expert Victor Dover puts to bed any concerns about speed, traffic, safety, evacuation, etc.


While not "scientific," this survey serves as a good basis for a conversation starter in advance of the first public education session set for October 5.


Let's hope Kimley-Horn, Council and/or City Staff has a more comprehensive, scientific survey in the works.


If you have not already, please take the survey here and then share this email with friends, family and colleagues urging them to do the same.



OTHER ERRORS -- Full story here for your ease of reference:


Wrong-headed but resurrected proposal: It is worth noting this issue has been ongoing for at least two decades. A key priority in the Vision Plan, adopted in 2005, was to address the “bisected” downtown. It is accepted practice in democratic societies that a community-inspired city vision is preferable to a top-down government introduced plan. Who threw the Vero Beach Vision Plan in the trash? And why was it never implemented? Its lack of implementation (or revision with community input) is why we find ourselves in this 11th hour position. Perhaps it should be resurrected, revised by the next sitting council. Here it is for your ease of reference. If a community is thriving, it's pretty likely there is a vision plan laying the groundwork and serving as guiding principles. We all love a beautiful downtown and Vero Beach deserves one.


Timing of Study: Mayor Cotugno has addressed this and most of the other concerns mentioned in the piece at his monthly State of the City (you can watch replays here). Fortunately, the FDOT education and input sessions will put many of these questions/concerns to rest once and for all.


And more: But you get the idea by now. Please stay engaged on these important matters -- we will be sharing important dates and meeting times in a separate email.


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August 15, 2023



Mayor John Cotugno

in person at the offices of Engel & Völkers

821A Beachland Blvd, Vero Beach, FL 32963


Monday, August 21

5:00 p.m. -- Wine and Cheese (in person)


5:30 p.m. -- ZOOM Call and Presentation Begins

Questions from ZOOM callers will take priority 


Mayor Cotugno will give a brief update and answer questions regarding the following ongoing initiatives:


  1. Peter Polk has been hired as the project manager to advance Three Corners.

  2. The RFP soliciting developers for Three Corners has been issued; Colliers has been hired to market the RFP to the most qualified responders.

  3. City of Vero Beach has prevailed in the Vero Beach Preservation Alliance lawsuit.

  4. Budget workshops update.

  5. Draft retail marketing report from Bob Gibbs will be presented at City Council Workshop on Thursday, September 14 at 9:30 a.m.

  6. Downtown revitalization update.


If you wish to join us in person, please RSVP using this link.


If you wish to join virtually via ZOOM, please RSVP using the button below.


We will give priority to questions from ZOOM attendees.


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August 6, 2023

A couple key updates below..... But first, a shout-out to all the businesses getting into action to create a downtown that inspires more walking, gathering and socializing. It's heartwarming to watch all this progress!


We'll be organizing more tours soon -- around the time of the Kimley-Horn/Twin Pairs public input sessions.








Meantime, we asked Audrey Mosel, creator of that fresh and sleek VERO logo we all love (and proprietor of downtown Vero Seahorse Lane Boutique) if she would make her Vero Initiative product line available to the Let's Talk Vero community at 15% discount. And she said yes! For three days beginning tomorrow (Monday).


Go in person at 1981 14th Avenue or shop online by clicking here

Monday August 7 through Wednesday August 9

A portion of sales will benefit the Laura Riding Jackson Foundation

Use promo code LETSTALKVERO

One lucky shopper will be chosen to win $150 to use at Southern Social


There's something for everyone -- with great hostess, birthday and holiday gifts -- ranging from $10 to $75, now's the time to stock up, while supplies last. Choose from tote bags, T-Shirts, wine tumblers, car decals, men's and women's attire, baby accessories and more! Audrey created this logo back in 2016 as a symbol of love and respect for her hometown. Let's all celebrate downtown Vero!




  • Tuesday, August 8 at 9:30 a.m. is the next council meeting. Attend in person or watch on Channel 13. Click here for the full agenda. Of note on the agenda:


    •  Council will vote on hiring Collier as the official marketing partner for Three Corners -- see full RFP response here.


    • City has been awarded $150,000 from Florida Resilient Coastlines Program (FRCP) to assess the vulnerability of critical assets against sea level rise. The assessment will be conducted by Kimley-Horn and presented to the public for input. Date TBD -- around summer 2024.


  • Monday, August 21 at 5:30 p.m. is the next State of the City with Mayor John Cotugno. More details soon. 



About Let's Talk Vero (LTV)

LTV is committed to shaping an involved community to promote citizen-powered change; a community where informed Vero Beach residents drive growth and development and one where elected officials take their cues from educated and engaged citizens.


Through surveys, online Forum, "State of the City" ZOOM calls, guest experts, ongoing updates, and more, LTV leverages technology to reach a greater segment of the city (and where appropriate, county) residents. LTV is a private entity and is not in any way aligned with the City of Vero Beach or its official business.


LTV is powered by Claire Higgins (Engel & Volkers) and Baerbel O'Haire (Merrill Lynch).


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July 24, 2023

Thanks to all who came out to Baerbel O'Haire's home for State of the City with Mayor Cotugno and Victor Dover, author of Street Design, The Secret to Great Cities and Towns. And to those who joined virtually as well -- we had over 200 guests. Here is the link to the replay.


I highly suggest clicking here to watch excerpts of the walking tour the prior evening with Victor Dover and community leaders, including Robbie Brackett, Larry Reisman, Sydney O'Haire, Joe Cataldo and Bob Stanley.


Whether you are for, against, or undecided about lane reduction, we encourage everyone -- both County and City residents -- to get informed and engaged early. A resolution of support from the community will be required by FDOT. As such, there will be several public input meetings soon (dates tbd). In the meantime, we have created a public Forum page so people can begin to pose questions, share their concerns and ideas. The page can be found here.


By way of background, Twin Pairs (State Road 60) back in the early 80s was split into two, one-way roads between 20th Avenue and Indian River Boulevard, with a total of seven lanes near downtown. City Council has engaged Kimley-Horn to study implications of lane reduction -- an idea that has been debated for nearly 30 years, with pressure mounting to make a final decision prior to FDOT beginning road re-paving next year. Proponents say a lane reduction at Twin Pairs would make the road safer and activate downtown. Opponents say the change is unnecessary, and that slowing traffic could negatively impact nearby neighborhoods.


Share your thoughts in the Forum


About Let's Talk Vero (LTV)

LTV is committed to shaping an involved community to promote citizen-powered change; a community where informed Vero Beach residents drive development and one where elected officials take their cues from educated and engaged citizens.


Through surveys, ZOOM calls, ongoing updates, guest experts and more, LTV leverages technology to reach a greater segment of the population. LTV is a private entity and is not in any way aligned with the City of Vero Beach or its official business. LTV is powered by Claire Higgins (Engel & Volkers) and Baerbel O'Haire (Merrill Lynch).


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July 14, 2023

Next week is a busy one --


  1. Budget Hearings take place on Monday and Tuesday (17th and 18th) at 9:00 a.m. Staff and City Council members welcome all citizens to join in person, in chambers at 1053 20th Place. Here is the agenda. Here for your ease of reference is the fiscal '2324 proposed budget -- it's 334 pages!


  2. State of the City ZOOM call with Mayor Cotugno and special guest Victor Dover. Wednesday, July 19 at 5:30 p.m. Here is the sign-up link. Focus on Twin Pairs history, challenges, and opportunities with nationally acclaimed street design expert, Victor Dover. More about Victor here. Past news stories about Twin Pairs here.


  3. Notable Call-outs from July 11 Council meeting: The Three Corners project manager has been hired. Mayor Cotugno will tell us more about that on the State of the City ZOOM call on Wednesday. Super important -- Leslie Swan announced mail-in ballots must be requested on a more frequent basis now since the passing of Senate Bill 90 in 2021. Click here and scroll to the 1:15.34 minute marker to hear the PSA in full. Leslie urges voters to request their ballots at or call (772) 226-4700.

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June 30, 2023

As the City begins setting dates for public information workshops in the coming months, Let's Talk Vero wants to make sure you have everything you need to take an informed position on Twin Pairs.


To that end, we are pleased to announce Victor Dover, the nation's leading authority on streets and author of STREET DESIGN: The Secret to Great Cities and Towns, has agreed to join Mayor Cotugno for the next "State of the City" ZOOM Call to take place Wednesday, July 19 at 5:30 p.m.


Victor will share his observations and help us better understand the challenges, opportunities and complexities as Council moves this issue forward. We encourage you to get to know a bit more about Victor and what motivates him by clicking here.


You've all by now seen the news (Janet Begley) and opinion (Ray McNulty and Larry Reisman) coverage concerning forward movement of the Twin Pairs study. We've gathered all the articles here for your ease of reference. This issue has been hotly debated for nearly two decades, and the time is upon us for you to begin weighing in. We will have a one-pager on the history and timeline soon. And as soon as we have concrete dates for the public input sessions with FDOT, we will let you know.


Local opinion writers are fervently against lane reduction, yet the city's most passionate and dedicated community leaders are working diligently to advance it once and for all. FDOT wants to hear from the community before proceeding -- so be sure to stay engaged and we'll keep you updated on important dates and milestones.


Look for the ZOOM Call details after the 4th of July holiday weekend. The event will be virtual and in person with elected officials, community leaders and business owners at the home of Baerbel O'Haire; space is limited but we'd like to accommodate as many as possible who wish to join us in person. Click here if you'd like to join in person -- we will do our best to accommodate everyone.


Best regards,








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June 22, 2023

Council Votes to Continue Twin Pairs Study

Your voice will be crucial in coming weeks and months at public workshops


Some big news to report!


But first, thanks again to Claire and Bob Higgins of Engel & Völkers for making "State of the City" a huge success. You can read all about it in Ray McNulty's 32963 piece, which will be published today.


Claire and I are already planning the next "State of the City" with Mayor Cotugno for mid-July, with a special guest and potentially a larger venue for all of you who expressed interest in attending in person.


On to the news:


At Tuesday's City Council meeting, the council voted 3-1 to continue the Kimley-Horn study on feasibility and impacts of narrowing the Twin Pairs. You can see Kimley-Horn's Brian Good presenting at the 45:55 minute mark here.


Narrowing and/or repurposing the East and West-bound lanes of Route 60 has been hotly debated since at least 2005, when the vision plan recommended addressing the "Twin Pair" arterials that bisect Downtown as a key strategy to enhance the pedestrian nature of the district. Here is that vision plan for your ease of reference. Kimley-Horn will be holding a minimum of two public workshops in the coming weeks/months and we plan to complement those in-person meetings with online engagement opportunities for those who are not able to attend in person. As soon as we have more information on dates, we will let you know to mark your calendar.


In the meantime, Tuesday's meeting recording has been uploaded to the City of Vero Beach website. You can view that here. See the public comments at the 1:22:48 mark and council deliberations and vote at the 1:34:03 mark.


Be on the lookout for upcoming "save the date" notices.


Best regards,



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June 16, 2023

"State of the City"

Replay and Survey Results


Good afternoon all,


To those who came to "State of the City" last night, thank you! Technical bloopers and all, it was exciting to see so many faces both virtually and in person. Many interesting questions were asked and Mayor Cotugno was pleased to have this opportunity to connect with all of you.


As promised, we are publishing the results of the survey, which are updated in real time. Those can be found here.


If you would like to watch a replay, you may do so here.


Stay tuned for details about July's SoC. We will be scouting a larger venue to accommodate more of you who wish to come in person.


Best regards,



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June 15, 2023

Trader Joe's survey results will be shared this evening at 5:30 p.m.


"State of the City"

via ZOOM with Mayor John Cotugno

Let's Talk Vero is not affiliated with the City and this evening's discussion is not considered an official meeting


Good morning all,


First, thank you to everyone who took the survey -- we have well over 1,500 responses, and they continue to tick up. This is a record for us, so congratulations!


If you haven't already, please take the survey here.


We know everyone in Vero Beach is concerned about where they live, their neighborhoods, real estate values, parks, schools, roads, etc. but don't necessarily have the time to attend council meetings in person.


That's why we strive to leverage surveys and technology to complement council meetings and news coverage in an effort to keep community members informed, updated, connected and engaged in shaping the future vision of Vero Beach.


Speaking of news coverage, here is a link to today's 32963 coverage by Ray McNulty. Overall, it's a great piece and gives readers a deeper understanding of the "why" behind the retail study currently being conducted. I'm only sorry he mistook early and important community input and feedback for "chatter" and "wishful thinking," but it was an important and informative article nonetheless. If you join this evening, Mayor Cotugno and Planning Director Jason Jeffries will be on hand to address some of the points he made and the role the retail study has in whether or not a Trader Joe's is in the future for Vero Beach.


The call will be quick -- 15 minutes -- with opening remarks by Engel & Volkers' Claire Higgins, who will turn it over to Jonathan Buckley (my son and recent UM grad -- Go Canes!) who will quickly run through survey results. Following that, Mayor Cotugno will take about 10 minutes before opening the floor to attendees for Q&A. We have over 100 registered participants attending, and we hope you too can join us for what will surely be a lively discussion and Q&A. You can register here.  If you are unable to attend, and want a replay, simply reply to this email with the word "replay." We will post it on the Let's Talk Vero site as well.


If you have a moment before this evening's presentation, watch this primer with Mayor Cotugno about the City's public/private partnership with The Source and Piper Aircraft on WPTV here.


Last but not least, here is the agenda for the next City Council meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 20 at 9:30 a.m. at City Hall.


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June 13, 2023

Reminder: "State of the City" with Mayor John Cotugno

Survey results to be announced

Thursday, June 15

5:30 p.m.

in person and via ZOOM


Quick note to let you know we will be sharing survey results this Thursday the 15th to kick off our new event, "State of the City," with Mayor John Cotugno, which will be held monthly.


You may join in person or virtually via ZOOM.


If you wish to join in person at the Engel & Völkers offices on Beachland Boulevard, click here to RSVP. Wine and cheese will be served.  We have a maximum capacity, so RSVP is mandatory. If you wish to join in person, be sure to RSVP to the in-person event, not the ZOOM event. Once capacity has been met, we will stop accepting responses.

If you wish to join via ZOOM, please register here.


We will post the results on on Friday.


If you haven't already, please take the survey.


"State of the City"




Mayor John Cotugno


Thursday, June 15

5:30 - 6:30 p.m.


via ZOOM




in person


821A Beachland Boulevard

(refreshments will be served)


 Let's Talk Vero is powered by 

June 5, 2023

Who wants Trader Joe's to come to Vero Beach?

Please take this quick survey here so we can share with Bob Gibbs, one of the nation's leading retail experts who has been retained by the city to propose a strategy for Vero Beach.


Pass this on to friends, neighbors and colleagues -- we want to get as much input as possible to Bob prior to his presentation to the public in August.


Take the survey, then join Mayor John Cotugno in conversation with Engel & Volkers' Claire Higgins for "State of the City" via ZOOM on Thursday, June 15 from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.


Mayor Cotugno will share the survey results, give a quick ten-minute update and open up for Q&A.


"State of the City"


Mayor John Cotugno


Thursday, June 15

5:30 - 6:30 p.m.


via ZOOM


in person


821A Beachland Boulevard

(refreshments will be served)

RSVP here

May 31, 2023

Join us for the Treasure Coast's premier wine event -- one night only!

Engel & Völkers Grand Wine Tasting


Hosted by Bob and Claire Higgins




Rob Wayne, Proprietor of Varietals and More

Jerusha Stewart, Founder of Vero Beach Wine & Film Festival

Bob Stanley, Wine Director at Vero Beach Film Festival




Friday, June 9, 2023, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

The Historic Vero Beach Heritage Center

2140 14th Avenue

Purchase ticket here

Swirl, Sip & Savor wines from around the world at the annual Vero Beach Film Festival.

Engel & Völkers Grand Wine Tasting, the wine event of the summer season!


Visiting vintners will present medal winners, unique vintages, and cellar reserves. 

Introducing the bespoke home portfolio of Engel & Völkers accompanied by distinctively labeled wine bottles to dress up your next dinner. 


Win the chance to take home elegance in reds and whites with the Engel & Völkers Select Gift Box. 


Bob Stanley, Vero Beach Film Festival Wine Director, wine educator, and former TV Host of Seller to Cellar, will test your knowledge of wine trivia and tease your palette at the “Blind Tasting Table”.  


Rob Wayne, Proprietor of Varietals and More, will assist you with your wine selections and provide exclusive vintner discounts.  Wine jury award winners and tasting notes will tempt you to stock your cellar. 


An evening devoted to the spirit of vino veritas awaits you!


Let's Talk Vero is powered by

May 22, 2023

Exciting outcomes to report from last week's special workshop meeting.


First, a shout out to City Manager Monte Falls and Planning Director Jason Jeffries, along with Mayor John Cotugno, Vice Mayor Linda Moore, and Council Members John Carroll, Rey Neville, and Tracey Zudans. Their diligence and commitment are unparalleled.


Together, they are moving mountains to advance a visionary master plan to revitalize downtown, beginning with the restoration and reactivation of Pocahontas Park.


Expect to see more lighting, additional patrols, the benches returned, enhanced views of the grounds surrounding the Heritage Center, and other improvements -- maybe even a band shell in the future!  The park has for some time been plagued by safety and public health concerns. I'm delighted to report we learned there are new public/private partnerships forming to enact real change. Let's hope we see more.


First, to great applause, John Calcagno, President and CEO of Piper Aircraft announced that Piper is committed financially to being a lead sponsor in the revitalization of Pocahontas Park. Thank you, Piper Aircraft!


Second, Anthony Zorbaugh, Executive Director of The Source announced that beginning June 1 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 am - 1 pm, you will see members of The Source community sweeping, power washing and generally leading clean-up efforts to beautify downtown and the park -- all part of a program called "Community Works" aimed at teaching Source community members the skills they need to become employable and to lead them out of homelessness. Take a moment to thank them. As Anthony pointed out, "housing will never solve homelessness, but community will."


Last but not least, what better way to celebrate the beginning of downtown's revitalization than to join Engel & Völkers hosts Claire and Bob Higgins on Friday, June 9 from 6 - 8:00 p.m. for the Engel & Völkers Grand Wine Tasting to support the Vero Beach Film Festival.


Let's Talk Vero members receive 25% off the ticket price using the code EVVBFF25 (all caps) -- register here.


Vero Beach Film Festival Grand Wine Tasting

presented by

Engel & Völkers


Friday, June 9, 2023, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

The Historic Vero Beach Heritage Center


Swirl, Sip & Savor wines from around the world at the annual Vero Beach Film Festival Grand Wine Tasting, the wine event of the summer season!


Visiting vintners will present medal winners, unique vintages, and cellar reserves.  Introducing the bespoke home portfolio of Engel & Völkers accompanied by distinctively labeled wine bottles to dress up your next dinner.  Win the chance to take home elegance in reds and whites with the Engel & Völkers Select Gift Box.  Bob Stanley, Vero Beach Film Festival Wine Director, wine educator, and former TV Host of Seller to Cellar will test your knowledge of wine trivia at the “Blind Tasting Table."  Wine jury selections and tasting notes provided to assist you in stocking your cellar.  Wines available for purchase at exclusive discounts from Varietals & More.  An evening devoted to the spirit of vino veritas awaits you!



Hope to see you all there! 


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May 1, 2023

Hello everyone -- great news:


  • As you may have seen in TC Palm/Thomas Weber's recent story (here), a six-month moratorium has been placed on permits for self-storage units, pending permanent legislation. Hooray!

  • The city has retained world class designers and place makers -- Dover Kohl & Partners, DPZ CoDESIGN, and Bob Gibbs (among others) to be at the ready for future planning and development initiatives for Vero Beach. This is cause for celebration! And further evidence our city Staff and Council are listening, working diligently and committed to creating a safe, resilient and more livable, lovable Vero Beach for all. Lots to be happy about here!

  • Matt Haynes of Main Street Vero Beach recently presented a comprehensive overview of what business owners are seeing in downtown -- the findings are illuminating, if not a bit shocking. Matt is committed to working with Staff and Council to find solutions to clean up and beautify downtown to ensure it feels vibrant and safe for everyone to enjoy. Have a listen to representatives of Southern Social, Vintage Vero, Blue Dog, Edgewood Eatery, the Brackett family, Buggy Bunch and more. Great to see this group coming together, joining forces and sharing actionable insights. You can watch those clips here.

  • Wanted to share with you Council members' vision for the future of downtown -- their presentations were amazing! Check out the timestamps below for each of the council members:

    • Scroll forward in this link to:

      • 44:10 - Ray Neville

      • 57.40 - John Carroll

      • 1:15:57 - Linda Moore

      • 1:22:02 - John Cotugno

      • 1:27:02 - Public Comment


  • Last, but not least, there's a Council meeting tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. -- join if you can in person or from home/office via Channel 13. Of special note is Item K on the consent agenda. You can see it here. And the full agenda here.


Will stay in touch on future important dates and developments, this for now.





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April 14, 2023

Hello everyone,


Thanks to all of you for coming out for our ZOOM call Wednesday -- we had over 100 attendees and lots of smart comments and tough questions from the audience. Thank you, Jason Jeffries! The replay can be found at the end of this email.


The agenda for the regularly scheduled council meeting on Tuesday the 18th is here. Click on this link -- Three Corners matters -- to see discussion topics concerningThree Corners.


Also, if your schedule allows, do try and attend the special call workshop coming up on April 19 at 1:30 p.m. at City Hall -- lots of you have been eager to see if we can get a Trader Joe's and they will be talking about getting a retail market study done as part of a new downtown master plan, among other things. The full agenda is here.


As promised, you may find the replay of the conversation with Jason Jeffries covering current and future development and planning projects here.


All for now -- I'll send a summary of the two meetings above on the 21st or 22nd.

Let's Talk Vero is made possible with support from

Engel & Völkers Vero Beach

Globally Connected, Locally Committed

April 3, 2023

Quick update:


Lots of social media activity over the weekend expressing outrage about the storage unit going up on Route 60.


A ZOOM call detailing the facts surrounding just "how" that happened -- and what's in the works to make sure it doesn't occur again -- will take place on April 12 via ZOOM from 6 - 8 p.m.


There are lots of planning projects under way in Vero Beach. If you're concerned, or just curious about plans for future development of Vero Beach, you won't want to miss this call. Be sure to register here. Or click the red RSVP button below.


Share this email with friends, family and neighbors who care about preserving the charm of Vero Beach, enhancing livability and improving quality of life for all residents -- now and for decades to come. An engaged community is a thriving community.




6:00 - 8:00 p.m.




Jason Jeffries, City of Vero Beach Planning Director


Ask questions and hear all about current planning and development projects under way shaping the future of Vero Beach


  • Three Corners

  • Downtown Revitalization/Master Plan

  • Twin Pairs

  • Neighborhood Protection and Preservation

  • Commercial Zoning District Revisions


All Vero Beach City and County Residents Welcome


This Let's Talk Conversation is made possible with support from


Engel & Völkers Vero Beach

Globally Connected, Locally Committed

March 26, 2023

SAVE THE DATE – April 12

6:00 - 8:00 p.m.




Jason Jeffries, City of Vero Beach Planning Director


Ask questions and hear all about planning and development projects in the works shaping the future of Vero Beach


  • Three Corners

  • Downtown Revitalization/Master Plan

  • Twin Pairs

  • Neighborhood Protection and Preservation

  • Commercial Zoning District Revisions


All Vero Beach City and County Residents Welcome


This Let's Talk Conversation is made possible with support from


Engel & Völkers Vero Beach

Globally Connected, Locally Committed

March 8, 2023

Many exciting things in the works -- from Three Corners, Twin Pairs, Downtown Revitalization and other plans -- to New York's Lincoln Center coming to Vero Beach.



As you know, the hiring of a project manager is key to realizing Three Corners. Interviews with qualified candidates are under way with final decision set for on or about June 1. Anticipated timeline below:


March, 2023: Write RFP and engage planning consultants to revise the comprehensive plan and development regulations for the site


April - Sept, 2023: Traffic and environmental analysis


May, 2023: Issue RFP for Master Developer


June, 2023: Three Corners Project manager on board


Fall, 2023: Selection of Master Developer


October, 2023: Planning staff review

November, 2023: Planning and zoning board public hearing


December, 2023: State review


February, 2024: City Council Approval


Summer, 2028: Grand Opening



Yesterday Council approved moving ahead with the Kimley-Horn study of the Twin Pairs to see if it supports lane reduction. My understanding is it's the FDOT schedule that is driving this and since the study has to be done anyway as part of a multi-faceted downtown master plan in the works, it was approved. The Twin Pairs has been an ongoing issue for years. It was recommended the city address the Twin Pair arterials that bisect downtown as a key strategy to enhance the pedestrian nature of the district as far back as 2005 in the Vision Plan adopted that same year. You can see that vision plan here.


Since then, it's been hotly debated with much of the dialogue being led by opinion writers Larry Reisman (TC Palm) and Ray McNulty (32963). Whether you are for or against lane reduction, it is imperative you become informed and engage at the public meetings to be scheduled by Kimley-Horn. FDOT has made it clear they want to be ensured the community has buy-in. I do not have the Kimley-Horn meeting dates yet, but as soon as I do, will share.


Also, with support from Engel & Völkers, we will work to bring you via ZOOM and where possible, in person, the nation's leading experts on street design, Victor Dover, author of Street Design: The Secret to Great Cities and Towns and Jeff Speck, author of Walkable City: How Downtown Can Save America, One Step at a Time come to mind. And of course, Andres Duany. They can help to answer your questions and address your concerns about the pros, cons and especially the complexities of such an undertaking, how it intersects with the other planning projects under way, and its implications in terms of walkability, traffic, safety, home values, thriving downtown, etc.



Many of you have been concerned about the sprouting up of car washes, storage facilities, etc. The storage facility was not "approved" by the city; that use is legal within our current zoning codes, so the codes must be revised if the city is to have more control. Council members are working diligently to prevent those sorts of things from happening in the future and are engaging in a number of other planning projects as well. Each of the following may turn into major planning studies or reports, all of which will benefit from your involvement:


  • Revisions to Commercial Zoning Districts

  • Beachside Overlay District

  • Downtown Master Plan

  • Old Dixie Land Use Study

  • Neighborhood Protection and Preservation


We are working with the city to propose a ZOOM town hall type of session where either a council member or city staff member will explain the rationale behind the above-referenced initiatives and answer questions like:


  • What is an overlay and why do we need it?

  • What is a master plan and how will it make downtown more vibrant?

  • What will the land use study tell us?

  • How do all these initiatives protect the charm and character of Vero Beach?

  • How are these projects inter-related and what is the ultimate vision for Vero Beach?


We hope to have this call sometime in May to coincide with public input meetings held by Kimley-Horn. If are interested in attending a ZOOM call like this, please reply YES to this email so I can let Council know we do have a lot of interest. Also, if you wish to unsubscribe to these emails, hit the unsubscribe button below or reply here with the word "Unsubscribe."



Early on in the design process of Three Corners, the community championed the idea of a state-of-the-art visual and performing arts center. Local resident and architect Scott Johnson and then steering committee member John Cotugno have been working diligently with Lincoln Center to add musicians of this caliber to our city's esteemed cultural offerings.


Don't miss "Brahms & Arensky" March 20 at 7 pm at The Community Church -- click here for a spectacular preview. Tickets can be purchased here.


Shout-out to Kate Shanaphy and Gifford Youth Orchestra for organizing and special thanks to Engel & Völkers' Claire and Bob Higgins for their generosity in making it possible for the entire Gifford Youth Orchestra student body to attend -- including tickets, transportation and the opportunity to meet the artists in person. Read the 32963 feature story about Engel & Völkers here.




This Let's Talk Vero update is made possible with support from Engel & Völkers


Let's Talk Vero is not affiliated with the City of Vero Beach

Let's Talk Vero is powered by:

Baerbel O'Haire

in partnership with:



Kimmy Coveny | Joey and Kimmy's Seafood Market and Restaurant


Christine Hughes | Dale Sorensen Real Estate


Morgen Reynolds | Beyond the Trend Marketing


Ed Shanaphy | Boulevard Tennis and Padel Club

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Let's Talk Vero is not officially aligned with the City of Vero Beach.  

We do, however, share survey results and community input gathered with Vero Beach City staff and Council members.

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